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After our fun events, we went down to the boardwalk. I was a little shitty, Stormi wore these white biker shorts, and a white crop top to match, which had me more then fucked up. But she insisted on wearing it, telling me to not be insecure.

Like she's fine as fuck and her body is on display for sick people like me, to think about touching on. And the thought of another ma- y'all already know what it is.

I wore black shorts, a Gucci shirt, and my Gucci slides with black socks. The usual. I took her the the mall, planning on spoiling her since I abused the fuck out of her a little over two hours ago.

I brought her to Louis Vuitton, she clutched my arm tighter before taking off and looking around. She had no clue everything was all on me today, and I know her, she'll tell me no. But I'm paying attention to detail for today.

I walked around, picking out some things I'd like to buy. I picked up a fanny pack, deciding to buy it. I caught her staring at a purse, her dainty fingers touching the glass as she was in awe of it.

I walked towards the cashier, buying my item before speaking to the old tan, black haired man. "How much for that LV bag she's looking at over there?" I ask as he gasped. "The vintage cherry Louis Vuitton x Birkin bag?" He ask as I make a face.

 "The vintage cherry Louis Vuitton x Birkin bag?" He ask as I make a face

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"Um- yea. I'll pay whatever for it."

"Even thirty thousand dollars?" He says as I nod, grabbing my card before swiping it. He smiled before putting on white gloves as I snatch the receipt, crumbling it and throwing it in the trash. He grabs the bag, Stormi frowing as she sees someone's buying it.

She goes somewhere else in the store, looking at a necklace a minute later. He puts the bag inside of a huge ass LV orange bag like he did my fanny pack, I thank him before walking towards Stormi.

"Hey boo." I say as she spins around, smiling. "Here baby." I say as I lift up her bag. Her smile drops as she looks at the bag in shock, opening it to find the bag she so desperately wanted.

I grinned as she screamed, jumping on me in excitement. "Thank you so much Jahseh!" She yelped as I dropped my bag, clutching her ass as support. "Anything for you." I whisper as she kisses me.

"Oh isn't this cute."

I drop Stormi on her feet as I hear a familiar voice. Cynthia. I turn around swiftly, a long legged tall white girl stands in front of her. My first love.

She had long black hair, she wore a tight black dress and heels. Always so classy, and bitchy. My anger and hatred for her re-appeared as I clutched my jaw, Stormi hiding behind me as she clutched my arm.

"Cynthia- Satan." I say as she grins, her red lipstick contrast to her pearly white teeth. She had blue eyes, she use to be my blue eyed angel I'd call her. That was until she fucked up and I tried to slit her throat, I'm not to sure how she was even alive.

"It's so nice to see you, would you sa-"

"Cut the fucking games. How are you not d- I mean why are you here?" I watched my words, forgetting Stormi was behind me.

Her poisoned eyes averted to Stormi behind me. "Oh, she doesn't know? How you slit my thr-"

"Shut the fuck up." I seethed.

"You see this scar?" She points to her throat as Stormi releases her grip, I'm sure due to curiosity. "You're a sweet girl, I'd hate for him to try to kill you too." Stormi looked at me with terror, before scurrying off.

I filled with anger even more as I began twitching, damn her. I can't let her feed off my energy anymore, so I did what I've never done, walked the fuck away.

It felt hours passed by as I looked for Stormi everywhere in every place. That was until it came to the beach, she was sitting with her knees up to her chest. I felt bad. I walked back to the car and put the bags up before making my way down in the hot sand.

I walked towards her, making sure to be cautious. "You can't hide from me forever, you know." I say as I plop next to her, watching the huge white Ferris wheel spin love in a circle.

"Jahseh, what is she talking about?" She ask as she looks over at me, her eyes red, indicating she was crying.

"She- if I tell you, you'll either leave me or be scared of me. Some secrets just need to sta-"

"No!" She says angrily. "There should be no secrets no way. Tell me what she was talking about or so help me god I'm on the first flight out of New Jersey." She threatened, I was a bit shocked by her. She was becoming meaner, it kinda turned me on.

"This is the past, okay? I'm not this person anymore." I say as she nods. She grabs my hands in her dainty ones, urging me to continue.

I hated telling this story, it brought back the worst kinda of memories.

2:03 a.m.
16 years old

"Jahseh!" Cynthia yelped as he looked up at her. He was angry, more angry then he's ever been in his life. More angry then anyone has ever been in his life. He was a dirt bag, but a good boyfriend dirt bag. He provided, protected, and loved her. How could she do this to him? Leave him lonely in his time of desperation of love and need!

Not one thing could justify the act she had done, and no one thing could calm him down from seeing it with his own eyes. A mind war was racing in his head as he stared at the naked tied up girl, deciding exactly what he wanted to do with her.

His sinister teenage mine sparked as he eyed the knife in his hand.

"Oh Cynthia , it will be so easy. Just as easy as it was for you to ride Darrion." He says with a grin on his face. "Jahseh-"

"Shut the fuck up! Don't you ever know when to shut your fucking mouth!? Haven't you done enough you fucking slut!?" He yelled as she frowned. "Cynthia, you were my gold. Y- you took advantage of the live I had for you, why?"

"Because you're boring! All you ever wanna do is love me, commitment is boring!" She yelped as he grinned. He brought the knife to his wrist, slitting it easily as his blood dripped.

"Well if I can't have you, no one can."



"So she cheated on you, that was all?"

"No Stormi, she fucked with my head. Converted me to satanism, I wasn't in the same mindset as I am in now. I was sixteen, she was twenty-two. She knew what she was doing." I say as I lay on my back, looking up at the sky.

"Well- I-I'm sorry I stormed out. I get it now. Plus you aren't that Jahseh anymore."

Oh I am, but you'll never know that baby. That blood that lays on my hands will never touch hers.

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