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We were hungry for eachother as we continued kissing, I pushed her against the wall, lifting her up as she let me.

Her legs wrapped around my torso as I took her inside of the bedroom, instantly laying it down after we struggled to rip our clothes off. It was just like old times, we couldn't get enough of eachother.

I sucked her nipple as she moaned, breathing heavily. I slid her panties to the side, quickly sliding myself in as we both let out a sigh of relief. I stroked her deeply, missing the fuck out of her pussy. Two years of not having pussy will definitely do something to you.

"Oh god Jahseh, fuck!" She moaned as I groaned in her ear, fucking her fast and harder, thankful the bed wasn't hitting the wall.

We both nutted as she clutched me tight to her, whimpering in my ear as her pussy contracted on my dick, causing me to twitch and instantly nut. We both breathed heavily, as I laid on her chest, amazed at what just happened.

"I- I missed you. So much." She said as I caught my breath, lifting myself up and wincing as I pulled out of her. "I missed you so much more." I said as she grinned, pulling my face down to kiss her.

After two more rounds I lay dead on her chest, as she played with my hair, humming just like she use to. "Stormi?"


I lifted myself up, laying on my back as she stood. She threw on a red laced thong, hopping on my stomach a minute later. "What're we doing?" I ask as she sighs.

"I'm not sure."

"Do you still have feelings for me?" I asked as she nodded. "I always will." She said as I slid my hands up her hips, caressing them.

"I wanna be with you again Stormi. I swear I can prove you different. I know- look at me." I say as I push her head up, her big brown eyes staring into mine.

"I know I fucked up but I was still a kid Stormi, I matured and truth be told I haven't even fucked anyone since we broke up. Because I couldn't do it, they aren't you." I say as she looks back down at my stomach, fiddling her thumbs.

"It's not that easy though." She said as she climbed off of me, sitting criss cross next to me. "It can be. I forgave you for what you did, and I feel that was worse then me ever cheating on you. I just- I'd never think you'd do that to me." I say truthfully as she sighs.

"It was never you Jahseh, I knew you'd be the best damn father. I just was being selfish like you said, and I figured we'd never be back together and if we did we'd argue so he would have to grow up in a broken home. I never wanted that for him." She says as I agree.

"I understand that, I really do. But what if it never happened? Like if we never would've argued like you felt we would?" I say as she looks up at me, and makes a face like 'damn'.

"Yeaaaa. Sometimes jumping to conclusions can fuck a good thing up." I say as she smiles. "You're correct mister Onfroy. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." I say as she leans on me, I throw my arm around her shoulder before kissing her cheek. We fucked around for another hour before I got a text from Rico saying I had to be at a meeting, and not even finna lie, I didn't wanna leave her or him.

"How about we move all this out and you move in with me?" I ask as I get dressed. She shakes her head, laughing. "You know how hard I worked for this apartment? Nice try." She says as I lean over kissing her.

"Atleast come to my show in Arizona. I remember you saying you wanted to travel the world a bit, let me show you." I say as she sits on the bed with me standing between her legs. I caress her thighs, loving them even more with tattoos on them.

"Maybe, we'll see. You have a good day, I'll text you tomorrow?"

"Maybe, we'll see." I say being petty as she laughs, hugging my waist as I wrap my arms around her neck, kissing her head.

She smelt like home.

I was exhuasted after filming another interview, then going straight to rehearsals. But I was more excited that I was on the path to getting Stormi back, I'd have my own little family.

But the issue was telling my manager, and my publist. I sighed as I entered his office, him grinning, clearly excited to see me. "Jahs-"

"Nah. I gotta talk to you about something." I say as I shut the door, Harry looking at me. He was pale with blue eyes, and brown hair. He resembled an Italian man. My publist april was a short, chubby girl with long blonde hair, and green eyes. She was my favorite.

"You remember Stormi?" I ask as I sit down in one of his rolling chairs in his huge ass black themed office. I leaned over, grabbing a starburst and shoving it inside my mouth. Almost slobbering.

"I do, what's up?" He ask as he sits on his desk, crossing his arms in his tight expensive suit. April stands next to him, urging me to go on with her eyes.

"Well she never told me and hid it for two years but, I have a son. His names saint. And I- I love him."

"Wait, What? How do you even know he's yours?"

"Because she had him 8 months after She caught me cheating-"

"Are you sure he's even yours? How do you know she's not some money hungry stripper who just wants clout?" I attempted to hold my anger but it just wasn't working.

"One, dont fucking talk about her like that. That girl stayed true to me the entire year we were together upuntil she left me cause I cheated on her. Second he's my literal twin, look, I know for a fact he's mine." I say as I open. My phone, my background the picture Stormi took of us.

"That is true. Alright I believe you." He says as I nod my head.

"Here's the thing, I don't want the world knowing about him. At all. Or her. They both deserve privacy for themselves cause they don't have shit to do with this fame shit." I say as he nods. "I agree too the females love you. Are you two together?"

"No, but we will be."

Stormi - XXXTENTACION FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now