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"Get off of it." He says annoyed with a straight face as I ignore him, laughing at Lucas.

I gasp as he grips my phone, hearing it lock.

"Jahseh, give-"

I gasped and stoped talking as his tongue found Its way to my neck, shutting me up quick. He continued, as I began squirming.

His lips meet mine as we began kissing, as always.

"Lemme do something to you." He says as we stop, my face hot as I stare back into his eyes, my hands gripping his upper arm.

It was dark inside the room, but I could notice how black his eyes were, he seemed hungry for me as he bit his lip.

"L- I've never had s-"

"Trust me." He said seriously looking into my eyes as I nodded. I can't believe I was agreeing to this, but more so because of my own pleasure, I was tired of my sexual hormones being pent up. I need a release.

He lifted my shirt up slowly, his hands finding my breast as he began making out with me, his wet tongue sliding inside of my mouth as mine collided with his.

I gasped as his tongue slipped out of my mouth, sliding down as he sucked on my breast, pulling my bra down, and lightly sucking my nípple. I moaned as he lightly bit it, swirling his tongue as I bit my lip.

I began to get even more aroused as his black eyes looked into mine, still flicking his tongue as his other hand occupied the other breast.

I threw my head back as his hands slid down, starting to finger me, his thumb finding its way to my clit.

He was pleasuring me in so many ways, I couldn't contain my moans as he rubbed my sensitive bundle of nerves, causing me to whine as he sucked on my other nípple.

He stopped, his fingers still pleasing me as I cried out. My legs felt weak as I felt myself near, to what I guess was an orgasm.

"You like this? Hm?" He asked as I moaned. He stopped as I looked up at him, sitting up on my elbows as he stared into my eyes.


"You gotta answer me, come on." He said as he rubbed harder and faster.

"Yes, oh." I moaned out as I closed my legs around his hand, they jumped as I felt myself cúm, extremely sensitive as Jahseh continued rubbing me.

I tried to move his hand, but he refused, making the pleasurable experiencing long as I scratched at his back.

"I'm not done with you, keep these open." He whispered in my ear as he finally stopped rubbing me.

He slid down, his wet and warm tongue gliding up and down the side of my thighs. He looks down at my vagina, eyeing it as he grinned.

"I've been waiting to taste you since I met you, baby." He claimed as he pushed me up towards the wall, laying on his stomach.

He kissed my lips, down there. Causing me to jump, still very swollen and sensitive. His eyes captivated mine as he licked a bold stripe up me, me biting my lip as I watched him.

His tongue flicked and flew up and down me as I threw my head back, my hands going inside of his head. He continued, sticking and turned it inside of me as I whined, trying to close my legs but he locked them around his head.

I neared as he sucked on my clit, wet, sloshy sounds being made as he pleasured me.

"Say my name, and look at me or I'll stop." He claimed his he slid two fingers inside of me, the feeling foreign but very pleasing.

I lifted myself up on my elbows, watching him, I'm sure my face looking as if it was in pain as I neared, my legs becoming weak.

"Jahseh, oh s-" I couldn't even finish my words as I began jumping, having an orgasm for the second time tonight. My hips flying upwards as my mouth lay ajar, my eyes squeezed shut as I cúm.

He shook a his head as I still came, causing me to try to move my body away from him.

"Don't run, I'm not done." He hissed.


I lay next to Stormi, looking over her now naked body. Blue and black prints align her stomach and breast, my prints because she was mine, simple.

I know she had feelings for me, it was easy to sense no matter how hard she attempted to hide it. But I inferred that by her stares, how quick she falls into my arms, and exactly what happened last night showed it even more.

I knew what I was doing, and she did too. I wanted her to remember how I made her feel, the looks I gave her, and the things I was saying to her. I knew exactly what I was doing.

My phone lit up as I reached over her, grabbing it. Looking at her messy hair, and red face, her breast and body on showcase as I pulled the cover over her.

I answered my phone, stepping out of the room before attempting to fix my díck that just wouldn't go down.

"Aye bitch, we on da block? You coming?" Gazzy claimed as I nodded, as if he could see.

"Yea, give me a couple hours though. I got shit to finish." I say as I finally came to the conclusion that I was gonna wake Stormi up to my lips around her.

"Aight hoe." He claimed as I hung up, walking inside of my room to her still naked and asleep.

She laid on her back, her curls everywhere as I stared at her.

I did this most of the time even though she never noticed. I would leave almost every day at two, finish my business with the gang and come back. I'd admire her before laying back down, she'd always find me asleep. I didn't want her to feel alone especially with what she was going through, and I couldn't help but to come back to her.

I wasn't too sure if I had feelings for her, but even if I did I don't do relations. Simple. I'll fuck her though, man I'd fuck the shit out of her, and take care of her right after. And what was even crazier to me was she liked my music, which she had no clue was mine but it made her even more attractive.

She was so pulling, from the minute I pulled her from getting hit by a car, and noticing she stayed across the street from me, I knew. I knew we'd be in this exact position, because I always got what I wanted.

And the next thing I wanted was me inside of her, but from how I knew her, I couldn't predict if I could actually get that honestly.

I know she thinks I don't pay attention to her but I do, every little thing I notice about her. Truth be told it pisses me off.

I'm so possessive in my head, just for her. It's crazy because I don't want any tyes to her, but I also don't want anyone else having her but me. Almost everyone in the town knows she's mine, as much as they see us together they know better.

I was heated when I found out she was going on a date, but I put a tracker in her phone and went through her messages after I put her to sleep. It was just Lucas, so when ever he planned this little date for her, I was gonna jump him.

She was mine, I didn't give a fuck how anyone felt about it. Title or not, she was mine as I was hers. But she couldn't know that, because just like everyone else she'll take advantage of me.

But I couldn't deny I felt some way towards her, her laugh, her smile, her mental, her body made me feel deeply about her even more. I don't care how she felt about herself, she was perfect, in ever single aspect.

And she was mine, every part of her. That's why she woke up moaning my name.

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