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I was sitting in the backyard, crying, very hard.

Today was the day I found out my mom left back to New York without me, my grandma wanted to come get me but I told her I'd stay with Cleo. I didn't wanna stay anywhere, I was so upset.

It felt as if every breath in my body left, but my feelings were put to the side, as always.

Why does always shit get so good just turn out to be so bad in the end? Will I ever get the happiness I feel I deserve?

"Stormi." I heard a raspy voice coo, I know who it was but I couldn't face anyone. I was on top of Aidens tree house, bawling my eyes out. I'm sure I looked like ass and my head was killing me from doing this in the cold weather, but I could care less.

"Okay, if you don't answer me I'm coming up!" Jahseh yelled as I sighed. I clutched my knees closer to my chest, wiping my face as I heard loud thumps coming up the stairs in the small wooden tree house.

Jahseh entered with a huff, coming towards me while crouched down. He wraps a big blue blanket around me, sitting next to me as he wraps his arms around me.

I cried harder as he pushed me against him, my face in his chest as he slid me on his lap. We sat there for a while, me weeping as he hummed, rubbing my back up and down.

I've been staying with Cleo for almost three days, I had no choice but to go to my grandma's tomorrow, which I didn't mine, but I knew I'd feel weird leaving Jahseh and Aiden. They were my only, and real emotional support.

But as of now, nothing and no one could heal the pain I felt in my heart. It felt so physical, like my heart was ripped from my chest, and angrily stepped on. I felt lonely, and lost. I no longer knew any escape.

"You're not alone, you know." He says as I look up at him, my eyes watering. His thumb touches my skin, wiping the dripping tear from below my right eye. It felt so genuine when he did that.

"You're so beautiful when you cry, I love to see your emotions that you hide." He says as I stare at him. He cared for me, and it was showing.

"I'm not open as I should be, and Ive never told anyone this because I trust no one besides Stokeley. But you're different. I feel as if I can put my trust in you and not be let down. I've been in the same position, that's why I stayed in the streets. They love me." He says as I crack a small smile, lifting myself up.

I slid on the floor, laying my head on his shoulder.

"You mess with the dogs, you get flea's. These streets don't love you Jahseh." I say as he lets out a small laugh.

"The streets have showed me more love then my mom, they gave me more support then she ever has, and will." He says as I frown, I lift up, mad at his words.

"I get that, but you could die because of them. They put on a front like they love you but they don't, it's all a show just so you can wound up being there next victim cold and on the concrete." I say crossing my arms angrily as he smiles at me, laughing.

"How about we leave the topic of my choices alone, c'mere." He says as I huff, coming closer to him.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder, showing affection well as I smile.

"Fuck your mom, and your dad. You got me, my mom, and Aiden. And lord knows he has a crush on you." He says as I bust out laughing. My head hurt from it, a small painful thud, but I'd be okay.

"Now, no one is home. You wanna go watch movies in my room?" He ask as I laugh, nodding. I stand, wiping my ass off as he does so too. We walked down the stairs, walking inside as Jahseh cracked jokes.

I took a quick shower, laying in Jahseh's bed directly after, tired, and in pain. I took two pains meds, hearing thunder a minute later. I fell asleep, waking up to the bedroom door opening.

I often slept in Jahseh's room, or Aidens. Cleo knew but didn't mind really, but you could inference that.
I closed my eyes as Jahseh slid on polo pants, the red and black theme no longer showing as he the light switched was flicked off.

He slid into his bed with me.

I sat up, sitting on the pillows as we watched a scary movie. Often wincing at the gory parts. I kept catching Jahseh staring at me, then finally he just stared at me, not even looking at the movie. "What?" I say as I look at him.

"I could f- never mind." He said as he looks back at the movie, I was confused but didn't ask any questions. I turned around continually watching the movie. I got tired of the huge gap between Jahseh and I, I was also cold.

I scooted closer to him, lifting his arm up, and throwing it around me. He was shocked by my actions, but scooted closer to me. We both watched the movie before I began falling asleep, my meds knocking me out.

I woke up a couple hours later, both of Jahseh's arms wrapped around me as I laid on his chest. His eyelashes laid on his cheeks, mouth parted as he let out small breaths. I lifted myself up, walking towards my phone to check it.

- Is this Stormi?

- Who is this? But yes

Maybe: Lucas
- it's Lucas, I got your number from your cousin. You okay? I saw what happened at the party. 🤒

- yea I'm completely fine. How are you?

- I'm good, fuck ass Jahseh fucked my leg up tho, but it's almost healed

- oh I'm sorry. :/ hope it heals

- yea, do you wanna meet up again sometime? That party was fun. Sev and Skyler love you 😂

- sure.

"What're you doing? I'm cold." Jahseh says I'm a raspy voice as he wakes up. I lock my phone before climbing back into his bed, I lay on his chest again, just admiring his face.

He had such nice lips, and the perfect built head. His skin was so smooth even though he had many tattoos. I loved his brown chocolate eyes, his little beauty marks that were hard to spot on his face were my favorite too, because I always noticed them.

"Why are you just staring at me?" He ask as I shrug.

"You're beautiful, just like me." I say as he bust out laughing.

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