Afraid Of Letting Go

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Ursa was walking to her girlfriend's place, Lil was hanging out with her parents trying to learn to fly. Uras arrived there, Lil was still trying to fly with her parents Stardust smiles. "you got this babe" Ursa smiles, Lil jumps and loses concentration and falls hard on the ground. Out of instinct Ursa runs and catches her, Lil groans. "sorry did I startle you" Ursa sets her down, "yeah you did" Lil stands up. "sorry, please forgive me" Ursa smiles, "Its cool" Lil smiles and stretching. "how's the little ones" Ursa rubs her belly, "They are very active" Lil purrs leaning against her. "really" Ursa holds her and continues rubbing her belly, "Yes I can't get a peaceful sleep because how active they are" Lil keeps purring. 

"I'll stay with you, they must miss daddy" Ursa kisses her belly, "But are your parents okay with that" Lil giggles looking at her. "I can ask and mom, dad and uncle Jack and aunt Crow are getting married" Ursa was happy, "Really" Lil eyes lit up. Stardust smiles watching before hissing quietly, "king Jack finally gotta queen" Ursa giggles. Archfiend goes to his mate "babe are you ok", "Yep" lil giggles. Stardust shook his head before whimpering "no", Ursa looks at Stardust. "its time" Archfiend eyes widen, Lil looks "time for what daddy". Stardust nods hissing and closing his eyes, "mommy's bout to have a baby" Archfiend looked at them. Ursa's eyes widen, "Wait what, mommy was pregnant" Lil eyes widened. 

Stardust nods before roaring loudly, "yep" Archfiend laid stardust down and got him ready. "ok push"Ursa went to get towels, Stardust pushed hissing. Lil just watches, Archfiend watches for the baby. Ursa comes back and lays the towels next to them, Stardust pants before pushing again getting the baby head to show. Lil was scared a little, "the heads crowning" Archfiend rubbed Stardust's legs. Stardust pants and nods before pushing and roaring , Archfiend grabs a towel for the baby. Stardust pushes more, "the baby's almost out" Archfiend guides the baby out. Stardust pushes harder , Archfiend grabs the baby. "want me to clean the baby" Ursa asked, Archfiends nods "be careful". 

Ursa nods walking to clean the baby, Stardust pants before hissing and roars loudly. Archfiend waits for the next baby, Stardust pushes hard. Archfiend watches, Stardust pushes more. Archfiend sees the head "the next ones crowning", Stardust keeps pushing. "keeps going babe this one will be out" Archfiend rubs his legs again, Stardust nods panting heavily before pushing again. Archfiend grabs another towel, Stardust pushes. Archfiend guides the baby out, Stardust pants. "is that all of them" Archfiend wraps the baby in the towel, there was a protective growl that sounded like a bear. Stardust shook his head before roaring loudly in pain, Archfiend waits for the next baby. 

Stardust pushes hard, "heads crowning" Archfiend smiles. Stardust pants before pushing again, "that's it keep going". Stardust pushing again roaring loudly, Archfiend grabbed the baby wrapping the baby in the towel. Stardust pants and closes his eyes, "you did great" Archfiend kissed his head. Stardust pants heavily and smiles, Ursa comes back but her hair was covering one part of her face. Archfiend cleans the two babies, Lil looks at her. Stardust opens his eyes and changes forms to feed the babies, Ursa smiles weakly and lays the baby next to him. Archfiend does the same, Stardust smiles and licks their heads. The babies latches onto his nipples and sucked, Lil smiles "aww they are so cute". 

Archfiend nuzzles his mate, Ursa nods as blood started running down her face but only from her cover eye. Stardust purrs, Lil looks "Ursa what happened". Archfiend purrs, "protecting the chick from hunters" Ursa moves her hair reveling a bad cut over her eye. Stardust smiles, "Oh". Ursa's eye was getting cloudy, "Ursa what happen to your eye" Archfiend looked at her. "I'm going to get uncle Yusei" Lil runs to the denStardust looks, Ursa covered her eye again. Lil runs faster "UNLCE BRUNO, YUSEI", Bruno shot up "what's happening". Lil runs and stops "its your daughter she hurt", "yusei we need to go to Ursa like now" Bruno nudge yusei. Yusei wakes up and looks at him "why?" "its Ursa she's hurt" Bruno told him, "she's probably at Stars and Archfiends nest" "Let's go", Bruno nods. 

