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I was in Aidens room, and had woken up due to my terrible ass cramps. It felt as if someone was ripping my insides out in two. I grabbed Midol out of my back pack, feeling as if I was gonna puke and pass out all in one.

I hurriedly took the medicine before changing into a tampon. Walking back into Aidens room, I laid down in his big, comfortable, King blue bed.

An entire hour later, I was still badly cramping, it seemed they worsened. I went down stairs to get some water bottles, but I just ended up bent over the counter crying into my hand. It felt like I was low key contracting and about to have an imaginary kid.

I tapped my foot against the ground as I tried to control my breathing, but my anxiety got higher as I did so, hitting me like a damn twenty seated bus. My face was so hot and full of tears.

"Stormi, are you okay?" I heard a raspy voice say as I bent my head down, letting out a huge breath as my face twisted in pain. I felt my legs give out as I collapsed.

Jahseh stood above me, rushing to my aid as I made sounds to cope with the terrible cramps. "What's wrong? You gotta talk." He said as I pointed towards my stomach, my face I'm sure red and swollen.

They went away for a second finally letting me catch a breath. "What? Tell me or I can't help you!" He demanded worridly as I frowned, his hand clutching mine as I moved it.

I got on my feet, pushing him away from me. But my face twisted in pain as I collapsed again, my knee caps hitting the wooden stairs hard as I yelled inside of my hand.

"Stormi, what's wrong!" He yelled as I shushed him before doubling over and groaning. "I- I'm cramping." I say as he sighs, almost in relief. He picks me up, I attempted to push his hands off of me but by the way my uterus was going, I laid limp after a while in his hands.

He carried me up the stairs as I felt myself almost slip into unconsciousness. Seemed like every next month I would have terrible cramps, like one month I'm good, no pain just bleeding. The next, it's horrible.

He laid me in his bed, rubbing my back as I tossed and turned in pain.

Thirty minutes later I was falling in and out of consciousness, finally he forced me to swallow CBD oil he found his drawer.

And twenty minutes later, I could still feel the pain but definitely not as bad. I'd flinch a bit but it was not as bad as it was at first, my body felt warm and relaxed as I laid there.

Finally I forced myself up, Jahseh grabbing my arm and yanking me back. I ignored him, standing before walking towards the door. He got up quick, standing in front of it. "You're just gonna try to leave and I'm not gonna let you, so save both of us the time and stay." He said as his sorrow filled chocolate eyes stared into mine.

"And why would I do that? Don't you have Gene-"

His lips flew towards my mouth as he switched us, forcing me up against the door. I was shocked, my lips not moving as I attempted to move my head, my face twisting. "Stop, ju- please kiss me Stormi." He said as I gave in.

His tongue went inside of my mouth as I sucked on it, causing him to groan. He laid me on the bed next.

I woke up, Jahseh's head laid on my stomach as I groaned, my body aching.

And no, we didn't fuck.

We just of course made out, and fell asleep. No hickies nothing, and I was eager to get away from him as I woke up, feeling dumb and weird.

I noticed things weren't the same, I seemed to have a deep agony of anger towards him because of what happened, and lord knows how long it was gonna sit there.

I went inside Aiden's room, him still fast asleep as I yawned. I went to the bathroom, of course showering and changing. I felt so nice and clean once I got out, smelling like pink lotion.

I made myself toast, tapping my finger in the counter as I waited for it to pop up. "What doing?" Aiden said as he jumped down the stairs, blue Pjs on, blanket and stuffed bunny in hand.

From how his face felt, and his voice sounded, I knew he had gotten sick. He continued sneezing and coughing, complaining of a headache as I sent him upstairs after feeding him pills that he was allowed to take for child sickness.

He refused to eat so he went straight back upstairs, I checked on him once I finished eating, seeing him deeply asleep and drooling.

I spun around, bumping into Jahseh as he laughed.

Ever since the Geneva situation, my feelings just went down. As in hard rain on a thunder night down. I still liked him, I knew that. But I felt myself slowly losing it, and I was happy about it because I think it clicked that Jahseh would ruin me.

So when he laughed, I just stared at him, as if I didn't even know him. He finished laughing awkwardly, his hand going to the back of his neck as he looked at the floor.

"Are- you still mad at me?" He asked as I shrugged, staring at him emotionlessly. "Okay." He said as I attempted to walk past him, by attempted I mean he grabbed my wrist, his huge hands pulling me back in front of him.

"I'm not done." He said rudely as I stared at him. "What? What else do you need to say?" I said annoyed as he sighed, his hands going towards his face. "That I'm sorry, Okay? I- I don't know why I acted that way and why Geneva showed up. Just, forgive me? Please? I'll take you to dinner, and you can ask me whatever you want, and bully me over whatever." He said as I shook my head.

"I'd love to say yes but I actually have a date to go to, tonight." I lie as his face drops. I show him a small smile.

"And with who?"

"I really, don't think that's anyone's business besides mine. Let's keep it that way." I whispered staring at him before slyly walking past him, his face seemed filled with anger but I didn't care at this point. Just like he didn't care about my feelings.

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