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"Seventeen, sprained ankle, and a massive concussion. Bruising and bleeding to the brain! Get her to surgery, her rib is snapped in two!" A women yelled as my eyes shot open, I was in a hospital, I could tell by the bright white lights.

"Jahseh! Why would you let this happen to her!" I heard Cleo's voice cry out as I look over, his face filled with worry as he looked back into my eyes.

"Stormi!" He yelled as I stared at him, he came towards me, gripping my hand. I began to shake violently.

I woke up again, but it was different this time.

I had some wild dreams.

I had a dream I was in a elevated bed with Jahseh, and we kissed.

I dreamed we were in a car, taking walks, and my mom was in them too. There was one where my dad was hurting her and Jahseh beat his ass, then left, then my dad beat my ass.

"Is she awake?" I heard a voice say as it reminded me of my mom. I laid there before moaning in pain as it hit me, I don't know how but it hit me and it almost made me wanna kill myself with how much pain I felt.

"She's awake! Nurse!" I began to gag, as I lifted up, puke coming out of my mouth. The movement caused my head to feel as if it was a piece of glass that just broke, it hurt.

I realized there was a tube in my throat and in my nose, the feeling mad uncomfortable as I began yelling and violently gagging. "Okay, hold on baby they'll take it out, just calm down."

A couple gags later they finally pull the throat tube out, a blonde headed blue eyed women smiling at me as I attempted to smile back. "I'll be to get the doctor, give me just a second." She says as my mom nods and I stare up at the ceiling, the pain throbbing.

"Up her dosage please!" I heard a male voice say as I look over, tilting my head at Jahseh. He came towards me, eyeing me. "You feel better?" He ask shyly looking down at his hands that rest on the side of the hospital bed ledge.

I stare at him, my eyes watering at the pain. I couldn't even speak, and I couldn't help but close my eyes and cry out as a huge, painful throb exploded behind my head.

"You in pain? Hold on." My mom says as I hear her feet move. I snap my eyes open, my eyes looking up at Jahseh as he gently grabs my hand, sending me a small smile. "Here." He says as he lets go, pulling the sides of the bed down.

I scoot over, closing my eyes as my head pounds harder. Jahseh slides in next to me, throwing his arm around my shoulder as his hand goes up, gently pushing my head on his shoulder. I wimpier at the pain, whining as Jahseh frowns and rubs my arm with his thumb.

Once they injected medicine in my IV I instantly went to sleep with my arms around Jahseh as we both fell asleep, only being awaken to be checked to see if I could go home. They checked my reflexes since it was in the back of my brain that was fucked up, and told me all that they did.

"We had to reconstruct the back of the skull because what ever happened, you slapped your head on something hard and cracked the back of it. We used fake skin like things to patch it back together. Then we had to put you in a coma because your so small and things were going bad, now after ten days you're finally awake. Thank your boyfriend, it was his idea, he almost saved your life." The white doctor says smiling and patting Jahseh's shoulder as he nodded.

"You can go ahead home since both your vitals and reflex's are good, but you're healing process might take months. I'd advise to start on homeschooling now." He says as my mom nods, standing next to my bed and clutching my hand.

Jahseh left the room as I took a nice shower, finally brushing my hair and braiding it back.
I wore a pair of leggings and a jacket, slides as well. My head wasn't hurting but I was a bit woozy as Jahseh walked with me as we left.

My mom was there to which I was thankful for, dropping Jahseh off before thanking him. Once we pulled next to mine, she parked the car, sighing.

She looked over at me, smiling as her eyes watered, and grabbing my hand. "I am so sorry Stormi, I should-"

I stopped her.

Because this was a cycle that I never talked about. Why do people think I'm so quiet? Why do you think I want my mom to leave my dad so bad?

Because of the simple fact that he could never keep his hands to himself. This wasn't just one occasion, this was many. He's sent me to the hospital with black eyes and even a broken jaw, but the craziest part is my mom knows about all of this, but she chooses him over me. I don't think a lot of people realize how bad that shit tears my entire mental down. I feel alone.

I ignore her as I open the car door, slamming it shut before walking inside of the house.

My dad on the couch, beer bottle in hand.

I thud upstairs with my medicines in my hand, grabbing a bunch of clothes and things that I needed. I couldn't find my damn phone but I was more worried about leaving. I walked out, but screamed loudly as I was yanked back by my black hood, my leggings scrapping the ground.

The movement thrashed my neck back as I began to moan in pain, my sight going blurry as my eyes shut, I got knocked out.

I woke up once again, but I wasn't in the hospital, I was in Jahsehs' bed. My neck and head were killing me as I cried out, hopefully someone could hear me because the pain was so bad I felt as if I couldn't move.

"I'm right here, hold on." A raspy voice said as wariness left me, I didn't even noticed whoever it was had there arms wrapped around me.

It was Jahseh dumbass.

I laid there till he came back, helping me sit myself up as the pain worsened. I hurriedly took the pills, sinking back inside the safe and warm covers. Jahseh came around me, wrapping his arms around my cold body as I shivered.

"Why am I shivering?" I asked as I felt a little warm, but still cold.

"It's one of the pain killers they gave you, you'll be fine." He says as I lightly nod.

"But wait, how did I get over here?" I say as the warm ness leaves and he sits up. He looks down at me as I whine turning on my back to look at him.

"I left Geneva's because my mom said she heard you scream. Cost me my relationship and I got court for beating the fuck out your dad since he knocked you out. I'm sorry." He said as he sighed, looking at the shelf next to him.

I stared at him, grabbing his face as I plant a small kiss on his cheek, hugging him a minute later.

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