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It was all I fucking dream, it had to be. My neck was sore as I woke up, also my throat as I began coughing. I felt sick to my stomach as I stood, puking inside of the trash can next to Jahseh's bed.

I had a sweatshirt that wasn't mine on, and just underwear. How the fuck did I end up like this?

My thoughts were cut off as I puked again, my stomach hurling itself up. As I finished I breathed heavily, my throat burning.

"Jahseh!" I whisper yell slapping him. He lifts his head up, looking at my attire before mumbling "hot" and rolling back over.

I sighed annoyed before throwing on my pants, reading a text from my nana as my phone lit up.

- hey me and grandpa are gonna come get you, you'll be back at school tomorrow if that's okay? Text you in the morning.

- yea that's fine, I'll see you. and i'm on home schooling now.

I gasped as I opened snapchat, the camera showing purple marks that align my neck. I set my phone down, looking at Jahseh's neck as hickies sat on him.

Fuck, there was no way we did anything because quiet frankly he looks like he has a big dick, and I'm sure I would be in pain down there.

I couldn't believe I took ecstasy, what the fuck has gotten into me? I'm already changing and I can genuinely feel it. I grabbed all my things as Jahseh lifted his head up, looking at me as I looked back at him.

"Where are you staying?" He ask as I sigh. "Grandparents." I say as he stares at me. "Why?"

"Where else can I stay Jahseh?"

"Here." He says as shock flies through me. I grin,"Do you like hanging out with me?" I ask as he nods. "Yes, but don't." He says as I smile. I walk towards him, ruffling his dreads.

He locks his arm around my legs as I almost fall, laughing at how I was struggling to beat this niggas ass this early.

"Do you realize it's two A.M?" He ask as I look over, I open my phone, the message sent almost an hour ago, but just now I'm getting it. I nod before dropping my bag, ain't no way my nana was coming this early.

I sat on the bed, Jahseh's arm elongated on my lap. "Do you remember anything?" He ask as I shake my head. "No, but could you tell me?" I ask as he sighs.

"You were on some next level shit, like, you tried to say you wanted dick, but I couldn't give it to you, you were fucked up. So then you started crying, and the only reason you stopped was because I gave you a couple hickies." He says as my jaw drops. "No way, no- your lying." I say as he shakes his head laughing.

"I'd never lie, ever. Honest to god, you were." He says as I cover my face embarrassed. "Then why did my pants come off?"

He leaned up on his elbow, burning his eyes into the side of my head as I laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling. "I couldn't tell you but I know for sure we didn't do anything, you wouldn't be walking if we did." He says as I laugh.

"Your so gross, but I'm going back to sleep." I say as I roll over, my back facing towards him as we both fall asleep.

I wake up a couple hours later, my phone ringing as I answered.

"H- hello?" I moaned, tired.

"Hey I'm on my way to get you, it's one, you know that right?" My nana asked as I huffed. "Okay, let me get dressed. I'm at Cleo's." I say as she hangs up, she was so rude.

I stand before grabbing my things, Jahseh fast asleep. He was so damn fine, but I could never see myself with him, especially since Geneva was his girlfriend. But I was also laid in bed with him, now it got weird as I realized he actually has a girlfriend.

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