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Since I was going into labor, Brianna helped me shave all the parts I couldn't. And no it wasn't awkward, I did it for her when she was having Selena a year ago. We have the same parts and- you catch my drift, it's just not weird to us at least.

I was smooth and fresh out of the shower, staring at my bloated body that was deformed a bit because of pregnancy.

It changes everything, it truly does. I'm not as happy, I'm exhausted trying to grow this little human inside of me. It's not fun, maybe Saint was but definitely not her. I had nothing but morning sickness, all I ever wanna do is eat, and much more.

I was embarrassed and wanted to cry as I bit my lip, looking at my boobs. My nipples were swollen as were my entire boobs, the change that it had on my body tended to make me feel so ugly.

I applied some lotion on, throwing on Jahsehs' shorts and a bra. Grabbing my belly band, which helped support my stomach so all the pressure wouldn't be on my back. It was very helpful since it lifted her up, because she was slowly surely dropping.

I laid in bed, crying at the fact that this was my last day pregnant, and finally got up to do my hair. Once I was finished braiding it back, the massage people came. I felt like I could've had orgasm while they were massaging me. My feet, back, hips, and thighs were all massaged. Felt amazing as me and Brianna moaned, I even fell asleep.

I was frustrated after, needing her to hurry up.

I entered her bedroom, pink carpet and rugs align the floor. The walls were painted in rose gold glitter, she had a bed with a task around it. Like a princess. Bens filled with shirts and designer items Jahseh went on a spree and got, and another section filled with toys. She had a walk in closet, where there was a changing station and mirrored shelves.

Jahseh designed all of it, he was so damn happy he was having a girl. He bought her many little Minnie purses, from Prada all the way to Hérmes. She had a whole rack full of sweatshirts, hoodies, shirts, onesies, and sweatpants that were all custom merchandise from Jahseh. It was all adorable and I was obsessed with this room.

I wandered out of the room, as Brianna slept in the movie room with one of our dogs. I went downstairs, instantly making myself some food, I ate over an hour ago but I never felt full. I begged our chef Lorenzo to make me pizza, with a side of pickles and mustard. And some chocolate pudding to dip the pizza in.

I also had to have a bag of takis that I dipped in cheese sauce, as well as a huge glass of banana strawberry smoothie I slurped on every hour of the day. And a couple donuts, but don't tell Jahseh.

I smashed all of it, while on my phone watching cartoons. This is what I loved about being pregnant, all I ever did was eat and chill. It was more relaxing before I hit nine months.

Once I was done I cleaned up my mess, slugging my body around as I went outside to swim. It was cold as fuck, since it was November. So I swam around naked in the heated inside pool, going to the hot tub to soak as I almost fall asleep.

I fell asleep after the hot tub, waking up in pain as I began my contractions. I headed to the hospital, holding my cries as my body cramped. "Breath, in and out. Do not panic, just breath." Brianna said as I stripped in the bathroom, throwing on my gown. The midwifes and doctors strapped me up, putting a needle inside of my arm as they monitored how dilated I was and how far apart my contractions were.

No one was here yet since it was early, but Jahseh was landing in thirty minutes and was hoping he'd make it here as soon as he landed. So far I was four centimeters dilated. "3- 3 minutes apart, 45 s-seconds." I said as I shut my eyes, bending over the bed and moaning at the strong contraction and pressure it brought.

My mom came in, smiling as she hugged me. "Let's have a baby!" She said excitedly as she sat her coat and purse down, grinning as she looked at my charts.

An hour later I was still four, I wanted to wait till I was at least five to get epidural, cause I could not ever do a raw no medicated birth ever again. Saint ripped me, I was in the hospital for days after doing it. Never again.

Jahseh showed up, running in as we both make eye contact. I didn't want him to see me like this, but he looked at me as if I was the beautifulest thing ever. Saint lay asleep in his arms as he laid him down, coming over and instantly hugging and kissing my face all over. "I missed you." He whispered as he kissed my cheek, his hand of course going straight to my ass as he slapped it.

I smiled, but it faltered as my face twisted up and I moaned. Gosh I just wanted this fucking baby out of me.

I moved up and down on a ball, breathing as my heart raced against my chest. The pain was even worse, and I was waiting to get an epidural. I bounced on the ball, moaning and twisting my face up as the baby shifted, I could feel everything.

Jahseh sat behind me in a chair, while Brianna sat in front of me, Brianna holding my hands and coaching me as Jahseh caressed my hips and back. "Stormi? We're ready for you." The doctor said as I opened my eyes. I stood, heavily and painfully as I made my way to the bed, sitting as they began the process.

They opened my gown up, my back and ass crack on full show as Jahseh sat in front of me, letting me hug him tightly since the needle was going to my spine and I couldn't move.

I was fully relaxed after getting the epidural, finally getting some sleep since it was one a.m.

Next step.

Baby ✅

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