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It was hours later, and I was completely and utterly heartbroken. I was in the basement,
Discarding my fear of them for the pain of heartbreak over powered it. My dad was screaming my name, claiming he was so sorry as I walked across the street with Cleo. I couldn't help but to continue crying even as I walked in.

In all of my seventeen years he's never in his life been so angry, but I think it was pent up from me exposing his secret affair. Aiden lay asleep on my lap, attempting to make me feel better but ended up falling asleep. I sighed before using the bathroom to take a shower. My cheek was bruised, and throbbing. When the hot water touched it I almost screeched.

I hurried my shower, getting out before drying off. I dressed into shorts, and a long t-shirt. I cringed at the fact that my feet didn't have socks on them, so I hurriedly put on a new pair. I brushed my hair, leaving it down before adding makeup to cover the bruise, then walking upstairs to find some type of food. But when I saw there wasn't any I preferred I texted my nanny.

- by Chance u could order me a pizza?

- of course my dear, I'll send you my card info. Order whatever the hell you want, I love you.

I smiled as she sent me a picture of her next to the card making a silly face. "Hey." I heard someone say as I stood up from the counter, turning around to see Jahseh. "Hi."

"What're you doing?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I'm gonna order a pizza, you wanna share it?" I asked as he nodded. He turned his head, looking at the moon through the window. His jaw was cut as I looked it, concerned. "Hey, come here." I said as he looked at me.

He came closer, I grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink. I found it after Aiden tripped and scraped his knee. I lifted up, attempting to clean it but he winced away. "No, come here." I said yanking his wrist back. He winced again, moving his head. He applied his hands at my waist as I tried to ignore it, his hands squeezing my waist as I dabbed alcohol with a cotton swab on the cut.

"Where did this come from?" I ask as he shrugs.

"Hey tell me," I said as I applied a bandaid on his face. "I'll tell you a secret of mine if you tell me yours." I say as I put everything back in the kit.

"Deal?" I asked as I spun around, looking up at him as he stared back.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You don't." I say honestly as he nods, puckering his lips.

"Okay fine. I own a business." He says as I look at him, squinting my eyes.

"What type?"

"That's not important, now is it?"

"It is if I wanna know, so tell me. You're gonna know a big secret about me so I'd advise you to tell me one about you. Or do you break deals?" I said with a hand on my hip as he grinned at me.

"Okay fine, I move bricks."

"For what? And of what?"

"Come, weed, molly, X, and cid. And how do you think we have this house?" He says as I nod.

"Now, my turn to know your big secret." He said as I cringed.

"Promise you won't tell a soul?"

He nods.

"I've never had my first kiss." I say looking down at my twirling thumbs in embarrassment. He lets out a laugh as I punch him, annoyed. "Stop laughing!" I yell as he continues.

"So let me guess? You're a virgin as well?" He ask as I stay silent. "I shrug, "maybe, maybe not." I say before calling Pizza Hut.

"Wait then how's your ass so fat?" He ask as the man picks up, hearing what he just said as I stare at Jahseh as if he was nuts. "Hi!" I say inside the phone before walking off.

"How much was the order?" Jahseh says as I shrug. We sit on his bed, my back against the head board as he sits next to me. "Tell me."


"Tell me or I'll rob him, then we can just get it for free." He says as I laugh, shaking my head. He pushed my shoulder, my bruised cheek hitting the wall as I clutch my face and Yelp. "Shit, did I just-"

"No it's- no. You're fine. I just fell on the concrete today chasing Aiden while we were at school." I said as he looked at me.

"You're lying, I was home this entire day. I wouldn't say coming to my house crying with my mom, is what, you chasing around Aiden?"

"Fine, I got hit in the face." I say annoyed as he continues staring at me. "By who?"

"My- ig doesn't matter-"

"Stormi, tell me." He says angrily as my face drops.

"My dad." I say as he tenses up. "Your own blood?" He ask as I nod. "Yes but I don't wanna talk about it." I say he nods. "Okay we don't have to, but how much was the pizza?"

I laugh before shaking my head.

I run down to get the pizza, laying before tipping the man a twenty Jahseh gave me. I walk upstairs, seeing Aiden back asleep in his bed on the way to Jahseh's room. I sit as we eat the pizza, finishing and throwing the trash on his table. "Have you ever took X?" He asked as I shook my head.

"What is that?" I ask as he swallows a pink pill.
"It's X. Try?" He asked as I stared at it. "Come on, you really only live once. And it won't kill you, I promise." He says as I finally give in, swallowing the pill before laying down.

"Watch this." He says as he stand, flickering on a light switch. The lights changed color, and a minute later, I felt myself hallucinating.

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