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I woke up annoyed as my alarm went off.

It was Monday, and school was back on. At least for me. My mom thought education was crazy important, but half the time I didn't even try, I learned very fast so good grades were easy. I've only missed three real school days, and I was very anxiety ridden to go back. Especially to a public school, which I've never, ever been to. I had no clue how these schools ran, and I was honestly very scared. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die, I really did not wanna go.

I got up, drowsy. I hurriedly took a shower, washing my curls, face, and body. Once I was out I wrapped a towel around me, walking towards my room. I winced as my cold feet hit the floor, pissing me off thinking about all the dirt that was getting on my feet. I had such a weird thing about my feet, I dreaded walking around without socks, and I could never not put lotion on them. I hated dry skin, creeped me out and made me wanna puke.

Once I entered my room I shut the door, drying my body off before lathering in lotion. I put on some new underwear and one of my old Bralets since my new bras fell in dirty water. I threw on leggings, a hoodie, and my new white vans. I quickly did my hair, just braiding it back before applying some carmex. My makeup for the day. I stepped down stairs, dreading it as my mom was twerking. "Mom! I'm telling grandma!" I yelled laughing hard as she jumped. She laughed with me. "Your shitty booty Daddy is missing out with his prowling ass." She says as I bust out laughing.

We talk a little before it's finally time to go. I get in our Range Rover, listening to music and looking out the window. I wasn't happy about this at all, I just wanted to go to sleep. I felt myself began to cry as my eyes watered, I just wanted everything to go back to normal and be okay, I didn't like any of this. I felt my moms hand on my thigh as I looked over at her, wiping a tear from my eye as I did so. I paused my music, hearing the sound of the car drive. "Stormiloo I know things are hard, and I know how you feel. I wish things didn't happen but they did, just think; maybe god has a different purpose for our life down here. It'll get better." She says as well pull up in front of the brick school facility.

"I love you stormiloo. Here," she slides me a twenty as I wipe my face, smiling at her. "And remember, if any of these bucket headed whore try you, beat they ass and call mama. I love you stormiloo." She says kissing my cheek as I smile back at her. I grab the backpack I left in the car, throwing it on as I jumped out. Everyone watched me as I kept my head down, turning my music on and back up as I blurred out the noise and people. I walked towards the office, sitting down in one of the chairs and taking an ear bud out as I waited for someone to call my name.

"Stormi brown?" I heard as I peeked my head up, standing to walk inside of the dean. "Welcome to Florida state. How are you?" He ask as I shrug. "Anyways, here's your locker, combination and classes. I see you've had and maintained a 4.0 all grading periods, so it's your choice if you would like to be in all honors or regular classes." He says as I nod. "I wanna be in regular." I says before nodding. Deciding this was a right choice. "Okay here's the schedule for that, enjoy." He says smiling as I nod. I leave the dean, walking towards my locker and quickly grabbing just a notebook and pencil.

I walk into the class early, choosing the back seat as class begins, everyone looking at me as they file in. I knew my head down, playing weird games on my phone. I look up as blackness fills my sight, seeing the same boy that saved me. He looks at me annoyed as I take out an earbud, looking back at him just annoyed. "Get up." He demands angrily as I look at him emotionlessly. "No." I say putting my earbuds back in. I continue playing a game on my phone.

I gasp as he yanks my phone out of my hand, everyone including the teacher watching our altercation. "Get the fuck up, now." He seethes as I stare at him, bored. "You heard me." I said calmly as he laughs. I gasp as he throws my phone across the room, I think fast as I yank his phone out of his front pocket. Attempting to throw it but he harshly yanks my hand. "Okay! Enough! Get up and give that damn boy his seat!" The teacher yells at me as my anxiety sets in, I began to freak out. I stood, angrily grabbing my books before moving to the seat in front of it.

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