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Two weeks later
This was wild, and fast. And weird.

My knees felt weak as he now sat between my legs, us just casually making out after me giving him a small cheek peck, like last time. But this time he grabbed my face, and kissed me. The pain was now dull, and somehow I was keeping up with his kissing although I had no clue what I was doing.

Lip smacking filled the air as we kissed, hungry for eachother.

Bitch, wasn't he just with Geneva? Jahseh is a damn player Stormi be smart!

I pull away as he looks at me, confused. I couldn't believe what the fuck I just did, and I can't believe I just pulled away from it. I stood, huffing in pain as the blood rushes from my head.


"Stormi, what- where are you going? No, stay." He says as he stands, gently grabbing my arm. "I just- you have a girlfriend and that's wrong of me to kiss you- and I've never really like kissed someone like that, so yanno- I just-"

I didn't finish my sentence as he smiled, grabbing my face gently and applying his lips to mine. I gave in, feeling weak as he wrapped his arms around my waist, my hands clutching his shoulders harshly as we kissed.

Finally he pulled away, laying on his back as he grinned up at the ceiling. I smiled as well, laying in the spot next to him on my back.

I stared at the ceiling, Biting my lip to hold my half smile.

"Damn." He says as I turn my head semi-painfully to look at him. My smile dropping. He stares back into my eyes.

"You're so- you- fuck." He says as he harshly sits up. "What?" I say as he stands, literally and randomly leaving the room, leaving me puzzled.

I took another nap but I woke up to moaning, right next to me as I gasped, extremely uncomfortable. Geneva was literally getting fucked right next to me. I began to get pissed off as I huffed, too mad to even notice the pain. I grabbed my bag before exiting the room in a mad fashion.

I went downstairs, Aiden running to hug my hips as I smiled. It was eight at night, and I was about to take another pain med for the pain and so I could get some rest. I did so, my appetite non-existing with the medicines I was taking.

I took shower, but in the basement. I decided to stay down there as Aiden and Cleo joined me. We talked about girly things and Aiden talked about how he wanted to travel in space, and some how I got on the topic of Jahseh.

"We lived here a while but Jahseh just moved back in with me from his grandma, she died almost a year ago. I think that's why he beats women." She says as my face falls.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but I don't think Jahseh would do that, I mean at least with me, he's very sweet."

"Well you didn't raise him." She responds smartly at me as I stare at her.

"You didn't either." Aiden says as my eyes open wider as I attempt to hold my laugh in. "Okay fine, you two got a point. I think Geneva just needs attention, I hate her anyways." She says as she sighs.

"Aiden, it's ten baby, go upstairs and play your game till you sleep." She says towards him as he nods, running upstairs.

We watched the movie for a while before she spoke up.

"I need a favor, this might be oddly weird but I need you to do something, for me." She says tiredly as I look over at her. "This is probably the weirdest favor you've ever heard but I need you to get Jahseh to fall in love with you." She says as I bust out laughing.

"Jahseh? With me?" I say as she grins, lightly shoving my shoulder.

"Girl he took you to the hospital, beat up your dad and Gazzy, and I saw him cry when they said they didn't think you were gonna make it out of the surgery. That was the first and only day he prayed, on his knees near your bed while you were asleep. He watched you for the entire 10 days you were there, made sure no one even came near you. Not even your mom until you woke up. I can see it Stormi, he's never done things like that for any of these little girls." She says as she grabs my hand.

I look down at the ground, is it true?

"Well, why is your wish for him to fall in love with me?" I say as she sighs, letting go of my hand.

"Jahseh will never stay out the streets. He's always in something, even though he find his way out, I'm scared one day he won't." She says as I look back up at her, her eyes watering. "I just- I know you aren't like Geneva and will have him as deep in shit as he is in now. And if you can't love him, get him out of the streets. Because I can't."

I was laying in Aidens bed while he was at the doctors, it was early and I could no longer sleep. I wasn't going home anytime soon either so I had my grandma bring me clothes.

I rather have stayed with her but she was stressing so I just laid low at Cleo's, finishing my online assignments for the day. I sighed, bored since I made sure my entire body was shaved, and clean. My stomach was full, and quiet frankly there wasn't shit else I could do.

There was knock at the door as I leaned up, Jahseh coming in before staring at me. "I got you this, and fixed the screen." He says as I gently grab it. "That's why I left so quick, I had to pick it up." He said as I nodded. I scanned his outfit,'black jeans, leather jacket, and boots.

"Thank you." I say as I turn it on.

"You doing okay?" He ask as he shuts the door, sitting next to me as I nod. "Yea, just my body is sore for some odd reason. I think it's because how long I was sleep." I say truthfully as he sighs. "Lay down, I'll give you a massage." He says as I stand still.

"Nah, I mean you were fucking your girlfriend right next to me." I say as he makes a puzzled face. "What're you talking about?"

"I heard it, come on! It was right next to me." I said as he made a face.

"Me? I don't recall ever fucking someone right next to you. Let alone Geneva, didn't I tell you we broke up?"

"Well yea bu-"

"Shhhh. Must've been hallucinating because I wasn't even home yesterday."

He gently pushed me down onto my back. I scooted up towards the head board as I heard Jahseh's leather jacket drop to the floor.

I felt his hands slide up on my body, not even sexually but just comfortably. He sat next to my body, a loud moan flying out of my mouth as he went over a tense spot near my shoulder.

He continued rubbing it, causing me to bite my lip at the foreign pain. "Fuck." He whispered as I moaned again. I' didn't realize what I was doing till I opened my eyes, he looked back into mine, his lips quickly reaching down to touch mine.

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