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I haven't edited this so, sorry about mistakes. Love y'all sooo much

I was in shock, complete shock. I was having another baby, another kid filled with my dna and hers. It was just both amazing, terrifying, but yet magical all in one.

Stormi lay asleep as I watched her, looking over the mother who was carrying my kids. She had this man, down pat. She was a fucking G, cause ain't no way I would push a baby out my coochie. Fuck them kids at that point.

Well not mine, but if I was a female who- you get it.

Me and Saint were cool now, he said he was sorry for how he acted and I apologized as well. I wasn't fucking up ever again, and that was a fact. I don't ever wanna lose my little family again, especially since we're about to add an expansion to the family.

After an hour it was three a.m. and she was completely dilated, I stood as the midwifes and doctors hiked her knees to her chest as she began doing her breathing exercises, Saint crying as her mom carried him out of the room.

Brianna and I stood next to her, me holding her knee and hand as she shut her eyes, breathing in and out.

"Push! 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10! I see a head!" The doctor yelled as Stormi took a deep breath, breathing heavily as she lay dead and exhausted. "Come on a couple more, you got this!" The midwife yelled as she continued pushing.

We were both sweaty as her eyes were blood shot from how hard she was pushing.

"And push! 1..2..3..4..5- she's out!" The doctor yelled as nurses rushed towards him.

My eyes watered as they pulled her out, her face somewhat blue and fingers blue as they wrapped her up quickly, setting her on Stormis chest. We looked at eachother as we both busted out in tears, the moment beautiful and magical as the baby began crying.

They took her a second later, letting me snap the cord and getting her nice and clean.

She was so beautiful, exactly how I pictured her. Stormis nose, my eyes, and my lips. The beauty mark also above her lip just like Saints, she was just amazingly perfect. I was amazed by how Stormi managed to carry her for nine months, I felt an entire high at this moment.

Stormi was knocked out as Saint cried, walking in as snot, tears, and saliva dripping down his face. I rocked her, sitting her down before scooping Saint as he hugged me, still crying. He was so upset he couldn't be in the room.

I got a wet rag, wiping his crusted snot and dried up tears away, as he stood still sucking on his thumb. I set him down, holding his hand as we walked towards her. "Dada! Ou sisser?! Yay!! Dada sisser!" He yelled clapping his hands as he jumped up and down excited. "You wanna hold her?" I asked as he nodded, stretching his arms out and grinning.

I scooped her up, her she's shut as she lay asleep, peacefully. I sat down as Saint crawled on my lap, his back facing mine as he held her, in awe. "Aw sisser, e-my sisser?" He asked looking at me with his huge eyes as I grinned, nodding. "Yes, it's your sister. You know what that means?" I said as he nodded.

"I love sisser, she mi baby?!" He yelled in his own little world as I rolled my eyes, not even being able to have a heart touching moment because his ass. "E- sisser! I teach u how be old sisser, no one touth sisser, okay sisser?!" He yelled as she began crying. Her small cry erupting as his bottom lip came out, he clutched her to him as they both began crying.


"Yes?" I say as I watch the two, once they both stop crying.

"What sisser name? She pretty dada. She doll?" He asked as I shook my head, smiling.

"No. Her name is- Saveena. Saveena Singe Onfroy." SUH-VEEN-UH

"French?" Stormi says as her eyes open, looking over at us as I nod.

Stormi didn't rip thankfully but refused to stay another night, so here we sat at home. Saint and Aiden stayed at her moms, they were like best friends. But Saint was so hesitant to leave his little sister, he adored her from the minute he saw her.

Stormi walked in, covering her body as she sighed, frowning. "Jahseh I-"

"Stormi you're perfect." I say as she frowns, her eyes widening as they began getting wet. She was about to cry. She had just finished up her shower, and breast pumping milk for Veena as she slept in her crib, surprisingly for the first night. She seemed so calm and gentle, when I was changing her diaper, she threw a grin at me which boosted my high.

"But my body, look at it. I look so ugly." She said as she dropped her towel, looking over her body in the mirror as she began crying. I stood, walked towards her bare naked body as I wrapped my hands around her. "Baby you just created a life, cut yourself some slack. It'll all go away and your negative emotions will too. You're beautiful, the same beautiful girl I fell in love with." I said as she spun around, hugging me as she cried in my chest.

Her boobs were somewhat saggy, as was her empty stomach. She got bigger, but none of them was ugly to me. She just gifted me the best thing I've ever gotten to see, life. She'll never be ugly in my eyes, everything about her is too perfect for her to even be ugly.

It was even more beautiful to me that she just had my baby, like it amazes me still knowing all the bullshit she had to go through for nine months just to have a baby she didn't really have to have.

Once she was done crying she got dressed and lotioned up, laying down exhuasted since it was midnight. I began kissing her neck, slipping my hands below her underwear as she slapped the shit out of me.

"Boy I just pushed a six pound baby out of me, she ain't ready." She said as my face dropped. "Are you-"

"Six weeks Jahseh." She said as my jaw dropped. She rolled her eyes before rolling me over, sucking my dick just like old times.

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