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"You're so clumsy." Jahseh says as he sets the ice pack behind my head, his body sat next to my legs as I lay on the bed.

"I know. I'm sorry I slapped you, I really am." I say as he shakes his head.

"In that moment I deserved it, don't feel bad." He says as he looks down at his hands. "I'm sorry Stormi- you- I just don't want another man touching you, it drives me insane thinking about it."

I could tell he was now comfortable with me, comfortable enough to tell me how he feels. And I respected that.

"I'm not gonna lie either, it hurt me thinking about you and Geneva. So, I get it and I'm sorry." I say as he nods his head.

It's silent for a minute, I stare at him as he stares at the wall.

"Did you two really do it? Did he take it?" He asked as he turned his head, looking at me as his eyes showed defeat. My heart ached as I looked at him, he liked me and knowing someone took something so personal away from me is definitely bothering him.

"We did. But Jahseh, you- you never told me how you felt and I never expected to even lose it to you, we weren't together and I didn't think you planned on being with me."

"I did." He said as I raised my eyebrows. "I really did Stormi and I'm not the type to even stick with one person but it was something I, for once in my life, really thought about changing." He said as I frowned.

The mood changed as his hand touched my thigh, I lifted up on my elbow as he stared into my eyes.

"You just- you know how to make a thug go soft. You always worry about me, you pick and prod till I tell you how I feel because you actually give a fuck about me. I-"

"Jahseh, no." I say as I push his hand away. I gasp as he ignores my plea, crawling on top of me. I should've stopped him as he held my hands down, but I couldn't. I wanted him so badly to touch me again.

"So you really want me to leave you alone? Never talk to you again, never touch you," his hand slid down to my lower stomach as my panties got wet.

"Never taste you-"

"Jahseh, I-" he began sucking lightly at my neck, I felt weak as I let him please me. But it felt so right. He continued, as his hands slid down playing with my breast.

My hands went to his hair, yanking it lightly as I whined at the pleasurable feeling of his hot tongue on my neck.

"Take this off." He whispers as I lift myself up, sliding my T-shirt off. His eyes stared so heavily at my chest, soon looking into my eyes. "You're so perfect baby." He says as he lightly pushes me on my back.

The lights were dimmed as he attacked my nipples, pain searing as he left mean, dark marks on my chest. He slowly slid down, eyes staring hungrily into mine as he pulled my shorts down.

He wasted no time, his tongue sliding inside of me as I bit my lip. His tongue danced on me, sliding up, flicking, and inside of me all in one motion. I was being devoured, and I wasn't going to hold up much longer if he kept it up.

I was jelly as his hands squeezed my breast, moaning as my pleasure hit its point and my juices were flowing inside of his mouth. He made slurping sounds as he continued to pleasure me, his hands locking my legs as I tried to run.

Once he was finished, he slid up, his pants touching my exposed area as we kissed. I tasted myself in the process, but loving it as I grew even more wet.

"Let me fuck you senseless, have you screaming my name." He rasp. My face was hot, and I was sticky as was he. I nodded my head, biting my lip, completely disregarding the fact that I was in a relationship.

He took his pants off quickly as I moved my bare body under the cover, his dick was hard as a rock as it flipped out of his boxers.

He got under the covers with me, sliding in between my legs as we kissed for a second. He aligned his dick against me, pushing in at a slow pace.

I jumped as a searing pain shocked me. "Ow It hurts Jahseh!" I whsiper yelled as he shushed me. "Hold On baby, I know."

I squeeze my eyes shut in pain, gasping as he pushed himself in even more. It felt like my vagina was completely splitting apart, and it hurt terribly.

So terribly to the point where I was crying, bawling my eyes out because of how bad it hurt.

Jahseh bent over, tensing up as he pulled out. I began laughing, tears still flying down my eye as I laughed at how fast and hard he nutted by just going in.

"I've never came that fast." He says as he breathes heavily, pain still in my area.

"I've never felt so much pain before, we had sex like-"

"Stop. I know what you mean, no need for an example." He says as I nod, understanding.

He laid his body in mine as it got quiet, his head in the crook of my neck as my hands lightly scratched his back.

"I missed this." he said


"Laying with you."

I smiled as he lifted his head up, kissing me again. The mood averted back to sexual as he slid in once again, the pain still there but not as worse.

I let out a moan in his mouth as he stroked me, speeding his slow pace up a little more. He lifted himself up, locking his arms around my knees as he stared at me.

I bit my lip as he pushed himself deeper, slapping sounds being made as I let out a deep breath. My dainty hands clenched the sheets like a crab, closing my eyes and opening my mouth as he hits a certain spot.

I stopped him, pushing on his stomach as he came to a stop.


"It was too much." I say as we both breath heavily.

He smacked his lips.

"You better take this dick." He rasped as his hand shot towards my throat. He slid in, wasting no time as he began hitting a certain spot inside of me.

I moved around a lot, the pleasure eating me alive as he deeply fucked me, pushing my knees towards my chest.

"Jahseh, oh." I moaned as he harshly stroked me, his dick sliding inside of all the right places. "You like this? Huh?" He rasped inside of my ear, my eyes rolling in the back of my head.

"He fuck you this good huh? You're such a good girl for me." He rasp as he groans. I moan louder as the head bed bangs against all the wall harshly.

"Who's pussy is this? Say it." He says as he speeds up, my stomach tightening as I grew closer to an orgasm. "Yours." I spit out in dis-belief.

Crazy what good dick can do to you man.

I came a second later, still getting fucked ruthlessly all through my orgasm. That was until Jahseh moaned loudly, pulled out and nutted on the bed.

We fell asleep.

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