Yusei gets up, Bruno got up. Yusei changed forms, Bruno did the same. Yusei runs to stardust and Archfiend nest, Bruno followed after grabbing Lil. Yusei runs "Ursa" "yeah" Ursa called her hair still covering her eye, Bruno still running after him. "What happen? Where are you hurt" Yusei stops in front of her, Ursa uncovers her eye. Yusei gasp and looks at it, Ursa pins her ears down and looks away. "Baby what happen" Yusei keeps looking at the eyes, "I was washing aunt Stardust baby and a hunter attacked me trying to take the baby I fought him off and got cut" Ursa had tears flowing from one eye. "Shhh don't cry, mommy here now" Yusei hugs her, Ursa hugs back "but I can't see anything from it". 

Yusei rubs her back "I'll heal it when we get home sweetie" "ok" Ursa sniffed, Yusei picks her up. Ursa starts to doze off "later babe", Lil waves. Yusei walks back to Bruno, Ursa lays her head on yusei's shoulder and sleeps. "what happen" Bruno pets her head, Yusei looks at him "she was attacking a hunter while stardust was giving birth". Bruno saw the cut and felt angry and sad, Yusei nods "lets get her home". Bruno walks with yusei to the den, Yusei keeps holding Ursa. Bruno kept following yusei, Ursa starts shaking in her sleep. Yusei rubs her back, Bruno starts sing come little children. Ursa calms down and sings along in her sleep, Yusei smiles. Bruno smiles and continues, Ursa continues. 

Yusei sits down on the bed holding her, Ursa purrsBruno lays next to them. Yusei smiles and starts to heal her eye, Ursa purrs. Yusei keeps healing her, Ursa purrs more opening her eyes. Yusei finishes healing her eye, Ursa's eye was getting use to the light. Yusei watches, "thanks mommy" "Your welcome sweetie". Ursa purrs "mom is ok with you and dad if I stayed with Lil the babies are keeping her awake", Yusei bites his lip and looks at Bruno. "there's a den right across from this one, we'll ask her parents" Ursa told them, "she'll still be our little bear" Bruno told yusei. "I dont think I'm ready to let her go" Yusei looks at him, "I'm not leaving fully" Ursa smiles. 

"But" "I'm going to be a father soon" Ursa looked at her mother,"I know" Yusei closes his eyes. "and we need a den big enough for us and the babies" Ursa told him, "But" "mom, she could move in with me" "Fine" "you'll let her move in""Yeah" "thank you mommy" Ursa hugged yusei. "Your welcome" Yusei hugs back, Ursa gets up and runs to Lil's house. "you made a father happy" Bruno kissed his fiancé, "Really" Yusei kissed him back. Lil was playing with her new siblings, "yep because she's going to aske star and archfiend" Bruno kissed him more. Ursa quietly goes in "babe, I have some news", "Well Stardust is going give a fight" Yusei blushes. Lil jumps and looks at her "oh". 

"maybe" Bruno nuzzles him, "sorry" Ursa smiles "mom is afraid of letting me go so we agreed on letting you move in if you want to". Yusei purrs, "Really". Bruno purrs back holding yusei close, Ursa nods. Yusei leans against him, Lil smiles. Bruno smiles, "should we tell your parents" Ursa smiles back. Yusei smiles back, "Let wait till my mom is recover" Lil told her. Bruno nuzzles Yusei, Ursa nods and rubs Lil's belly. Yusei purrs, Lil giggles and purrs. Bruno purrs more nuzzling yusei's neck, Ursa lifts Lil's shirt gently kissing her belly. Yusei purrs louder, Lil giggles. Bruno purrs just as loud nuzzling more, "daddy's here, I'll protect you and mommy" Ursa nuzzles her belly. 

Yusei purrs wagging his tail, The babies kick. Bruno's tail wags, Ursa nuzzles more. Crow wakes up hearing the pups whine, Yusei smiles. Lil purrs, Jack was still asleep. Bruno smiles rubbing his belly, Ursa purrs.

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