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"Dada!" Saint yelled as he pulled at my pant leg. I was in the studio, it was about two a.m. and Saint wasn't sleeping so I thought I should bring him, which wasn't too good of an idea cause he does shit like that for this reason.

"Yes?" I say as I look down, away from the black screen.

"Hi dada, you say back?" He said grinning, as I smiled back. "Hi." I said as he begans giggling, running around laughing as I smiled and thanked the lord he finally left me alone.

I finished up a song, tracking the progress of my new album before closing my studio up for the night. I was exhausted, and Saint was too as he slept the entire way home.

I hopped out the car, as Stormi stood outside. She was rapped in a blanket, I handed Saint to Rico, as he took him straight upstairs after Stormi kissed his head.

"Hey beautiful." I say as I hug her, wrapping my arms around her neck as she wraps hers around my waist. "I missed you." She said as she breathed heavily.

Every time I'm gone she'd wait at home for me, or she'd make a body guard stand outside our room or Saints just so she could get some sleep if I wasn't there. I picked her up, her legs wrapping around my torso as we headed upstairs.

I laid her on her back, as I lay on her chest between her legs. I felt her scratching my back lightly as she hummed, listening to whatever was on the T.V.

I stood, going into the room across to take a shower. Which Stormi followed, us ending up fucking of course.

"Harder." She moaned as I watched her ass clap against me, her back arched to the max as I stroked the inside of her, loving every minute of it. Once we were both finished, she was exhausted so much I had to dress her.

I laid her body in bed as she snuggled under the blanket, loving my two thousand dollar cloud mattress. And her seventy dollar silk pajamas, she slept so soundly and good now. Warmed my fucking heart.

But she has been so moody, and bratty lately. And we have argued more then ever recently, but she wasn't going anywhere. Most of the time I just grabbed her by her throat and fucked the anger out of me and her, but if not I'd just hang up or walk away from her.

I've spoiled her ever since she's got here, I even bought her her own Rolls Royce, painted baby blue with clouds all over. I bought her so much shit, even recently spend a quarter million renovating her a fit room, her own closet, and just another one for Saint as well.

She had no choice but to have a fit room anyways, especially since we have no choice but to go public.'I didn't wanna hide her nor my son anymore, which meant they would come to events. Hopefully. But I wanted to make sure she had her own space for clothes and all that extra girl shit.

April fucking recommend it, I have no clue to be completely honest.

I sighed as I finished brushing my teeth, walking out the bathroom. I grabbed my phone, taking a picture of Stormi on Snapchat. I added the cloud emoji, and a heart. Posting it to my story purposely so my millions of followers can see the beautiful women I want to marry, oh so badly.

I was in love with her, more then words could ever explain and I knew it too.

I laid in bed, spooning her, and instantly falling asleep.

I couldn't sleep long since today was the party day. And because Saint woke me up cause he wanted to sleep with me.

He was so attached to me, by the foot. He loved me, and adored me and it showed, I felt the same way. He always wanted to sleep with me or be under me, crying if I even left for a second and giving Stormi hell.

One time he even threw a knife at her, which he didn't realize what it even was, he was just mad he couldn't go to the studio with me. I beat the dog shit out of him for it though, he'd never do that dumb shit again.

He wasn't bad but I have had to beat his ass a few times, since he was showing anger like I did when I was a kid. Even killed the neighbors cat, lord, I beat the hell out of him that day.

I'm so for beating your kids when they act up, cause since he killed the cat, after that ass whooping he wouldn't ever dare to do shit like that. And it's not no punch him type shit, I just pull his little shorts down and spank him till he starts crying. It can go a while because he be tryna eat it, whole time he know he feels that shit.

He's so much like me, and I learn more everyday. When I spank him he laughs, but always ends up crying in Stormis arms claiming he hates me. But besides his acting up we had a good relationship, he was my little Jahseh. My fucking buddy.

"Dada!" He screamed as I went upstairs, since it gave me a wee bit of anxiety. "Yes sonson?"

I walked in, seeing Stormi throwing up in the toilet. "She die! Mama die!" He screamed as he ran towards me, crying his eyes out as she looked up from the toilet, rolling her sassy eyes. I smiled, hugging him before giving him a pep talk.

"She's fine sonson, just sick."

"She not die?!" He yelled as I shushed him. "No, she not die." I say as he nods, getting distracted by Rico who also stayed with us, him and his three month old since his wife recently died and they lost everything.

He adored Saint, loved him as his own. They spent a lot of time together too, I know your not supposed to keep relationships like that with your security but he was truly a dad to me.

I helped Stormi, bathing her as she cried for some odd reason. "What is it baby? Tell me." I say as I clean her foot with the loofa as she cried.

"I can't stop eating! I'm getting fat and you'll leave me!" She cried as I rolled my eyes.

Today was going to be a long ass day.

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