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I was in the living room, Cleo by side as we watched a show together. I noticed her features more, her brown pretty colored eyes, her bob straight hair, and her smile. She was Jahseh's twin, you could tell she was his mother.

She sat in a pair of Jahseh's sweats, and a hoodie. Coffee mug in her hand as she sat it down, looking over at me.

"So Stormi, can I ask you a personal question?" She ask as I nod. "What happened to your mom?"

It hit me hard in the chest as I remembered the trauma I felt from the emotional pain, but I smiled through it. "She- She went back to New York with my dad, but it's okay. I have you guys still, and my nana." I said as she frowned.

"She still loves you," She says as her hand touches my thigh, in a comforting way. "Sometimes people just forget who they are, but time will help. Forgive her, she's lost herself." She says smiling as I smile back, placing my hand on hers.

"Thank you."

"Anytime." She says smiling as she picks her coffee back up.

"How are you?"

"I'm good, just a little worried about Jahseh." She says as questions jump around in my head.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, he- I don't even know how to explain it. I think he's slowly getting back into his old cycle, of not caring about his life anymore." She sighs setting her baby blue mug down.

"He's always in the streets, and he doesn't care that he could face up to life for the things he's doing, lord please keep him safe." She says as she frowns.

"It might suck but sometimes we just have to let people be people, everyone is gonna do what they wanna do regardless. As you can tell. They'll have to figure it out on their own." I say as she nods, agreeing.

We chat for a while before Lucas text me, asking if it's cool to come pick me up with Sev and Skyler. I agreed, standing outside as they pulled up in a black old school mustang

Sev jumped out, instantly running to give me a hug as I laughed. "Come on bitch!" Skyler yells as I push him off of me. He wore sweats, a grey hood, and slides.

We both got into the car, Skyler smiling sweetly and waving at me. "Hey! Bitch it's been so long, you good?" She ask as I smile, nodding and hugging her. We both sat in the back, laughing as Sev and Lucas sing to act up.

"It's young Miami and I came to run my sack up! Tired of these hoes on my page tryna track us!" He sung as I laugh, Skyler almost pissing herself.

We all exited the car, Lucas looking angry as we entered a Go Kart racing place. Almost all of us wore sweats, slides, and a hoodie. Dressed up for nothing.

That's actually what I liked about them, they were so chill.

"Okay, I call the pink one!" Skyler yells as we finish paying, grabbing our helmets. The place had palm trees around it, the look black and sleek as other riders rode around.

I noticed Lucas wasn't talking to me, which was weird because he invited me. I looked over at Sev, laughing as he cursed under his breath, trying to tighten his helmet.

"Here." I say as I help him, pulling the strap as it tightened in his head. He grinned, his metal braces showing. I kept noticing Sky eyeing us, when I caught her she looked away.

"You coming?" Sev ask as he attempted to get in the car, almost falling. "Yea, give me one second." I say smiling as I keep my eye on Skyler, walking towards her as she smiles up at me, noticing me.

"Hey, question." I say as I walk up to her, she holds a pink helmet, nodding. Her curls flying in her face as she does so.

"Do you and Sev like- listen, I'm not gonna tell anyone but I can sense it. Don't think I don't notice you staring at me, and staring at him." I say smiling as she grins, I knew it.

"Okay fine but don't say anything! But yea, we've had a thing for a while." She whispers as I grin. "Go get em' tiger." I say as she grins, hugging me before running towards Sev.

I smile, watching the two as they grin at each other.

"I feel like they think I'm stupid, and it makes me mad." Lucas says as I jump, gasping as he scares me. He smiles, watching me as I calm down. "Sorry, really." He says as I began laughing at how he just really scared the shit out of me.

"What do you mean?" I ask as he sighs.

"They've been fucking, and Skyler is my sister, and he's my best friend so it's awkward. But I know she loves him, and he does her so I really haven't said anything. But I heard them fucking one time, and now I know."

"Well, how does it make you feel?"

"I feel distant. I just want the truth from them but when I press them they lie, and make gross faces."

"Give it time." I say with my hand on my hip as I look over at them, Sev smiling as he sat in his Kart, while Skyler told him a story.

"Round B!" The guy yells as Lucas and I collect our helmets, quickly getting in a Kart and racing off.

The wind flew through my curls as I laughed at the way Sev was in Lucas' ass. I raced passed them, Skyler catching up to me.

We raced for an hour, and got out as our round was over. "Food, or my house and order food?" Lucas ask as I choose the second option. The ride home is quiet and I could tell Sev and Skyler were eager to get back home, most likely to fuck.

We pulled up, Lucas' living in an nice apartment.

We stepped out, walking up a flight to open the brown door. It was nice, and smelled nice and clean. The carpet was white, a big brown couch in the living room behind a circle glass table.

A T.V set on the wall, a kitchen with a all glass rectangle table, and white themed chairs. It seemed clean and nice, I liked it.

"Skyler, where's your room?" Sev asked as Lucas gave him the side eye. I slapped his arm as he opened his mouth, death staring him. He needed to wait.

"Yea, go show him." Lucas says as Skyler looks up at him in shock. He smiles at her, winking before walking towards his room. I grin, egging the two on before following Lucas.

I shut the door before hurriedly hopping onto his big king sized bed, covered in an all blue comforter. He had two glass bed side tables, and a white dresser infront of his bed. A T.V sat on the wall, and a fat ass pile of cash lay on the floor.

I came to the conclusion that either he has a good paying job, or the nigga sells drugs, simple. It was one or the other, it had to be.

"Hey so, Friday or Friday after next?" He ask as I sigh, lifting myself up on my elbows and looking at him.

"Friday definitely, it's a classic." I say as he nods, grinning.

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