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Fun fact I actually do not re read my chapters, which is prolly why there's so many mistakes because if I re read I always hate it and wanna re write and I ain't got time!

Heated? That was an understatement to how pissed I was at Jahseh. I told him I wanted nothing to do with my mother, nor her toxic ness yet here she stands in front of me at this family and friend party, I'm now fuming.

"Stormi." My mom said as she smiled, looking at me as I stared at her, my skin starting to get hot. "Who the f-"

"Mrs.Davis! How are you?" Jahseh says as I stare at him, shooting his face off with my eyes in my head. God damn him! I know he might mean well but I've expressed to him many time I don't want anything to do with her, nor do I even want Saint to know about her. And the fact that he snuck behind my back, willingly knowing I hate her heated me.

"Hi Jahseh! Where's sa-"

"Don't even say his fucking name." I spit as Jahseh looked at me, my moms face dropping. She looked healthy now, her skin glowing, a big ring on her finger as her pregnant belly stuck out. I just- I hated her to the core for what she did. "Stormi, why-"

"Just Shut the fuck up! You wanna come back two years later just cause he has some money?! Maybe to feed your fucking meth addiction you crack who-"

"Stormi!" Jahseh yelled as he shushed me, people looking around at us as I crossed my arms. "She's still your mother you don-"

"How bout you just shut the fuck up?! I'm tired of fucking hearing your mouth, and you bullshitting me, you knew damn well I didn't wanna see this bitch!" I yelled as his face dropped.

I was shocked that those words even came out, I couldn't help but to turn around and walk away while holding my tears. I hated being so mean, and I just- I didn't get what was making me feel this way but I felt like a ball of anger.

I just- I never got the love I needed from my mom cause she was so stuck up my dads ass. So it hit me how much I feel like she doesn't love me, and most likely never will. Our relationship was on the rocks.

"Stormi." My mom said as I looked up from the bathroom floor. Before she came in I was having a mental break down, bawling my eyes out because I felt so bad. I felt bad for yelling at Jahseh like that and getting out of my body for the two just because they pissed me off. I don't get it.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I ask as I stand, my head throbbing and eyes puffy. "You came back to rub in my face how your pregnant with dads child, I fucking hate you can-"

"Stormi! God damn it! Just fucking listen!"

"You didn't wanna listen to me when I was getting fucking beat on! So why!? Explain to me, I'm lost as fuck!" I yell angrily as her face turns red.

"I get it! I was a terrible fucking mother, I had no values, no worth, I know! Just- Stormi please." She said as her face twisted, her eyes watering as she began to cry. "I'm different- I'm better. I went to rehab for you, I'm sober now off drugs. I met a man who- god- he's so amazing. He brought me to church and showed me there's more to life then sex, money, and drugs."

"I- I can't explain what exactly made me forget I had a child but I forgot. I was caught up trying to get your dad to love me because like you- I didn't have the motherly bond. So when I had you it was easy at first, but as you grew the fighting got worse and so did I. I couldn't find happiness within myself, so I definitely couldn't hold a relationship! I'm sorry Stormi, I really am. Just please give me a second chance?" She said as she was now full on crying, I was too.

"Why didn't you love me?! What did he have that I didn't mom!? You were supposed to be there for me, like you swore and shit just turned back to normal." I said as I wiped at my eyes, the pain searing through my heart and veins. My chest felt heavy, as did my head. I was so damn hurt, still to this day, my mom was my biggest challenge.

"I don't know baby, I don't. But I'm not that mom anymore, I'm engaged to Brad Smith, a while firefighter who's fucking awesome. Who loves me for me, keeps me out the bad shit, and tells me what beautiful I daughter I have and how he can't wait to meet you. It's so different, and I love it. I love me and I love you, I realized my mistake and I just wanna make up for the time lost. I-"

"Mama!" Saint yelled as he ran in the room grinning, I hurriedly wipes my tears before scooping him up as I kissed at his little chubby cheeks. He wore black jeans, yellow vans, and a yellow shirt. He was so damn adorable, ugh my heart.

"Mama, ou cry? Why? I kiss ou." He said as he wiped under my left eye, kissing my cheek as I grinned. My mom looked at us, smiling as she too wiped her eyes. "Well I'm glad you stayed to listen. I'll- I'll leave now." She said as I frowned.

"No. Stay. Saint, meet your nana." I say as his eyes widen and mouth open in surprise, as he gasped. "Mama, dis my nana?!" He shouted as I set him down, he grinned before running over to her as she scooped him up and hugged him. Crying hard.

After our moment in the bathroom, we were okay and I agreed to now fuck with her. But I was still mad at Jahseh, and I kept most of my distance at the party as everyone mingled and had fun.

I held Ski's baby, Selena. She was so precious, and I couldn't believe my hoe ass cousin actually stayed loyal for him and had a kid with him. It was amazing how much all of us were growing up, it was fun to watch too.

No matter where I was, Jahseh continued following me around and staring at me. It was annoying to say the least, but I was just glad he gave me my space to cool down and off. I just was so mad he did that but I know he meant well and just wanted me to have a relationship with her but- I just didn't wanna see her. Now was not the time.

I sat in one of the chairs near the pool, as a man with waves came up to me, smiling. He was dark skin, had a nose piercing, and a couple face tattoos. He wore black ripped jeans, a white shirt, and vans. A Louis Vuitton fanny pack around his waist as he sat next to me.

"I just wanted to say your beautifu. I've been looking at you since I walked in." He said as I smiled, thanking him.

"I'm gnar, and you?"


"That's such a unique name, like did your mom have you during a storm?" He asked as I laughed.

"Did your mom ever teach you not to talk to your niggas girl? And call her beautiful? I'd advise you to get the fuck up and away from her before I get out my body." Jahseh said as he angrily stood there, scaring the both of us.

"Oh- I'm sorry man. I didn't know, or I wouldn't have said shit to her. Again, I'm sorry. I'll go." He said smiling at Jahseh and standing.

"Yea I think that's best." Jahseh said as he stared him down angrily, his jaw clenching.

"Aye man you ain't gotta be a dick." Gnar said as his face dropped. Jahseh pushed him hard as I stood, grabbing Jahseh by the arm.

"Yooooo, chill jit." Ski said as he ran up, getting in between the two. "Calm down vro- you just leave, aight?" He said at Jahseh, then to gnar.

"Nah fuck this bitch ass nigga, I'll hoe his dumb ass!"

"Leave dada alone!!" Saint screamed as he punched gnar right in the dick.

Everyone busted out laughing.

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