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"I was in Debo's chicken coop sweatin' like a slave!" We both yelled as the part came on, busting out laughing. I was totally enjoying myself, as was Lucas by the way we both constantly were laughing.

We stopped after a while, continuing to watch the movie before he spoke up.


"Yea?" I ask as I hand him the popcorn, sitting criss-cross.

"Are you and Jahseh a thing?" He asked as I looked at him, shaking my head in confusion.

"No no, were just friends. I watch his brother most of the time, but why?" I ask as he grins.

"Good because this entire two hours we've been together, you- you just have such a good ass vibe. I wanna take you out." He says as I can't help but smile.

"Well seeee." I say as he frowns.

"Wait, am I getting the L?"

"The what?" I say as I bust out laughing, weak he just said 'the L'

"The L, like you turning me down type shit."

"Hmmmm well seeee." I say as he flops his body like a kid on the bed, as I laugh.

I got dropped off at Jahseh's as he rudely demanded me back, claiming Aiden was sick and puking but Aiden was asleep and just fine. I was annoyed as I walked inside of his room, slapping his shoulder as he jumped.


"He's asleep, what's the real reason you wanted me here?" I ask crossing my arms, making an angry face as he smiled.

"I missed you, and I know your mad at me. And I still wanted to make it up to you, I don't care if you say no, this take out is happening jit. Your nana is gonna come watch Aiden too, so don't think that's a reason to stay." He says as he scoots me out of his room, I scoff.

"Who do you think you a-"

I gasp as he scoops me up quickly, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Why do you even think this is okay!? Who do you think you are!? Jahseh god dammit!" I yell as he laughs, he takes me out of the house, dropping me quickly before catching me in one fast motion.

"Stop. I'm sorry, let me show you instead of telling you Stormi." He says as he drags me into the car.

The entire ride I was so damn mad, I caught an attitude with him every second, everytime he said something.

We pulled up to Buffalo Wild Wings, Jahseh forcing me inside. We're seated at a small brown table, me finally not pouting after awhile. He's lucky I was hangry.

"So, tell me something I can say so you won't be mad at me." He says after the waiter orders our drinks.

"It wouldn't be genuine if I told you something to say to me Jahseh." I said as I laid my head on my hand, looking up at him with my huge eyes. He grinned, nodding to agree with my statement.

"Okay look, Geneva- She- look Okay. It's really hard to explain, but when I had absolutely no one besides Stokeley, I had her. I lived with her for months when I had no where to stay, she fed me, paid so much outta pocket for me. She really showed she loved me." He said as I frowned.

"Showed? That's past tense so what happened?"

He tensed up, avoiding my stare. I placed my hand on his to comfort him.

"Jahseh I know it's hard to talk about but it's gonna feel so good if you let it off if your chest. You know I'd never betray your trust." I said sending him a small smile as he clutched my hand back.

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