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"She's- why can't we Jahseh? I need some dick bro." Taylor whined as I pushed her back. I fixed my suit, ignoring her annoying ass. "Because I fucking said. Get the fuck out my crib, better yet- Jonah!" I yelled as my second best security guard walked in.

"I don't want her here." I say as he enters walking towards her, she frowns before flipping me off and walking out. I was shitty and I didn't even wanna go to this party, and I had a fat headache from crying.

What Saint said hurt me to the fucking bone, it goes to show he knows exactly what the fuck is going on. He loved his mom so much and I know he only wanted to protect her but, he wounded me in the process.

I looked flashy though, and I was just ready to get drunk.

"Cars down stairs. You ready?" Ski asked as he walked in, walking behind me. I took a minute looking at myself, and spraying cologne. Stormis' favorite kind.

I grabbed my four gram wood, sparking it before leaving.

I was at ease as we entered the party, paparazzi flash almost ruined my high which pissed me off. We walked around before greeting people, but I just wanted to see Stormi.

I had to get her back tonight, I wanted her so bad. "Aye, X!" Someone shouted as we entered the private booth. My nigga Thor! Aka the dude who saved Saint

"Aye bru wassup!" I yelled as I walked towards him, hugging him, making sure my wood wouldn't burn him. He was so fucking cool and chill, one of my most favorite people to hangout with when I'd visit movie sets to watch them.

I watch him film Thor, and was glad he was getting his first big break. I looked down, opening my phone as it dinged. Nanny Monroe sent me a picture of Saint and Aiden asleep together in her movie room. I was glad she was visiting her pad in L.A. giving Saint some time to spend with her.

Oh can I please keep Aiden a little longer.. he's so sweet and I'm so lonely here without gramps.

If he really likes it there, you can keep him. He loves my house but he complains of being lonely himself when I'm not here. So go right ahead, send him to me when your ready to go back to New York.

I don't think I will be going back since Stormi came down here and as did her mom. But if you ever want him back or if he wants to go back I'll send him. Thank you, it's nice to have a friend once in awhile to help me around.

I smiled at her text before putting my phone up, sliding it in my pocket as I walked towards Trippie and Ayleks. "Aye bru!" He yelled as he grinned, his grill shinning as we hugged.

The boys all turned up, drinking and smoking as we danced around in the crowed and VIP section. The loud music blaring and light flashing as people danced and laughed.

But my mind and heart shattered as I spotted Stormi, grinding on- THOR! She rotated her hips on him as he gripped her waist, I clenched my jaw, squeezing the glass cup till it broke in my hand. Blood dripping as I looked down.

Anger bubbled inside of me.

I couldn't watch anymore as she turned around, kissing him. Ski noticed it, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Is- is he kissing your bitch! Is that Brianna on his friend?" He said as we both looked seeing her too grinding on some other man.

"She said she was single. Should we act crazy or hoe out?" He yelled in my ear as I looked at him. "What the fuck you think? Let's go beat some ass!" I yelled as he laughed shaking his head and stopping me.

"Nah man I think we should say fuck it and just have some fun. We been chasing these bitches for too long, I'm starting to think they like it!" He yelled over the music as I agreed, wanting to beat some ass but he was right.

I can't continue telling Stormi how much I can make it up to her and miss her but she just doesn't seem to care. So why should I? But it's my punishment for putting her through so much shit.

I saw a brown headed girl, her curls popping as she stood in a red latex dress. She was fine as shit, and her body was something special. I took a leap, going towards her.

I sat down in one of the bar chairs, ordering some bourbon. "Hard liquor?" She asked as she sat next to me, the mystery girls face even more attractive. "Definitely. Gotta stick with classics." I say as the old man slides me the drink, as I pay.

"I saw you staring at me." She said as I took a sip, averting my eyes from the crowd over to her.

"And what do we do about it?" I ask as she grins, her straight teeth shinning. Her brown eyes filled with excitement. "I think we should dance." She said as I nodded. I chugged the rest of my drink, feeling even more fucked up as I stood, bringing her on the floor with me.

She danced on me as I grabbed her hips, my body and hers clicking with the music. We dance around for a while as she grinded on me. I bit my lip, the blood rushing straight to my dick.

A few minutes later, I turned her around. Her face as I kissed her. She kissed me back a minute later, my hands sliding down to her ass as my tongue snaked inside of her mouth.


"Is that Jahseh?" Gigi said as I furrowed my eye brows, looking behind me to see him grabbing some females ass while he kissed her.

My heart cracked-

"I can't believe he-"

"Stormi you bitch! You were all over thors manly ass! And that's Jahsehs' friend!" Brianna yelled as we stood in a circle near the middle of the dance floor. I felt bad, I had no clue that they were even friends. That was a bad move.

I felt my chest thud, my anxiety rising in as I thought about a life without him. I'm always so quick to leave him but, when I think about him leaving me, it's something I can't cope with.

He was my first love, we had a baby together. And as I danced, watching him all on that other female. I felt it in my chest, a painful throb in my heart. My head felt swoll, and I was getting hotter.

"Stormi?! You good?" Gigi yelled as everything around me began to slow down. My vision was flashing as I looked around, my anxiety rising as my heart pounded against my chest.

I believe was panicking thinking of life without him.

"Stormi!" Gigi yelled as my knees gave out, she caught me as I collapsed. A minute later, everything just went black.

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