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Okay this chapter is short for a reason, y'all will soon figure out why!
"Well the same you get em'-"

"Is the same way you lose them. I know nanny. I'm just hurt, and- pregnant." I said as I attempt to hold my tears.

"It's not always a bad thing Stormi, you just have to push through it. Just like I'll have to push through knowing my brothers a pedo." Uncle Ryan says as I let out a little laugh. "Life is hard, but it's never bad. You'll get through it, I love you. Come stay with uncle Ryan sometime, I missed you."

I stood up, hugging him, making sure the needle in my arm wouldn't be removed in the process. I was hooked up to one due to of course dehydration.

"I love you too. I will, just let me get my head on straight." I said as he smiled, telling me goodbye before kissing my cheek. He left.

I felt alone as I sat in the movie room, eating some good ass steak, but I was only eating it for the baby. Not for me, I wasn't hungry.

I was extremely stressed and I hope it wouldn't affect the baby.

I found out I got cheated on, my nanny has cancer, and my grandpa won't live too long because he also had lung cancer. My life seemed it was falling apart.

I didn't know what to do anymore..

I finished my steak up, deciding to finally pick the phone up. "Stormi, please. I- I'm sorry." Jahseh rasped as I let out a laugh.

"What? For hurting me, like you always do?"

"Stormi, I know I fucked up but just give me an-"

"No. Fuck no, this will be with last time you break my fucking heart." I said before hanging up.

My life turned upside down.

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