Force Of Marriage

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Jaden kept moaning starting to feel hard, Crow got up and curled in Jacks lap. Vizor smirks, Jack gently pets him. Jaden blushes and covers, Crow purrs loving to be petted. Vizor grinds against him, Jack smiles. Jaden moans, Crow purrs. Vizor grinds harder, Jack keeps petting him. Jaden moans louder, Crow rolled onto his back. Vizor smirks, Jack chuckles. Jaden blushes, Crow purrs. Vizor pulls away, Jack keeps petting him. Jaden whines, Crow purrs louder. Vizor smirks, Jack smiles. Jaden blushes deeply, Crow purrs snuggling him. Vizor chuckles, Jack holds him. Jaden whines at the tightness, Crow purrs dozing off. Vizor smirks, Jack hums. "babe please" Jaden whines, Crow listens falling asleep.

"How bad" Vizor smirks, Jack hums. "ram it into me till I can't walk for a month" Jaden whines more, "Sure cuz you won't be able to walk" Vizor rips their clothes off before pushing him into the closet. Jaden blushes, Vizor rams into him hard. Jaden puts his hand over his mouth so he doesn't scream, Vizor keeps ramming into him hard. Jaden continues trying not to scream, Vizor rams into his spot. Jaden screams arching his back, Vizor kissed him to keep him quiet. Jaden kissed back, Vizor keeps ramming into his spot. Jaden breaks the kiss screaming, Vizor rams harder. Crow groans slowly waking up, Bruno woke up Jaden continues screaming. Vizor keeps ramming into him, Jaden came the same time Bruno opens the closet door.

Vizor came inside him before turning his head to see his brother, Vizor sighs "what he's my mate" "he has Jesse" Bruno growls. "Jesse agrees with our three-way relationship" Jaden cries not knowing why, Vizor nods holds him close. "dude your 25 Jaden's only 17" Bruno growled, Jaden pins his ears. "So your older then Yusei" Vizor growls back, Haou's wakes up pissed "SHUT THE HELL UP". Bruno doesn't hear and growls "he's still a minor", Jaden cries more. Vizor growls rubbing his back "he made this choice on his own", Bruno growls and slams the closet door shut. Jaden whimpers, Vizor sighs and kissed his forehead. Jaden snuggles him, Vizor holds him .

Jaden purrs, Vizor nuzzles him. Jaden nuzzles back, Vizor purrs. "now what" Jaden purrs, "I go and talk to my brother" Vizor sighs. Jaden nods "be careful, I've seen how he fights rogues and hunters its not pretty", Vizor nods "I know". Jaden smiles "I love you", Vizor nuzzles him "I love you too". Jaden smiles and purrs nuzzling back, Vizor purrs before walking out of the room and walks to his brother. Bruno looked at Vizor, Vizor looks back at him "Bruno your son has agree to let me be with him and Jaden" "I'm sorry" Bruno looked down few tears rolled down his face "I just don't want to see anyone get hurt" ears pin down. Vizor hugs him "I know", Bruno cried on his brothers shoulder "I'm just scared I won't be able to protect them". 

Vizor rubs his back "Bruno, you do protect them" "I wasn't able to protect my mate" Bruno cried, "Bruno, you did everything you could" Vizor keeps rubbing his back. Bruno just cries, Vizor keeps rubbing his back. Bruno falls asleep on Vizors shoulder, Vizor picks him up. Bruno purrs snuggling him, Vizor walks back into the room. Bruno purrs, Vizor smiles. "Yusei" Bruno whines, Vizor looks and sets him next to Yusei. Bruno snuggles his mate purring, Vizor sighs. Jaden runs out of the room with his hand over his mouth and to the bathroom throwing up, Vizor looks. Jaden continues throwing up, Vizor follows him. Jaden stops and pants looking at the test, Vizor walks in. 

"I'm having another litter" Jaden was shocked holding the test close a little scared, "Really". Jaden jumped and backed into a corner, Vizor looks at him. Jaden looks away holding the test close, Vizor goes over to him and hugs him. Jaden holds the test tightly, Vizor looks at him. Jaden shows the test, Vizor looks at it. It was a positive test, Jaden looks down. Vizor hugs him and kissed his cheek, Jaden smiles and purrs "lets tell Jess". Vizor nods "okay", Jaden gets up and goes back to the room. Vizor follows himJesse was asleep next to his family, Jaden smirks and whispers in Jesse's ear "babe I'm pregnant". Jesse quickly woke up and looks at him "really", Jaden shows the test. 

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