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"Mama I love ou." Saint says as he falls unconscious in my hands, exhausted after the party and his bath. I laid him in his bed, kissing his head before turning on his cloud. It was a huge investment due to his PTSD, the sound of it always calmed him down. It was a huge cloud that lit up, as if it was a lightening storm. It had a timer which helped so he wouldn't become too obsessed and need it everywhere he goes.

I stepped out of his room, sighing before walking into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, getting undressed before throwing on a red satin lace night gown, and throwing my curly hair up into a bun.

I was exhausted, and my body was screaming for my bed. But I was still upset with Jahseh, so the guest bedroom near Saints room on the third floor was also screaming my name. I walked quietly, opening the door and shutting it. I instantly crawled into bed, loving the warm covers around my skin.

I was almost asleep, but I heard the door creak open. A sigh and Jahseh's rough hands caressing my stomach. "Baby." He cooed as I sighed, opening my eyes as he towered over me.

"You know I can't let you go to sleep mad." He said as he rubbed at my hips, which were aching badly. I stayed quiet, watching as he came down, planting a kiss on my neck.

"I only mean well, you know that baby. I just- I wanted Saint to know his grandma." He said as he lifted his head up, his cologne filling my nose. "I get that Jahseh I do, but you should've just talked to me about it. And I'm sorry for saying what I did today, I was just mad." I say as he smiles.

"I'm sorry too, and it's okay. Daddy's girl." He said as I laughed, his head dipping down to kiss me. He rolled his tongue on mine, his hands slipping down my thigh near my pussy as we kissed. My hands slid up, touching the scruff on his face as we continued tongue kissing, spit everywhere as it got more and more messy.

He breathed heavily into my mouth as he climbed on top of me, laying between my thighs. Just like he use to when we were teens.

We continued kissing, the heat intensifying as it felt we were surrounded by a fire, i was soaked. His hand slipped between my legs as he rubbed at my clit, rubbing it side to side as I struggled to kiss him. Gasping, and moaning in his mouth. "You like thay? Huh?" He speaks as I shut my eyes, biting my lip.

He lifted himself up, releasing his dick form the confinement of his shorts. He watches my face as he smacks it on my pussy, rubbing it around, teasing me. Finally he slides it in, causing us to both let out a deep breath.

He stroked me slowly, biting his lip as we both stared at eachother. I let out a few moans, closing my eyes and throwing my head back as he gripped my hips, my legs bent behind his as he rawly penetrated me.

It felt like sparks were in the air as he fucked me, it was so slow and sensual as we stared at eachother, moaning and loving the feeling of our bodies connecting.

It wasn't long before I felt the intense pleasure, he sucked at my neck as I began releasing. He held me down as I tried to run, nutting with me as we both moaned.

"I- I love you." He whispered as he looked at me, I closed my eyes as the three words pushed me over the edge even more. "I- I love you." I said back as he kissed me.

We both finished as we struggled to catch our breath.

We made love!

It was probably the best sex I've ever had with him, the slow strokes, but yet so deep. And the fact that he said I love you caused it to somehow feel much better.

"You really love me?" He asked as we lay back in our bed, naked as he played with my boobs. "These got big, I remember you use to be-"

"Use to be what? Say it!" I yelled as I punched his arm as he laughed, stopping me. "Use to be so damn sexy. With or without big titties." He says as I roll my eyes.

"And yes I do love you, soooooo much." I say as I kiss at his tattoo ridden face. I loved his tattoos, they were my favorite thing to trace and to look at while I was getting face fucked.

We fucked around a few more hours before finally getting some sleep.


It was early once I woke up, I had a few things to attend too today with Jahseh. We would be going out to eat with his family for breakfast, he had a show, then he had a club invite to go to.

I struggled to get out of bed, and I was thankful Jahseh did my morning duties for me. Like wake Saint up and get him bathed and fed, and his medicines taken. I was so exhausted and felt extremely sick.

I made an appointment for ten in the morning and since it was six, I instantly went to sleep for a couple more hours.

Once my alarm went off I went straight to the appointment in leggings, slides, and one of Jahsehs' hoodies. Paparazzi somehow figuring out where I would be so I had to wait for security to get to get at the doctors office so I could go in.

I was checked like usual, getting blood test and pee test done. And to my not surprise, I was sent home with a congratulations because I was four months pregnant.

I didn't know how to feel, and I couldn't believe I was four months pregnant. They instantly sent me upstairs to the OB, where an ultra sound and test where done to check on the baby. I found out it was a girl, and she was badly underweight. I had slowed down eating, and more of working out since my body was getting bigger. I now see why.

I was put on bed rest and they told me to eat more, and stop working out or I'd potentially lose her. What the fuck was I gonna tell Jahseh?

I sighed as I left the place, Jahseh texting me.

Baby daddy😋❤️:
Fuck I miss you 😢

Baby daddy😋❤️:
I shouldn't have agreed to this shit, all she wants is money. Aiden is coming to live with us now, I refuse to let him be with her after he told me he's been alone and hungry the past three night while he's been here.

Awww :( that's fine that's fine. Come home, fuck the show I miss u :(

Baby daddy😋❤️:
It's raining and that's dangerous since it's at a festival so it's cancelled, lord bless I'm so ready to be in bed with you 😩 Saint is going with your nana since she's here, and Aiden is too. So it's just us

Baby daddy😋❤️:
When I get home you better be naked on that bed or were finna have some problems 😌🐱

Dirty 😂

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