Finding Out Jackson's Has A Mate

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Raven knocks on her parents door, Jack moans louder. Raven gets ticked "mom dad stop playing for 10 seconds", Crow coughed not knowing she was there "yes sweetie". Raven smirks "Jackson gotta boy toy", Jackson wakes up. Jack pants and narrowed his eyes, Jay was still asleep. Crow growls "what", Raven nods. Jackson purrs snuggling Jay, Jack growls "that's it". Jay smiles, Raven cocks her head "what's it". Crow removed the rope, ring and vibrator and got dressed, Jackson smiles then his stomach started turning "oh no" he ran throwing up in a bush. Jack gets up changes in his wolf form, Jay keeps sleeping. Crow changed into his cat form walking out of the den sniffing for his son, "Jay, Jay" Jackson starts whining still throwing up.

Jack runs out, Jay wakes up and runs to him. Crow picked up on Jackson's scent "I gotta scent", Jackson stops throwing up and falls back. Jack nods "lead the way", Jay holds him. Crow runs in the direction of the scent, Jackson pants "I think I'm pregnant". Jack follows him, Jay looks at him "really". Crow smells his scent getting close, Jackson nods then smells his parents and starts panicking. Jack keeps following, Jay ears went up. Jackson grabs Jay's hand and runs to the flower field going into his wolf form, Crow stopped at the edge of the flower field "Jackson Atlas come out here". Jackson whimpers pinning his ears, Jay runs after him. Jack howls, "stay here, if they take me home I'll see you tomorrow" Jackson smiles and kisses Jay.

Crow tries sniffing for his son but pollen got in his nose and he makes a kitten like sneeze and blushes, Jay nods and kissed him back. Jack looks at him "awww that was a cute sneeze", Jackson slowly makes his way out the flower field. Crow blushes mad "I wonder what yours sounds like" smirking, Jay watches him. Jack smirks back "very loud", Jackson looks back at him with tears. "damn, maybe that's why I think I hear a bomb go off when you sneeze" Crow's eyes widen but laughs, Jay whimpers and goes into his deer form and runs over to him. Jack pouts "not funny", Jackson runs to him crying more. "ok ok wanna make fun of Yusei and Bruno when they sneeze" Crow giggles, Jay nuzzles him once he came back over "we'll go together".

"Hmm yes" Jack laughs, "but what if they hurt you" Jackson whimpers. Crow smirks, "I don't care, I'll be fine" Jay looks at him. Jack smirks back, Jackson pins his ears down "lets not tell them I'm pregnant yet" slowly walking out again. Crow looks for his son again, Jay nods and nuzzles him before following him. Jack looks and growls, Jackson nuzzles back walking close to were his parents were. Crow starts playing with the flower buds, Jay stays close to him. Jack sits down watching Crow, Jackson scented his parents on the other side of the flowers but he was nervous. "I remember playing with flowers back in satellite" Crow smiles, Jay stays next to him and nuzzles him.

"Really" Jack looks at him, Jackson nuzzles back and heard his mother. Crow nods "but there would be a blonde kid watching me from afar", Jay looks and his ears went up. Jack smiles "yep that was me", Jackson listen. Crow blushed "where you the one that sent gifts or something", Jay keeps listening. Jack nods "yep", Jackson kept listening. "I remember one day I was playing and group of boys came up to me and snatched the stuff wolf you gave me and ripped the leg off and started hitting and beating on me calling me a girl who plays with stuffed animals, it really upset me because I loved that stuff wolf, I think they threw it somewhere and now its lost forever" Crow smiles sadly, Jay sits down.

Jack smiles and pulls it out "this one", Jackson sit next to him leaning. Crow's eyes lit up and smiled brightly "w-where did you find it" he carefully grabs the stuffed wolf and hugged it as tears fell, Jay smiles. Jack smiles "on our way here", Jackson smiles. Crow tackled Jack kissing his face and lips "thank you thank you", Jay smiles. Jack purrs, Jackson purrs "now what". Crow purrs then blushed when he remembers what he call the stuffed wolf, Jay shrugs. Jack nuzzles him, Jackson pokes his head out. "I remember what I called this wolf but its embarrassing" Crow blushed nuzzling back. Jay watches, "Come on it can't be that bad" Jack purrs. "glad their not making out" Jackson giggles, Crow took a breath "I named it Jackie" he blushed mad.

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