Raven And Jacklyn's Little Family

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The guy grabs Johan's wrist unable to breath, "babe stop" Haou grabs the back of his shirt. Bruno smiles and took the crate down, Jack thrust harder. Johan keeps growling tighten his grip unable to hear his mate since he can't control his vampire side, Yusei helps him. Crow screams, the guy struggles. Haou cries and calls Yusei, Bruno drags the crate to the kitchen. Jack moans, Johan keeps tightening his grip. Yusei picks up his phone following Bruno "Haou what up", Crow moans and bucks. The guy kept struggling, "Johan won't snap out of some trance because he won't listen to me and he's choking a man" Haou cries. Bruno opens the fridge and puts the blood bags away, Jack moans.

Johan hisses and growls, "Is he hissing and growling" Yusei asked starting to get worry. Crow bounces riding him, "yes, Johan babe you there" Haou walks in front of him. Jack moans, "Don't get too close to him, Haou. He is unstable. He doesn't know how to control his vampire side. I'll be over there soon" Yusei whines. Johan hisses, Crow continues. Haou whines he lays his hand on Johan's cheek, Jaden saw and goes to Jesse "babe your brother looks like he's in a trance". Jack moans, Jesse look and his eyes widen "crap get Haou away from him now" he runs over "where is mom". Yusei hangs up "babe we need to go now back to the café", Crow moans and bounces harder. 

"I'm sure he's coming" Jaden said and grabbed Haou pulling him away, Haou struggles "Johan!!". "why, what happen" Bruno finished putting the blood bags up and looks at him, Jack moans. Jesse looks at his brother "Johan stop", Johan hisses squeezing the guy tighter ."Its Johan he can't control his vampire form and isn't listening to anyone" Yusei looks at him worry, Crow cries out when his spot was hit. Jaden slapped Johan in the face, Haou curls up and cries more. Bruno's eyes widen and kneels down "lets go", Jack thrust into that spot. Johan glares at Jaden and growls, Jesse gets in front of Jaden hissing back. Yusei climbs onto his back "hurry babe",  Crow screams. 

Jaden and Haou whimpers, Bruno nods "hold on" he runs to the café. Jack moans and thrust harder, Jesse and Johan keeps growling. Yusei hangs on nodding, Crow moans arching. Haou cries more, Bruno keeps running. Jack rams into him, Jesse and Johan attack each other. Yusei keeps hanging on, Crow continues to scream. Jaden and Haou tries to stop them, Bruno kept running getting close. Jack moans getting close, Jesse and Johan keeps fighting. Yusei whimpers holding on, Crow moans feeling close. Jaden and Haou cries and tries harder, Bruno runs in the café. Jack moans and thrust harder before coming inside him, Jesse and Johan hisses at each other. 

Yusei gets down and looks around "Bruno get Jaden and Haou away from the two", Crow moans and came all over them. Bruno nods and grabs Jaden and Haou pulling them away, Jaden and Haou cries their mates names out. Yusa got fed up and walks to Jesse and Johan and pins them to the wall "boys calm the hell down acting like this is not good for Jaden and Haou, stressing them out more and you'll both kill the very pups their carrying for you" she snapped and growled at them, Jack pants. Johan and Jesse looks at their aunt and hisses at her kicking her in the chest, Yusei runs over and uses his power to separate them "Enough!". Crow pants, Yusa holds her chest and breaths heavy and she gets pissed going into her vampire form and flares her wings out showing dominance. 

Bruno holds Jaden and Haou as they cried, Jack nuzzles him. Yusei sighs before going in his full vampire form showing he was the top vampire and growls loudly "EVERYONE ENOUGH!", Jesse and Johan both stop and flinches whimpering from their mom tone. Crow purrs nuzzling back, Yusa goes to her wolf form and backs into a corner and starts trembling eyes showing nothing but fear remembering men shouting and saying terrible thing to her and about her and runs out of the café crying. Bruno blinked, Jack purrs. Yusei uses his powers to brings her back in, Jesse and Johan starts to tremble. Crow purrs, Yusa curls in the corner "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry please don't hurt me I'll do anything" she continues trembling and crying. 

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