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"Attitude? Why are you being a brat?" Jahseh asked as I rolled my eyes.

He slammed on the breaks, causing me to almost fly toward. "Jahseh!"

"Answer my fucking question." He demanded angrily as I frowned. "Because you said I'd have time to get my shit and-"

"No I didn't, actually, I said for you to pack your shit. I never gave you a time." He said as he continued to drive his Rolls Royce down the street towards my apartment.

I was pissed, because I didn't get to pack any of my shit or anything so I wasn't in the best mood. I stepped out of the car, shocked to see that my door was cracked open.

It was four a.m. and it scared me shitless, but I had to go in. I did so silently, shutting the door. I yelled as the lights flickered on, Neymar in my door way.

"And where have you been?" He asked, clad in a jumpsuit, his face smirked up. "It's been a while since we've talked. I see you and Jahseh re-kindled." He said as I stayed silent, terrified.

I screamed as he came towards me, yanking me by my hair harshly. My neck going with it as I grasped at his hands, crying. "What the fuck did I tell you?! You belong to-"

"Mama?" Saint said as I looked over, clad in only shorts, with his teddy bear and juice cup. His eyes not filled with terror as he saw Neymar grabbing my hair. "Baby go to sleep. Don't worry-"

A blow was brought to my face as I gasped, my nose leaking. "You want me to do this?! In front of him, don't you!?"

"Mama! Mama!" He screeched as he ran towards me, I couldn't see much as Neymar hit me again blacking out my eye. My body couldn't take anymore, as I felt myself go unconscious.

I waited on Stormi, checking my watch. I shot up as I heard a screech, a little boy who-

My son! What the fuck was he doing, it's freezing and he was only in shorts no shoes. I swiftly got out of the car, shutting it off.

"Saint!" I yelled as he looked at me, his face filled with tears and his chin busted and bloody. "Dada! Pwease! Save mama!" He yelled as he ran towards me. I attempted to pick him up but it only caused him to scream.

"Saint What-"

"Knee-ma! He hit mama! I try to save her he hit me!" He wailed as I stood, looking towards the apartment. "Dada dun leave me!" He screeched as he hugged my leg.

"Mama die! She gone die!" He screamed. A small black lady came outside as I scooped Saint up, walking towards her. "Saintie, why you screaming-"

"Ma'am please, watch him." I said as I handed him towards her as he kicked and screamed, crying. "No dada! Pwease!"

"I love you saint. So much." I said as I turned around, running upstairs. I kicked the door, revealing another sight, I'm familiar with.

I twitched, I couldn't.

I blacked out as I attacked Neymar, tackling him off of Stormi's naked body. "Bitch!" I yelled as I got on top of him. Beating him relentlessly as he gasped.

He was strong as he rolled me over, hitting me right in the nose as I gasped. We tumbled around, hitting the wall as the flat screen fell straight on my leg, causing me to yelp.

"Fuck!" I yelled as he stood, stomping me right in the stomach. We were both covered in sweat and blood, his face worse then mine though.

I began to get weaker as he continued hitting me, feeling myself slip as I struggled to fight him off. He got on top, his hands going straight towards my neck as he bit his lip, angrily looking at me.

"Die you bitch! She's forever mine!"

I felt my oxygen being cut off as I struggled to breath, gasping for air as I attempted to hit him. I was on the brink of death, when his grip loosened. His eyes shooting open, mouth ajar, before rolling off of me.

Stormi, looked down at me. She helped me up, before breaking down in my chest. Screaming, and crying as I held her. My chin on her head as she cried, squeezing me.

Blood soaked the floor.

The black lady, and I'm guessing her husband walked towards the door. Saint no where in sight as they looked at the blood soaked floor. I held my finger up to my lips as Stormi continued crying.

They nodded, bowing their heads before walking away.


"Football player Neymar was killed, police ruling it out as an homicide. They claim he attacked a man and his girlfriend, almost killing the man before the women stabbed him. The police had issued by law to say no names, so-"

"I'm tired of it." Stormi said as she hid her nose down under the cover. "I just want it to go away." She claimed as I rubbed her feet.

"It's over now, you won't ever have to worry about him again." I said as I smiled at her, she smiled back. It was fake.

After the incident, I sent the man and women half a million. I had too, they witnessed a murder and still till this day, six months later hadn't said shit. I bought them a car too, cause that was some real G shit.

Saint devolved PTSD, I stood as I heard his night terror beginning. I walked inside of the room on the plane, as he began crying and squirming, squeezing his small teddy bear. I removed it, his eyes shooting open as he cried. He wasn't awake though, he was reliving it, and the terror forced his eyes open.

I laid him on my chest, rubbing his back as he began to calm down, falling asleep soon after. It broke my heart he had to witness that, and Stormi had to endure that type of physical and mental pain.

I prayed to god the burden would leave her, she's scared of everything and everyone now. It just broke my heart even more, but I had a surprise for her tonight. She had no clue what she was in for.

We were flying out to L.A. where I'd be throwing her a party full of people she loves, even her rehab ridden mom was attending. She had no clue though, her mom changed. She met a man in rehab, and they fell in love she told me.

She's pregnant now at thirty six, with a boy who would be Stormis brother. She was excited to meet saint, and had so much to tell Stormi. She hoped she'd still have love for her, as did I.

Life was going smooth, I was excited to see where it would take us.

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