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"So, have you ever killed anyone." I say leaned against the wall as Jahseh shrugs. "Yea." He says emotionless as my mouth drops. "Seriously?"

"Yea, the only reason I'm telling you is because I'm about to ask you a personal question." He says as I close my mouth, looking at him weirdly. "Okay, ask it."

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" He asked as I sighed. My face dropping, but quickly going back to its place as I realize he's joking. "That's such a fuck boy question, but no, I haven't." I lie as he laughes. "We make out like everyday Jahseh." I say as he grins. "Yea and I make you squirm everyday too." My fist flew towards his arm, annoyed as he laughed at me.

"You wanna figure out how to?" He ask as he finishes up laughing, towering his body over mine. "Jahseh! No we-"

He kissed me anyway.

My face heated up as the memories from last night appeared. It was all so vivid, and quick. We made out for like thirty minutes, thigh squeezing make out session. He gave me like two hickies, and I fell asleep as I was getting them, which caused him to laugh.

I was awake now, watching Jahseh as he slept. I loved it.

I couldn't mask the way I was feeling about him any longer, no friends are gonna make out the way we did, no friend of mine could ever make me feel the way Jahseh made me feel last night without even sex.

I don't really do relationships, because I always get fucked over. Even though I've never been in one, my use to be best friend has, and we were so close that if they fucked her over, they did me too. But that was before she fucked my dad.

But besides that, sadly I had feelings for Jahseh, and I knew it.

His laugh and mental attracted me, his street smarts did as well. He made his money, and was private about any and every small aspect of his life unless he fucked with you. Which gives me the thought that if we ever did anything, he wouldn't tell anyone.

I sighed, rolling over before getting up. I took a quick shower, throwing on his t-shirt and a pair of his boxers. Which looked better on me then him, but whatever.

I was getting the vibe that he liked me too, and today I was gonna talk to him about it, and see how it all goes.

I really hope he does like me, because he really does make me happy. And to my heart, he always will. His presence lights up a room quicker then a light, his smile just sends shocks through my body. I adored him, and I knew I had caught feelings. In these painful quick three months, I've noted so many things about him.

I've grown to seeing him, being around him, and even thinking about him. He was growing on me, and even though I was scared, my feelings felt like an elephant on my heart. Heavy and in the room.

I know our time was short, but it all felt right. The mental connection we created, and had. The laughs, the talks, the jokes. It was all there like fog on a cold night, I had to take this chance, even if he was gonna hurt me.

I sat back in his bed, the time reading twelve p.m. he woke up a minute later, stretching then getting up to use the bathroom. I stayed put, watching the show on the T.V.

I began laughing as I watched On My Block, Monse making me laugh. He came through the door a minute later, but this time, he was silent. I looked over at him as he sat on his phone, his face as hard as a rock.

I could tell something was wrong, and by the way he looked at his phone, there was definitely something wrong.


"Sh." He hissed as my face dropped. He stood, annoyed. "I'm taking you home. Take my shit off." He said as if I was a peasant. I frowned, my heart was already aching, and I was regretting even thinking he liked me. Usually he didn't care I was in his clothes, but I was so confused. "Why are you being like this?"

"Jahseh!" I heard a female voice yell, he opened the door, Geneva right in between the door as she attempted to jump at me. I moved back quick, Jahseh grabbing her as she tried to tackle me. "Get off of me! You whore!" She screeched as I gasped. I was now sad, heartbroken, and angry all in one.

"Stormi! Just leave!" He yelled as she calmed down, starting to cry. I quickly grabbed my things as my eyes watered, putting on my slides and grabbing my phone. I ran down stairs, calling my nana to come get me, she answered.

I stood in the rain for thirty minutes before she pulled up, opening the door to let me in. I looked back at his house once more, my heart feeling as if someone's was ripping it in two.

I was very upset, but there was worse in this world the was happening and that's just how I looked at it. But my heart still was aching, I'm stupid, and blind.

That entire day, I cried and watch love movies, scarfing down two cans of sweet chunky monkey ice cream. The key to heart break. I was in my hoodie, and spandex, taking another shower right before.

I cried even harder in the shower since no one could hear me, my nana knew I was sad though. She took me to my favorite restaurant, I told her I was fine but she knew way better. She left me alone though, that's all I needed.

And here I sit, crying over someone who could give two fucks less about me. My phone lit up as I sniffled, watching the kissing booth and sticking a spoon of ice cream in my mouth. I picked it up with the other hand, snuggling into the blanket as I opened my phone to a text.

- hey

I ignored him, my phone lighting up again.

- I'm sorry, Stormi, I really am

I ignored him, but this time I shut my phone off. I watched the movie for a while before I began falling asleep, my eyes shutting as darkness clouded my head.

"Stormi!" Someone whisper yelled as my eyes shot open, my nana laughing as I whined, covering my face. "Get up girl, Cleo wants you to watch Aiden." She claimed as I quickly shook my head, satan was working in magical ways today. "Don't worry! If it's Jahseh you're sad over, he won't be there she said. He's with his friend Geneva, at her house." She says as I let out a breath of relief.

I stood, hurriedly packing a bag before going over there in my leggings, slides, and sweatshirt. Once I pulled up, and quickly went inside. Aiden sat on the brown couch.

I smiled, the cards already set out.

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