Birth Problems

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"I'm always here with you to cheer you up" Crow nuzzles back, Ursa wakes up. "I know" Jack purrs, Stardust walks in. Crow purrs smiling, Ursa nuzzles Lil. Jack smiles and nuzzles his belly, Lil was still unconscious. Stardust looks and growls, Crow purrs louder. Ursa lowers her ears, Archfiend followed Stardust just in case all hell broke lose. Jack smiles, "I know this would happen to her since she was too young. I told you Ursa and your mother even warned you!" Stardust yells. The pups kicked and Crow smiles, "but Jaden and Haou were the same age with theirs" tears filled her eyes. Jack nuzzles his belly, "Dragons are different! They aren't like them!" Stardust yelled at her. 

Crow purrs as the pups kicked, tears fell from Ursa's eyes "I'm sorry". Jack smiles "two more months", Stardust narrowed his eyes "You should be! I don't want you near my daughter ever again!". Crow nods, Ursa looks at him with wide teary eyes "but what of the babies, I won't allow you to get rid of them" she growls. Jack smiles, Stardust growls "I'll talk to your mother about it". Crow smiles, "I don't care if you talk to him, their mine and Lil's kids and I'm keeping them and love Lil and the triplets" Ursa growls back. Jack nuzzles, "But I forbid you to see her". Crow nuzzles back, "you can't forbid love, we love each other" Ursa growls. Jack purrs, "Yes I can" Stardust growls narrowing his eyes. 

Crow purrs nuzzling against him, "I don't think so, if she ever want to see our kids you can't stop her even if you tried" Ursa stood protectively in front of Lil. Jack purrs, "Yes I can" Stardust grabs her and moves her away curling around Lil. Crow purrs dozing off, Ursa doesn't move and doesn't leaveArchfiend calls yusei or Bruno. Jack smiles, Stardust growls. Yusei picks up "hello Yusei speaking", Crow fell asleep. Ursa growls stepping closer to her mate, "Lil gave birth and is unconscious, Stardust and Ursa our fighting, help!!" Archfiend watched them. Jack chuckles, Stardust growls back narrowing his eyes. "What!? Okay me and Bruno are on our way". Ursa's eyes showed love for her mate and continues to step closer, Bruno was watching the twins. 

Stardust stays near Lil growling, "Bruno we need to leave" Yusei looks at him. The twins giggles, Ursa stood in front of the bed and stared at Stardust. "why" Bruno looks at him, Stardust growls. "Stardust and Ursa are fighting at the hospital" Yusei sits down next to him, Ursa stays not moving and looks at the mother of her babies and smile lovingly purring. Bruno's eyes widen "let's go!", Stardust blocks her view growling. Yusei nods "right", Ursa grabs his wing moving it. Bruno picked the twins up, Stardust snaps at her. Yusei smiles before getting up slowly, Ursa puts a harder grip on his wing and nuzzles Lil. Bruno walks to the entrance of the den, Stardust bites her arm. 

Yusei walks over to him, Ursa winched but never moved. They walk to the hospital, Stardust bites harder. Yusei walks slowly, Ursa doesn't move more worried about her mate. Bruno watches him to help him if needed, Stardust growls. Yusei keeps walking, Ursa started feeling weak but shakes it off nuzzling Lil more. They walk in the hospital, Stardust growls more. Yusei opens the door, Bruno walks in. Ursa smiles at Lil "I love you my love and always will nothing will separate our love but I can't seem to stay wake to see you wake up and hold our beautiful kids, ....I'm sorry" she kiss Lil on the lips before falling to the floor not moving or breathing, Yusei eyes widened "Stardust drop her now!". 

Stardust drops her, Ursa falls to the floor still not moving or breathing. Bruno's eyes widen and runs to his daughter picking her up, Stardust curls around her. Yusei runs over to her "Ursa", Ursa doesn't respond. Bruno nuzzles her "Ursa little bear wake up", Ursa still doesn't respond. Yusei has some tears fall "sweetie please wake up", Ursa still doesn't respond. Tears fell from Bruno's eyes and he growls, Yusei starts to cry. Stardust looks, Bruno growls louder "you killed our daughter". A doctor happen to walk by, Yusei holds her crying. Stardust whimpers, the doctor calls the nurses to get a stretcher. Bruno looks Stardust dead in the eyes "she only cared and loved your daughter, if Ursa is really dead you might be next" he growled darkly, Yusei looks at him "Bruno don't kill him". 

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