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I woke up to Stormis small body below mine, her face somewhat red, and hair everywhere. I groaned, rolling off of her before checking my phone.

Why don't you fwm anymore 😕

Aye, u up?

Lol this u bae 🥰

The first person I responded to was Gazzy, letting him know the money was sent and asking if he was okay. He replied fast, saying he was and thank you. I set my phone back down, locking it as I lifted myself up since I had to pee.

But as I stood, blood soaked everywhere, all over her sheets. Even fresh blood.

I must have beat her period on, since I was fucking the life out of her. She rolled over, towards me, scrunching her face up in pain as she covered her breast with her knees.

She was definitely on, and I decided to help her. I went inside of the bathroom, quickly turning on the shower. I made sure the water was hot as I went to the bathroom.

Once I was done I ran back into the room, Stormis face showing annoyance.


"Shush. The showers running for you, I'll wash these. Go baby." I said as I helped her up, wrapping a sheet around her before giving her a gentle push. She stared at me before doing as said.

I threw my clothes on, quickly running down stairs to wash the sheet. Once I found the laundry room in that fat ass house, I threw them in there.

"You two sickos have fun last night?" Nanny Monroe ask as I turn around and jump. "Oh and the sheets?! Jahseh dammit, move." She said shoving me harshly as I laugh.

"Also be quiet next time, I'm sure the whole community heard you two." She says shaking her head as I let out a laugh.

"Sorry Monroe, well be sure to be quiet next time." I say as she laughs, grabbing some cleaning shit. I ran out to my car, grabbing clean clothes before taking a shower in the bathroom down stairs, and quickly getting out.

"Don't let her boyfriend know either." She said as I nodded, grinning.

Stormi came inside the room as I sat on her bed playing a game on my phone. I re made her bed spread like a gentlemen, all because I was going to start doing right by her.

I decided last night to be committed and actually try with her. And because I can't see her fuck with anyone else but me, so only one way for that to happen.

She was gonna have to leave Neymar one way or another, there was no choice. It was me or him at this point.

I couldn't figure out in my head if I could actually cut females off for her, I have so many it's insane to even think about dropping them. But I know if I don't I'll lose her and have no choice but to let her continually get touched on, and there's nothing I could do.

But she was like a nice version of me, I felt like she was my reflection. Her smile, laugh, and those big brown eyes drew my to her more then ever.

I remember seeing her in school after the cross walk incident, I couldn't stop staring at her, she seemed so different. And when I saw her punch the shit out of Geneva, I knew I had to get my hands on her.

She was a loner like me, but super nice. There was so many things I took into consideration about her, all the little things, and the only person I did that with was Geneva.

After rounding all my thoughts and getting out of the shower. I got dressed and decided to say fuck it, and be her boyfriend.

I know she wouldn't hurt me, I felt it in my soul. Her vibe gives it off as well, I know she's a loyal person surprisingly. Her attitude and mindset show it off more then ever, although she cheated on Neymar. I'm different and she knows how fucking crazy I am.

Once I got dressed and brushes my teeth, I went upstairs to her room. She laid on her stomach, sprawled out in just her underwear as she made crying sounds.

What the fuck? Why is she crying? Did I hurt her too much?

"Why are you crying?" I say as I shut her door and walk towards her bed.

"Cramps. Grab me that pill bottle and heating pad on the second drawer." She sniffles as I nod, grabbing it all.

I'm shocked as she grabs one of my hoodies, I must've left it at her house. I sit back on the bed, watching her as she takes the pills, downing it with water.

"Jahseh listen-"

"No you listen." I say standing.

"I wanna be your boyfriend and I want us to be together because like I told you, I don't want you with anyone else."

Her eyes get big.

"Jahseh- we- no I have a boyfriend! I shouldn't have even did that with you last night." She says as she moves around me, plopping on the bed.

My heart turned cold, she didn't want me I should've never even let her in.

It felt like my face went pale and my heart stopped, I was heartbroken, again. And there was no one to blame but myself.

"Okay." I said as I felt myself loosen up, I never needed anyone right?

I stood on my feet, walking towards the door, I heard her calling my name but I pretended I didn't. "Wait, are we still friends?"

"No." I said before thumping down the steps and leaving in a haste.

I felt the drugs set in as my phone rang for the fifth time, Stormi was blowing me up, everyone was but I was in too deep.

I was deeply hurt, to the bone. It felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest by the one person I didn't expect it to ever be ripped out by. But it's what I deserved, I always fuck something up.

I opened the perc bottle, popping two more.

I- I felt weird.

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