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"Mom listen-"

"Shut up." She demanded as I flopped on the couch. "She-"

"Shut up!" She screamed as I covered my face. I wait for her as she finally walks into the living room, in a purple dress and sandals. "Now what girl, I was on the phone." She says as I breath out.

"Nothing, but I broke someone's nose today."

"I heard, but I know that girl and her weird ass mom. I beat her ass once at the same school, I ain't mad at ya sis." She says as I grin. "You the shit." I say as she slaps my thigh. "No cussing or ima really beatcha' ass." She says as I grin. "Okay, okay." I say sitting up.

"But this neighbor lady is sweet, she's going somewhere in an hour and you need the money so I signed you up to play babysitter." She says as I look at her shocked. "B-"

"Don't. You doing it as a punishment, I need to look like a good parent some how. And besides, she said she'd pay you, you're doing it Stormi. Also heard about her son breaking your phone so, Jahseh was his name? Anyways, here. Thank nanny, she got all your old files and numbers on there." She says as I thank her, standing but very annoyed. I grab my Phone, walking towards my room, laying in my bed. I scream into the pillow.


I was woke by my mom as she reminded me I had to watch some kid. I stood, taking another shower as I bleed through my pants. I changed into shorts, a t-shirt, and slides. My ass was half way out but it was a kid so who really cared. "Your staying the night!" She yells as I huff, packing some clothes and tampons in my grey vans backpack.

I walk down stairs, my mom not paying attention. I grab her black sweats that were on the back of the couch, before sliding them up my legs. "I'm out." She turns around, kissing my cheek as I smile. "I love you Stormiloo." She says as I kiss her cheek back. "Love you too."

I walk across the street, music blaring in my ears. I knock on the door, a beautiful lady with a bob shown, smiling. "Hey! I'm cleopatra, and this is Aiden." She says as she shows me a cute little boy. I wave at him, smiling as he smiles back. "Come in." She says as I do so. Her house was nice, neutral colors filled her house.

"Well I'm off for tonight, I'm gonna stay with my manz. Anyways there's cookies and crustables in the fridge, he can't play on the game past ten. He's home schooled but I still like him to sleep good. Love you." She says to him before grabbing her purse and kissing his cheek. I walk inside, ya just staring at eachother.

"I'm Aiden, I'm eight and I don't need a babysitter." He says as I nod. "Wanna play a game?" I ask as he nods. "Only if you promise not to tell your mom." He nods as I pull out a deck of cards. I set my stuff down on the couch. I sit on the floor across from Aiden as he sits on the couch.

"You know how to count?" I ask as he nods. "Okay, here. This is illegal game, you'll die and go to jail if you play this with anyone else okay, don't tell anyone I said that either." I say as he gasp. "Count to 21, an ace means once, King and Queen mean 10."

I deal the cards as I slowly teach help how to play, and I was actually mad he beat me ten times.

"Fuck!" I yelled laying on the ground. Ten minutes later, I'm surrounded by chocolate milk and crushable sandwiches. He giggles loudly, creepily as I bust out laughing at his face. "Stop creep."

"You mad I won! Hahahahaha." He says sticking his tongue out. "You suck." I say as I stare up at the ceiling. I sigh before getting up, it was almost ten. "You ready to sleep?" I ask as he shrugs. "Yea, I guess. Goodnight." He says as he runs up hugging my thighs. "Can you babysit me again?" He ask as I shrug. "Sure, but only if you hurry to bed." I say as he nods. "Okay."

He runs up the stairs, I slip my joggers off, engulfed in heat. I clean up the mess before throwing it away in the sleep black and grey kitchen. I open the fridge, splattering the milk as I see the same boy from school, staring at me. "Why are you in my house?" He ask as I just stare at him. I ignore him, picking the milk jug up, thanking god it didn't spill everywhere.

I threw a brown rag on the floor, wiping it up with my foot before picking it up and throwing it in a basket next to the sink. "Answer my question, stormi." He says, my name rolling off his tongue. I walk away, going towards the couch and laying down on it. I grabbed the remote, playing adventure time.


"I'm watching your brother." I say still watching the T.V. "Okay." He says before walking off. I shrug him off, continuing to watch T.V.

"I'm having friends over so I'd advise you to go in the bar room in the basement, or in my room. Pick one, I need this room." I sigh, having a deep fear of basements due to watching too much scary shows. I shrug. "I'll go to your room." I say as he nods. "Up there, left. Don't come down stairs." He says as I walk past him.

I do so, feeling his eyes on me as I walk upstairs. I open his door, seeing an anime posted, a huge screen T.V. And a black king sized bed. I turn in his lamp before laying under the covers, watching Netflix till I fall asleep.

I wake up, feeling someone touch me as I freeze. "Fuck, she's thick, I want my turn after you finish." I hear a deep voice say in the darkness as I began to freak out. "Nah she's out, we can train her. She wont know." I hear another voice say. I lay still, but as I feel a finger enter me I scream.

I felt one of them hold me down, I screamed loud as I kicked one of them in the nuts. He groans, I hear his knees drop. I kick at the other guy, forcing him off of me as I fall to the ground. "You dumb bitch!" A dark skin says as the lamp goes on, I'm hit across the face with his first as I yelp.

They attack me, pinning me to the floor. I kick at one of them again, forcing my hands free as I grab the pocket knife, they both freak as I stand to my feet pointing it towards them. "Jahseh! JAHSEH! Stormi!" I hear Aidan yell as he stands in the door way. I'm backed up against his window away from the door. "Aiden go to sleep." I say calmly as the men look at me angry.

"No! Leave her alone!" He screams running towards me. He cries into my thighs as I pick him up, wrapping my arms around his tiny body. "What the fuck is going on? Jahseh Get up here!" A darkskin yells, a black durag on his head. "They was tryna attack your girl bruh, they fucked her lip up too." He says as I began to taste blood.

I couldn't feel it was all the adrenaline rushing through my body. Jahseh walked in, angrily looking at the men. "Ski, take them down and run they shit." He says as the men look at eachother, seemingly scared. I dropped the knife, clutching Aiden as he cries on my chest.

"This is all your fault Jah! She could have die!" He yells crying harder. I set Aiden down, he cries harder. "Bubby-" He runs past him. "I hate you!" He screams as I huff. I go after him, going into the kitchen. "Listen Aiden it's not his fault okay? He didn't mean to do that, it's mine." I say as he frowns. "Be mad at me, not him he loves you. Okay?" I say as he nods, wiping his tears.

"Okay I love him too, he didn't do this?" He ask as I smiled shaking my head. "No baby, go sleep, okay? This will never happen again, I promise. I'm okay, I'm right here. Don't be mad at him, okay?" I say as he nods. He hugs me. "Goodnight Stormi." He says kissing my cheek as I smile. "Goodnight Aiden."

I stand, really feeling my lip pound as I clean it. I wince, putting ointment on it before huffing. I turn around, seeing the boy stare at me. "I- thank you for that." He says as I shrug. "Your welcome." I say as I clean up the living room.

I hear him thud upstairs as I plop down on the couch, freezing but forcing myself asleep.

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