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I was worried sick about Jahseh, he wouldn't return any of my text or calls.

I decided I couldn't do it anymore, I couldn't just leave him like that, we still have a close bond before and we need it after.

My gut feeling was bad too, I felt like he was going to do something dumb since he walked out so smoothly with no argument, that's not him, and never will be.

I stood, throwing on a cotton yellow shirt, and my white joggers. I threw my hair up before grabbing the keys.

I ran downstairs, quickly finding my way to the car and taking off.

I was what you would say, the worst driver ever as I swerved all over the lanes, the sun blinding me but I somehow made it to his house. I parked the car, getting out and running to the door to find it was locked.

The window!

I knew if the front was locked so was the back, but they always kept the window on the side of the house unlocked.

I huffed as I pushed it open, struggling to climb inside but somehow making it. Everything looked clean, Aiden lay asleep on the couch as I snuck past him and up the stairs.

I opened Jahseh's door, his body laying flat as white foam-


Pills lay around him as I began to freak out, quickly remembering to turn him on his side and as soon as I do, nothing happens.

I think fast as I began to weep, sticking my finger down his throat, I left his body up, crying harder.

"Jahseh please!" I yell as I stick my finger farther down, a minute later puke flys all over my jeans as he sits between my legs.

I continue as he tries to push my hand away, throwing up violent yellow and green stuff, I clutch him closer to me, crying even harder in his shoulder blade.

I almost lost him, and the thought of it breaks my heart because I love him so much as friends or more then friends, he's always meant something to me.

He's been here in the time that I needed him, and the times that I didn't, being my emotional support who understood me on another level. I couldn't believe he would ever try to do something so dumb.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I cried into his shoulder as he caught his breath, exhausted in my arms as I held him.

I felt horrible, absolutely terrible he had thought about doing this to himself. I felt as if this was being dramatic but I can't imagine losing Jahseh, he's more important to me then any human ever could be.

Including Neymar.

I held him for at least 30 minutes before he slipped asleep again. I laid him flat, stripping his body of his clothes.

I changed mine, throwing on a pair of his sweat pants since mine were ruined. I threw new clothes on his body, not even paying attention to the fact that he was naked.

Once that was over I cleaned his face up with a rag and forced him to wake up to gargle mouth wash around. He was angered but I know inside he was thankful.

I cleaned up the vomit, throwing the soaked towels in the washer and spraying bleach on the ground. Once I was done, he was awake as I walked back in after checking on Aiden.

He looked over at me, as I handed him the sandwich I had made for him, a bag of Cheetos in the other hand.

"I'm sure you're hungry, so here." I say as I hand him the food, he takes it, thanking me. His eyes were filled with sorrow, my heart broke.

I walked inside of the bathroom a minute later, looking at my face.

I had bags, my eyes were puffy and swollen because I couldn't stop crying, and overall I looked like shit. I was losing so much weight, although my ass was still fat I didn't feel as if I was good enough.

I felt like I was going fucking insane, like crazy. I felt like all hope I ever had was slipping. I cheated on my boyfriend, I got raped, betrayed, used, and lied to. I wanted to be in Jahseh's position and kill myself but I wasn't too sure what was stopping me.

I looked down seeing a razor.

No stormi, don't do it, it won't be worth it!

Do it, no one gives a fuck about you anyway.

"Stormi, put the razor down." I heard Jahseh say as I cuffed my mouth, crying once again.

Jahseh walked behind me, grabbing my wrist before setting the razor down. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder, sitting his head in the crook of my neck.

I began to cry even harder when he turned me around, hugging me tightly to his chest as I hugged him back even harder. Tears flying heavily out of my eyes.

My life felt everywhere, I just felt insane.

He carried me to the room, holding me close to him as we lay in the bed. My head pounded as I fell asleep a minute later.

I woke up cold, opening my eyes and looking around to find Jahseh sitting on the bed talking to someone.

"No I can't, tell Gazzy to control it for now I need a break man. I'm worried about Stormi too, she- we need a break. Just a week. Okay, yea. Mhm. Love you too stoke, I'll see you jit."

He hung up the phone as he looked over at me, my sorrow filled eyes looking back into his.

"I need you to go home, pack some clothes and meet me here at eight tonight. Okay?"


"Stormi, just do it. Trust me, okay?" He said as I frowned. I stood, doing as told as I went out the front door. But I had to stop and give Aiden some love since I haven't seen him in so long.

I drove back to my grandmas, quickly and hurriedly packing clothes. My stomach grumbled as it felt empty, my heart ache making it worse.

"Hey boo, where you goin'?" My nanny asked as I sighed. She stared at me, reading me, she knew I was upset.

"Come here real fast before you go, okay?" She says as I nod. She was referring to her room, smoke room. Once I was done packing everything and my suit case was zipped up I ran down stairs, seeing her smoke room.

She had lounge chairs and lights everywhere, and a bar full of straight weed. She passed the blunt to me with a grin on her face as I smiled weakly back.

Once I hit it a good amount of times I felt loosened up, laughing at my grandparents as they told me a story.

I left shortly after, stuffing Cheetos down my throat as I drove to Jahseh's house.

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