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I locked the bathroom door as I showered, throwing my hair up so it wouldn't be damaged. Jahseh banged on the door, continually as I blurred it out.

I was- I was numb. I had no feeling, my anger was gone, as was my sadness. I was just numb.

I finished up re apply lotion, before opening the door, Jahseh standing there as he stared at me. I walked past him, yanking my arm back as he tried to stop me from walked away.

"What the fuck is going on?!" He yelled as I kept walking towards the glam room. I opened the door, shutting it quickly before locking it. My second personal stylist, James sat there. He was also cool, but I couldn't help it as I slipped down on the grown. Tears flying down my eyes as I screamed into my knees, wrapping in my big silk robe.

"Stormi? What is it?" He said coming towards me as he helped me to my feet, I hugged him, crying hard and loud as I screamed into his chest. He held me, which was what I needed.

"Awh it'll be okay, seriously Stormi. You find out?" He said as I nod, squeezing him too me as I cried heavily. "Just- it's okay I get it. Let it out." I ignored the bangs and yells from Jahseh, that was until the door slammed on the ground.

He broke it.

"What the fuck is happening?" He yelled as I removed my face from James chest, as he hid behind me, terrified of Jahseh.

"Can you just fucking go!" I yelled as I wiped my eyes. I walked past him, as he harshly grabbed my arm, twisting it accidentally as I gasped. "Ow- Get off of me!" I yelled as I pushed him heavily.

He removed his arm but that didn't stop him from following me to the room, I grabbed two duffle bags. Throwing most of my clothes in one bag, but it didn't last as Jahseh yanked it away.


"Is it your kid?" I asked as I turned around, looking him dead in the eye as his angry face dropped. "Stormi she-"

"Don't lie! Is it your fucking kid or not." I say as he grabs my hand.

"If you listen, ill tell you." He says as I sigh, letting him sit me down on the bed as he stood in front of me. "She claims the kids mine but there's no proof ever documenting it's my sperm, I've never even nutted in that girl, I don't even remember fucking her Stormi. I didn't have pussy after you, so when she hit me with it I was like fuck no. I really feel like she's lying, because I just remember her sucking my dick."

"But she refuses to show papers, I even offered to get my blood taken and she said no. So I don't think it is Stormi, truly." He said as I looked down at the ground.

It wasn't even the fact that he had a kid, it was the fact that every single person besides me knew about it. At this point I had no trust for him, because I felt like this was something he shouldn't have kept from me.

"You- I have to leave." I say as I stand, moving past him as I grab the bag from the floor. "Stormi- I was honest. What more do you-"

"Yes but you and everyone else hid it from me, right? That was the most important detail you should've put in but for three months you didn't say a damn thing. I don't trust you, and if I don't trust you, we- we can't be together." I said as I fiddled my thumbs, looking up at him.

"Stormi, there's no way in fucking hell I am letting you go. I rather get killed- you can't leave me. No. Take all the time you want to heal from this but- I'm not letting you leave me. I- I love you so much. I love this- what we have so fucking much. So much that I'm gonna let you leave until you forgive me. I'm so sorry." He said as his face twisted with sadness.

He came up to me, dropping on his knees before bawling his eyes out. His arms wrapped around my waist as his face was in my stomach, I cried too. "Stormi- please." He said as he looked at me, his eyes angry red and filled with tears.

"I- I'm not leaving you but I can't do this right now. I just need to be left alone."


I was watching Saint as he giggled, playing with the other kids in the fancy hotel pool. I sat in a one piece, with a towel around my waist since my ass was eating it up.

I left the pool room real fast, watching Saint through the window as I got my snacks. I lifted my head up after messing with the machine, and to my horror Saint wasn't in the pool. I dropped everything, running out of the empty room.

"Saint!? Where's my son!?" I yelled as I began to panic. Everyone around as we all began to panic, a tall white man with a beard jumped in the deep in and by the grace of god pulled out my son.

I began to scream as I ran over to him, his lips and face blue. He man performed CPR and in minutes as I set next to his small body, he threw up the water all over me. I cried, as I was in the first place, clutching him to me as everyone surrounded us.

Clapping at the handsome white man who saved my boys life. I felt like in that moment my heart stopped, and I wanted to die. I couldn't imagine, ever losing my son. He was my entire heart, he left this world, so would I.

Once he was seated in a chair, asleep wrapped in my t-shirt, I talked to the staff. "Yes- I didn't think this was going to happen. I looked away for two second and he was under."

"Well ma'am maybe-"

"Excuse me but I don't think you should be blaming this on her. No mother wants their kid to die and drown and I'm sure she didn't want that at all. Do you people have any human decency?" The man who saved my son said as I looked at him.

Not even finna lie, he as one fine piece of ass.

Not even finna lie, he as one fine piece of ass

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