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"Jahseh!" I laughed and yelled as he slapped my ass, bending me over the sink. He dry humped me through his joggers, recording it on Snapchat as I laughed at the movement and loud moans he was making.

"Okay enough baby." I say as he spins me around, sliding his phone in his pocket. He kissed me, as I attempted to push him away, laughing at how hiring he was. "Baby stopppp." He whined as I continued pushing him away.

I hoped on the counter, leaning back so he couldn't kiss me. "Baby listen, we have another little Stormi on the way."

His eyes widened as he stared at me. "As in your pregnant?"

"Yea. I mean you bust in me everytime we have sex so-"

"But- I mean- okay." He said before kissing my neck. "Y- you aren't worried?" I attempted to say as he spread my legs, sliding my shorts to the side as he began fingering me.

"Why would I be? I can be a daddy to a third person."

I threw my head back, biting my lip as he continued, slipping his dick in a minute later.

I was so tired as I woke up early, having to go get Saint and do an interview again. I had an agent now, and she was trying to help me make my own income which I was all for but I wasn't for this early morning shit. The only plus was after this ten a.m. interview, I get to go shopping.

Not with my personal stylist but with Saint, and Rico of course. I was also extremely excited to spend time with my little boy, and to see him.

I hopped in the shower after forcing Jahseh's exhuasted body off of mine, as he rolled over, groaning before covering his face with the comfortable white blanket.

I sighed as I took a shower, getting my hair done right after I was finished moisturizing. I sat in my silk robe, a long legged blonde hair women coming in to do my makeup once my hair was done by Jerome. Her face resembled a doll, and she was super pretty. She smirked at me as she walked inside of the glam room, which was all gold and glitter.

"So your Jahseh's new play thing? Well don't feel so special-"

"Erica Shut the fuck up and do yo dam job! This girl ain't come in here to get lectured just cause Jahseh don't want yo stank pussy ass." Jerome said with a hand on his hip. I began laughing, as did he. While Erica's face twisted.

Jerome was so cool, he was funny as hell. He was a thick black man, with perfect skin and black waves. He was gay, and I could tell by his crop top, and tight leather jeans. He also wore heels, but he took them off. Jahseh was often creeped out by him, but kept his distance.

One time he made Jerome cry, so I smacked the shit out of him, he was so mad at me but he didn't have to be so mean and keep calling him a faggot. So I smacked him.

"I'm just letting this bitch know that me and Jahseh have-"

"Shut the hell up, you don't even know if that baby is his." Jerome said as my mouth dropped. "Yes it is! 100% results say the baby is his! He knows it that's why he didn't want me to come in here, Jerome knew about it too."

My heart shattered as I looked at Jerome. "So- he has another baby?" I said as my voice cracked, my throat tightening as my eyes watered. "We- Stormi we didn't know-"

"Who. In the fuck. Is we?" I ask attempting to calm myself down.

"All of his friends, family, and management knows. Duh. We fucked right before he met you, and I had his baby. Everyone knew except you, with his dead beat ass! He won't even send me any funds, that's the only reason I'm telling you. I don't wanna be some bitter bitch, but I'm struggling and he won't help me. I can't get by like this-"

I stand as anger takes over my body, attacking her as I punch her dead in the nose. She screams, loudly as I crawl on top of her. Her arms below my knees as I hit her three times, my anger getting worse as I blacked out.

My hands slid to her neck, as I slammed her head on the ground as she screamed, attempting to claw at me but she was stuck.

"Stormi! Jahseh! Rico!" Jerome yelled as he tried to get me off, with a failed attempt. She wailed as I Continued, biting my lip so hard I drew blood.

She got the best of me as we rolled over, shit beginning to knock over and fall on the ground. "Get the fuck off of me!!" She screamed as I stood, throwing her around as I knee'd her in the face.

I slammed her face on the glass stand, blood everywhere as she screamed in terror and pain. I grabbed her by her throat again, slamming her head as I choked her. Everything was blurred out, as she attempted to reach for my face as hers turned blue.

"Stormi!" Jahseh screamed as I was back into reality, and angrily yanked off of her. I was still blacked out, as I reached for her again, removing myself from Jahseh's arms as I grabbed her hair as she gasped for air.

"Get off-"

"I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed as Jahseh yanked me back, me pulling her with me as I kicked her dead in the face. Kneeing her till Rico stepped in, breaking it up as my grip loosened.

"Stormi! Stop!" Jahseh yelled as I realized I was beating and getting angry at the wrong fucking person. I was covered in blood as I looked at my hands, Jahsehs' hands around my waist as I became disgusted with not only myself but him.

I angrily pushed him off of me, going directly upstairs where he was hot on my trail.

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