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"Jahseh! I'm sorry, I really am. I just-"

"You just what Stormi!? Fucking say it!" I yelled as she began to cry, sobbing in her hand.

"Y- you cant fucking cry! I should be crying about the fact that I've had a son you carried and I never even knew because you wanted to ignore me and be selfish! He would've gone his whole life wondering where his dad was and why he doesn't fucking want him. But whole time I would've never known."

She cried harder as I shook my head, I never did this but for the first time in my life, I dropped to my knees. And I cried, I cried hard.

All my life although I never once wanted a kid, I swore if I had one I would be a good ass parent. I never had good parents, my dad was incarcerated and my mom was busy chasing dick while I stayed at my grandmas.

I would've never ever thought she would do this to me, does she hate me that much?

Coldness flooded my heart as she attempted to touch me, I pushed her back as she gasped. I stood on my feet shaking my head.

"Jahseh! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that but our relationship was done and I never wanted him to grow up in a broken home like we did! It was never like that- I just- my trauma. That's all, I swear, please forgive me! Please." She whimpered as I wiped my eyes.

"I'll forgive you- if you tell him the truth." I said as she looked up at me, making a face as if she was shocked.


"Yes or no?"

"Yes- I'll- I'll do it."


It was the next day, I stormed out of her apartment after we made arrangements for me to see him tomorrow right after my interview.

I was in a shitty mood, and I sat in the SUV on the way to pick her up right after. I was grilled about my past, which put my mood under even more. Sometimes I really fucking hate being famous, it's just too much sometimes.

I can't have anything to myself, and if I do it's so hard. Paparazzi loves me, their on my dick everywhere I end up going unless I sneak out and don't tell my publist. Which is what I did today, thankful for Rico my big ass bodyguard.

He was more of a dad figure to me honestly, he always let me do dumb shit even though it would be his ass and job if he got caught, but I'd never let that happen. I'll threaten to never perform again.

"We're here." He said as we arrived at LEGO land, making sure I bought it out and walls were up so no one could ever know that XXXTENTACION was in the building.

I wasn't at all excited to see Stormi but I was excited to meet my own creation.

I hopped out from the car, walking inside. Stormi sat on her ass, MY son between her legs as she seemingly finished up doing braids in his hair. I could see her past the wall, but I didn't wanna interrupt what was happening.

"Mama, dada love me?" He asked as I looked at him closer, really amazed with my creation. He had my nose and lips, and Stormis eyes, and that beauty mark above his lip just like his mom. He had her smile too, he was beautiful.

I was proud, so fucking amazed by this little human being she carried for nine months. I couldn't contain my excitement, as he wore little vans, a shirt with a skull on it, and black ripped jeans. He dressed like me, I was in awe.

"Yes dada loved you so much. It was mama's fault so don't ever be mad at him, mama is selfish." She says as he frowns, turning around and looking at her as he grabbed her hands with his small ones.

"Mama ou sad? Dada make ou sad?" He said as she smiled at him, messing with his hair.

"No, mama made dada sad. Don't be mad at him, it's my fault my love. When he gets here you give him the biggest hug, okay?"

"Ok." He responded.

I went around the corner as they both looked at me. He looked at her, his eyes worried as she comforted him, urging him to go on.

"Is dat dada?"

"It sure is, go!" She whisper yelled as he looked at me.

My heart melted as he grinned, running towards me with his little legs as I laughed. He clung to my leg as he hopped up and down, excited to see me.

"Dada! Dada! Ou dada!" He said as I grinned, picking him up before lifting him in the air and making a sound. I squeezed him tightly to my chest as he squeezed me too, slobber coming out of his mouth.

"Adorable, say cheese!" Stormi said as she brought out a camera, both him and I cheesing hard as he hugged me.

"Who's this lil fella?" Rico said as I grinned.

"Saint. Saint Judah Onfroy." She said as I looked at her in shock. "I- I remember, you said it was your favorite name next to Judah. So I did both, it's- it's perfect." She said as Saint stared at her in adoration, he loved her.

And as much as I wanted to hate her for doing this I couldn't because it wouldn't take back the two years. So for the entire day I pushed it past.

I enjoyed four hours with son as I sent Stormi to go shopping for him, even though she begged me to let her stay.

We painted pictures, and carved a pumpkin. Climbed LEGO's, built then, and laughed all day. He had a smile that rocked my world, his giggle was music to my ears. I adored the fuck out of him, and i was madly in love with him.

He was everything I'd ever want in a son, he was sweet, respectful, a little bratty but really understand, and he loved to laugh and smile.

By the end of the day, he spilt ice cream all over him and threw a fit as I tried to handle it. Which I did, leading him to be bawled up in my lap in the car as we drove to pick up Stormi.

He was out with his thumb in his mouth, snoring lightly as his mouth lay ajar. I adored him, so much. And I keep saying that because it was true, he was a creation of me, and I couldn't thank god more. My mood changed as soon as his excited and bright personality came out.

He didnt care that I wasn't here for two years, he just seemed happy to have finally met me. And I was so thankful, words can't even explain the feeling I felt while meeting this little boy. MY little boy.

"Thank you Stormi, Seriously." I said as I hugged her tight after she put Saint to sleep in his room, she squeezed me back. "No thank you, he needed that and I'm glad I finally realized that." She said as we both pushed back. I stared at her, she seemed even more beautiful then before, I adored her as well.

I couldn't stop myself as I leaned in, grabbing her as I kissed her, she kissed me back even harder.

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