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6 weeks later..

I was extremely worried, my anxiety was eating me alive.

Today was the third day I woke up at three a.m. having the strong urge of puking but there was no way I could be pregnant, is there? I was on the implant, in my arm so Jahseh nutting inside of me wasn't too big of a deal.

I quickly dialed my uncle Ryan, my dads white adopted brother. He was a pediatrician so maybe he could help me out?

"Um, hello? Who is this?"

I felt weird, and bad. He's tried to contact me for months to build the relationship back up we had when I was younger, but my dad ruined it for me.

"Hi uncle Ryan, it's-"

"Stormi?! My girl! How are you? I miss you more then words can explain. Why haven't you talked to me? What's going on with your dad?"

"Okay slow down. I'm good, how about we meet up over lunch? In a couple of hours? Since it is early but I know you have a conference here for a week every year, I remembered."

"Yes that is fine, you're in Florida correct?"

"Yes. Meet up at bru burger?" I ask as he agrees. That is a made restaurant.

Jahseh had moved out of Cleo's, a while ago before we even met but didn't furnish the nice condo. But after he told me about it I forced him too and here I sit, in his nice black themed bedroom.

 But after he told me about it I forced him too and here I sit, in his nice black themed bedroom

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So I was quick to hop in the shower since I was obsessed with his entire condo

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So I was quick to hop in the shower since I was obsessed with his entire condo. I sighed as I turned on the shower, feeling upset since Jahseh has been so busy even though I just called him on the phone a few hours ago.

We were so close, and had so much love for eachother although we still haven't said I love you. But we knew we loved eachother, but we had the same feelings when it came to that love word. So we wait, still, but I was okay with waiting.

I took my black silk robe off that Jahseh bought me, I was obsessed with it. Jahseh spoiled me all the time now, buying me bags and designer things. That was honestly the main reason we argued, was because he was always spending money on me and I hated it.

But it was all so expensive so I always ended up taking it so he would get out his feelings.

I shut my eyes as the hot water scorched my back, it felt amazing since my body was so sore. I looked up, shocked as I saw Jahseh pull open the shower door, climbing inside.

"Hey, you miss daddy?" He said as I grinned, walking closer to him as I jumped on him, my legs wrapping around his torso. We began kissing, which quickly turned to him on the huge ass shower floor ground, while I spelled coconut on him till I nutted.

Then he quickly bent me over, my ass in the air as he fucked me till we both nutted. We could never get enough of eachother, so sex was constant.

"Harder." I moaned in his ear as he beat my shit up on the bathroom counter, my entire body engulfed in pleasure as he contained his moans. He twitched as he nutted for the second time, as I went crazy, attempting to push him away as he fucked me through my orgasm and his.

Once we were done we got dressed, eating a minute later. I sat cross crossed on the bed with one of his hoodies on and some panties, as he laid down playing some nerd game on the flat screen T.V.

I was writing my enrollment letter because I wanted to attend college, but I wasn't too sure how I'd do so I was quiet nervous. I finished up my closing paragraph, praying I'd get accepted.

"Baby, can you go grab my phone out the bathroom?" He ask as I nod, getting up just to be grabbed by the arm for a kiss. He was so needy, I loved it. I stood, walking across the cold floor to the bathroom.

I frowned as I saw a couple text from Geneva. I knew his password from seeing him put it in but I never thought of going through it, till now. I picked it up, swiping over and typing in the code as it unlocked, opening his messages.

I couldn't explain the amount of pressure I felt on my heart as it was filled with nothing but females, how did I never see this?

Many of his messages were full of explicit pics from strippers or about how he fucked them hours or even days before me, but Geneva's was the worse. He was sending her loads of cash, and still flirting with her. Even a hint of his messages showed they went on a date, the day after we got back from New Jersey.

He said he had a meeting that day..

My heart broke into a million pieces, as I began to feel so dumb and stupid. I should've known better, but he made it seem like it was just Him and I together forever. How could he?


I turned around quickly, face filled with pain, sorrow, and hot tears. "Stop. Just- stop." I said as I shut my eyes, regretting everything I have ever done. I don't know him, clearly, I just- I couldn't believe it.

But I guess the same way you get them, is the same way you lose them.

"I can explain-"

"No, I just- this is my fault." I said as I laughed, letting out a cry a second later. "I cheated on Neymar, so I guess this is my payback. I don't want an explanation, I don't wanna talk. I just want to leave Jahseh."

He clenched his jaw,"but-"

"No!" I yelled as I threw his phone at him. "How could you do this to me, how could you Jahseh?" I said as I began hitting him, as hard as I could. But I stopped because even that couldn't help the pain I was in. There was no point.

He grabbed me up, as I pushed myself back. Disgusted. With not only him but myself, I really thought I could cheat on someone and it would never fall back on me, but I thought wrong.

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