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Everything was packed as my earbuds were shoved inside my ear, Jahseh staring angrily at the road as we drove. The air was thick and tense, we didn't share one word.

I was sick of it as I looked over at him, the question slipping through my mouth before I could even think about it.

"Did I cause it?"

I was quick to cover my mouth as I looked at him, he shook his head.

"Never Stormi. I don't wanna talk about it though."

"But Jahseh, it's an elephant in the room." I said as he sighed, touching his face.

"I said I didn't wanna talk about it." He said sternly as he kept his eyes on the road, his left hand squeezing the steering wheel.


He slammed harshly on the car breaks causing me to almost fly foward.

"Stormi, shut the fuck up." He growled as he looked into my eyes, his were filled with anger.

I left him alone.

I was upset with Jahseh, and myself for even going on this stupid ass trip. I was angry at everything and everyone, I couldn't even speak to Neymar.

I couldn't even look at myself the same after I cheated on him, because, I didn't regret fucking Jahseh. And I don't think I ever will, and that's the fucked up part.

Who was I turning into?

We pulled up to a gas station, I silently got out to use the bathroom as Jahseh did too. He went to the register, paying for gas as I found the first bathroom in the smelly gas station.

I finished up, washing my hands once I was done. I came out, Jahseh in the car as I grabbed a bag of hot Cheetos. I threw them on the counter, about to pay but someone said something.

"She's fine, it's on me. Excuse me baby." A light skin man said, he resembled Chris Brown, but like a down graded version. He was kinda cute, had green eyes, and a Durag on.

He payed for my stuff, holding the door open for me as I quietly thanked him. I'm sure I looked like shit so him doing that surprises me so much, I felt like shit too.

"Can I have your num-"

He stopped mid-sentence as I squinted my eyes, confused. Jahseh walked up behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist as the man looked at him as if he was petrified.

"No you can't have her number. Move around." He hissed as I watched the altercation between the two.

"You- she's your girlfriend?" He asked as his eyes got big. Jahseh nodded, the boy running off soon after.

"I should've said side chick." He said as I frowned, punching him.

"Am I lying? You have a boyf-"

"I broke up with him."

I lied right through my teeth.

"You did?" He said as we both entered the car.

"I did."


"And I ask to many questions?" I say as he starts the car, looking over at me with a grin.

I couldn't tell what I was going to do. Quite frankly I had no clue what I was going to tell Neymar.

We entered the hotel almost three hours ago at eight, p.m.

As soon as we both hit the shower, we ended up kissing, which lead to continuous hours of non stop sex and orgasming. So he was knocked out.

But I was completely and utterly wide awake, thinking of what the hell I was going to tell my boyfriend that isn't my boyfriend because Jahseh is. Make sense? No? I agree.


I sighed, continuing to rub Jahseh's chest to stop his loud snoring from hurting my ear. He was more then asleep, he was in a deep sleep.

I wish I never dated Neymar, I knew the night I agreed I felt weird. Jahseh was in the back of my mind everytime we fucked because honestly, it was the only way I could get off.

I felt Neymar and I were not meant to be, so I decided to say fuck it and stop putting it off and playing the two of them, when I only wanted Jahseh.

I stood, my feet hitting the cold marble floor.

Did I mention the condo/hotel? More of a condo but was labeled a hotel. It had marble floors, everything was so white, black, and classical. You could tell it at least cost a band to stay here.

I averted my mind back to what I was supposed to be doing, going onto the balcony!

I did so, wrapping a sheet around my body, and grabbing my phone. I dialed the number as I stepped on the balcony, Neymar happily answering.

"Yellow baby." He rasped as I smiled, weakly. "FaceTime me."

"I can't- listen. I don't think that we should be together."

"Is there-"

"No. Nothing you did wrong, and there's no one else. I just think that-"

"You've been fucking Jahseh, haven't you?"

I went mute, confused on how he would come up with that. Now I'd understand if he said maybe messing with him, but not fucking.

"Neymar no, who told you that?"


My blood ran cold, but my body somehow felt even warmer.

"Is it true? Don't lie to me either."


"You're such a fucking liar!" He screeched over the line as I gasped. He's never yelled at me, or in general this angry.

"I know you fucked him, but you see I was going to move past it but now you wanna leave me for his thug ass?! He's going no where Stormi, all he wants is pussy!"

I was even more angered, he didn't know Jahseh to even be speaking on him this way.

"You don't know shit Neymar! He's been the only one there for me ever since I came to Florida, he's not a fuck up! Your just mad he's in my pussy and your not!" I yelled angrily.

"He can have your raped ass pussy-"

I blacked out as I angrily threw my phone, negating to cry. I turned my body around, Jahseh looking at me through the glass door.

I frowned.

He slid open the door, opening his arms as I quickly huddled into his chest. My favorite place on this earth. I cried hard again, till I passed out from exhaustion.

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