Birthing Babies

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(4 months later)

Crow starts whimpering feeling pain hit, Jack looks at him "crow". He gasped as water ran down his legs, "Oh damn". He screams "Jackie", runs to him and picks him up running to the doctors. "their coming" yelling, Bruno wakes up "Crows giving birth". Starts to get worry, Yusei was still asleep. He whines feeling one of them, nuzzles yusei rubbing his belly falling asleep. He sets him down on the bed and waits for the doctors, scream again. The doctors got him ready, gets worry. The first one was half out, he paces back and forth. The doctor grabs the baby handing it to the nurse, he pushes and screams. Whines, the doctor grabbed the baby and handing it to the nurse. Crow screams, worry about him. 

Screams more felling exhausted, worry. He tries to push again, "Come on babe". The third one came out, smiles. He cries "I hurts" "I know", the fourth one came out. Rubs his hand, the final baby comes. "There you go babe", he smiles "what's the gender" "3 girls and 2 boys" "what are we going to name them" "beats me". Crow changes his form to feed all of the babies, Jack smiles and nuzzles him. Nuzzles back and leads the babies to the nipples to feed, smiles watching them "they are beautiful". Nods "Jackson, Jacklyn, raven, amethyst, you have a name for the last one" "How about Alex" "It's beautiful" with happy tears. "I'm glad you think it beautiful" nuzzles him "let's hope Yusei's go well", nuzzles back "yeah" yawing a little. 

"Rest babe you need it" "will you snuggle with us, I'm sure they want you to" "Sure" changes forms and walks over to them and curls around them, smiles and curls around the quintuplets. Goes on high alert, Crow falls asleep. Jack stays on high alert.

*with Yusei and Bruno*

Yusei groans feeling the twins kick more. Bruno rubs his belly "your due any day now", Yusei nods "I know" hisses feeling a hard kick. Rubs more and place kisses, close his eyes before feeling his water break "um Bruno" "the kids are coming" picking up and running to the hospital. Hisses and whines hanging on to him, lays him on the bed and holds his hand. Feels pain and squeezes his hand tight, The doctor gets him ready. 

Rubs his head, "Okay push". Screams and pushes feeling one of the twin move down, "your doing great". The doctor grabs the one and hands it to the nurse, pants a little before pushing again screaming louder. "last one" kissing his head, pushes harder screaming. Grabs the baby and hands it to the nurse, "your done" smiling. Pants heavily feeling exhausted slowly nodding, the nurse brought the twins over to him. Gently holds the twins, "their beautiful like you" happy tears fell, "What should we name them babe" gently and carefully sitting up. "how about Yusa and Zao" "I like it" "I'm glad, hi little ones", the twins slowly opens their eyes.  Smiles, watches and smiles. 

The twins blink before giggling, kissed their foreheads. Bruno's ears come out and his tail wags, Yusei smiles and made some room for him to get on. The twins giggles and babbles, lays next to him and nuzzles him. Smiles and purrs, purrs and kisses the twins heads. The twins giggles before starting to fuss wanting to eat, smiles and lifted his shirt holding them to his nipples. Twins start to sucks, Bruno smiles. Smiles softly watching them, the twins keeps sucking. Keeps high alert watching his family, leans against him. "get some rest" kissing him, "Okay" kissed him back. Smiles keeping his ears perked, slowly falls asleep holding the twins. Stays alert sleeping, sleeps.

(with Haou)

Haou was tossing and turning trying to get comfortable, Johan was asleep. He gasp when his water broke and screamed, Johan quickly wakes up and looks at him "what's wrong" "their coming" whining. Picks him up and runs to the hospital, "the first one is coming out" screaming. Set him one the bed and holds him hand, Crow woke up smelling Haou. The doctor comes in and got him ready "push", screams pushing. Jack woke up, rubs his hand. "Haou's having his little ones" turning towards him, screams as the first one came out. Hands it to the nurse, "Oh really" Jack said. "Your doing good babe" Johan told him, "yep" Crow said smiling. Pushes the second one out, hands that one to the nurse. 

"Wow", kissed his forehead. "wanna go see them", the third one comes out and he goes to push the fourth but was to exhausted. "You should rest" Jack told him, "You can do it babe". "I just had a cat nap" whining, he tries but shakes his head screaming. "I know", "Babe" Johan looks at him."please" mewing, "I'm to exhausted" panting. "might have to do a C section" the doctors asked, "Fine". "Haou is it okay if they do a C section on you" Johan asked. "love you my king" kissing him, Haou blacks out. The doctor looks to Johan, "I love you too". "Do it", slowly gets up. He doctor gets to work cutting and and looking for the baby, help him up. Whines worry, walks to Haou and Johan's room.

Get two of them and goes fine the last, follows him. Still worry, waits outside. Haou starts whining, the last one was hard to find. Stays next to him, whines and whimpers. The doctor gets the last baby out and closes the wound, was still worried. Crow knocks, the doctor goes to clean the last baby. Johan unlocks the door, "how you two" "I'm fine but I'm worry about Haou" "why" walking to his son. "Because he not waking up" "he's worn out-", monitors start beeping. "HAOU" runs over him, doctors run in pushing them out and working on him. Lifts his legs to go deeper, Crow hugs him. The doctor walks out, Johan cries into his chest. The doctor tells them "he's ok but somehow not-", Haou tackles Johan "where were you" crying. 

Johan hugs him back still crying, "But somehow not what" "we couldn't find a pulse or heartbeat, like he died" "What" "I'm shocked to" the doc said. "I like to see my kids now" Haou snapped, "Haou calm down" Johan told him. He grumbles, the doctor quickly went to get them. Johan sighs, drags Johan to the bed and sits on it, Crow walks in and smiles "he's almost like you" looking at Jack. Sits down next to him, Jack glares at him. Doctors and nurses rolled them in, Haou smiles and looks "their beautiful". Pins his ears down and whines, Johan smiles.  Jack sighs, picks two up and lays them on the bed. Crow helps him put them on the bed, Johan looks. 

Jack watches, changes his form and feed them. Crow leans against Jack, watches. Jack holds him, "what do we name them", Crow smiles. "I don't know", Jack smiles back. "hmm how about Luna, Safire, and Rose for the girls" "Okay and Moon and Night for the boys" "and star for the last boy" "Okay" "I'll text yusei and Bruno about the kids" crow text yusei, "ok mom" curling around them. Yusei was still asleep when his phone went off, stays close to them. Bruno text saying he was asleep, Jaden went to see his aunt stardust and uncle archfiend. Haou falls asleep, Jack looks at Crow phone "They just texted saying Yusei asleep". Stardust was asleep, Johan smiles. "ok we'll tell him later", Haou sings the sextuplets to sleep.

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