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I was now at my grandmas, chilling in the movie room. Jahseh was blowing my phone up with meme's as my cousin walked in, waving and smiling at me. "Hey girllll." She said as she walked in the movie room, sitting in the seat next to me.

She looked a lot like my short and thick aunt, in the sense that she was both short and thick, long thick brown curly hair, green eyes, and dimples. She was very pretty.

"Hey." I said as I closed my phone, Jahseh still blowing it up with meme's. "Girlll, spill the tea on you and Jahseh." She says as I began laughing.

"Nothing, were just friends." I say as she nods. "Cap, he left Geneva for you." She said breathing heavily as she sunk into the couch. By her movements I knew she was high. "No he didn't, he just came back to his house to check on me." I say as she nods.

"Oh shit, sorry all that went down. People do not know how to act." She says as I shrug it off. "It's cool, but now I'm bored." I say as she sighs. ''Me too, spill the fucking tea about you and K." I give her a look, like wtf you talking about?

"The kid with the braids, he told the whole school your pussy stinks." She says as I nod, annoyed. "He literally fingered me, I gave him top. Do not-" I say as she bust out laughing, her straight face breaking as we both busted out laughing.

"I'm weak as fuck, not his head ass. You should've given Jahseh top, never him. He plays bitches with like the seasons." She says as I nod. "I know, it's crazy because I shaved and took a shower before I even seen him. I've never even stunk." I say as she nods. "No one believes fuck ass Geneva, nor him, so you're cool. But about you and Jahseh? Don't lie to me either."

"Seriously were nothing, but I don't know, he's cute." I say as she grins, shoving my arm. "I'd say date him but Geneva is a fucking looney. She'll kill you over him, seriously." She says as I shrug.

"Well I don't want him anyways, we're friends for a reason." I say as she agrees.

"Good because he ain't shit either honestly. I fucked him like a month ago before you got here, his dick is fucking huge sis like, just, wow."

"Wait, and you guys just fucked and that was it?"

"Yea, I just needed some stress reliever, but nothing more. No competition either girl his ass is all yours."

I was standing outside of my nana's house. I spent most of the day with her, we just honestly talked about random things. She took me and my cousin to lunch, got our nails and toes done, and we ate again around the table with half of my family.

My uncle rick, a tall black man bullied my grandpa, which was his fault for wearing new balances. He was a drunk, but a very funny one. You'd always catch him with his hat tilted side ways and a cold bottle of mikes hard lemonade.

Then there was my aunt Jackie, who always yelled 'drunk fart' at him, she was short and thick, brown eyes and curly hair, with a beauty mark above her lip. She had four daughters, which were all grown and attending colleges.

My grandpa's brother Bo, who was much different from my grandpa. He was tall, and very fit. He often slugged twenty year olds, which they were quick to let it happened because of his tan, fit body, and very fit bank account.

He ran a successful law firm, earning millions. But even a five thousand dollar loan he gave to my cousin and I when we were five, couldn't even cover up the graphic messages of him telling some girl he quote, 'has a massive six inch penis that will fill you up with cum' that we saw.

But besides that, he was cool.

Then there was my cousins, the one you just met Brianna, her brother Ronald Jr, and Delo. Don't even ask. Ronald had a head full of curls and always smelt like axe, and made sure he was dressed clean as if he was a frat boy. He played varsity football, but he was enlisted in a private school.

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