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I just love when you guys comment, so comment every thought in ur head on this chapter. PLEASEEE 😩 makes me feel so loveddd

"Thank you." I said hugging the man tightly as he hugged me back. He walked me back to my room, as I set Saint in the bed praying he wouldn't be traumatized by the event that just took place.

"Anytime. I'm just glad you said something or I wouldn't have jumped and saved him." He says as he both release eachother. I thanked him before attempting to walk in the room but he stopped me.

"You're a beautiful girl, anyway I could get your number?" He asked as I looked at him, deciding if it was a good idea. I was single so I guess so?

"Sure." I said as he took out his phone, I typed in my number.

I walked back in the room before shutting the door, and throwing my body on the second bed. Saint lay asleep as I snuggled next to him, falling asleep shortly after.

I woke up to my phone ringing, as I answered.


"Is Saint good? I just got out of an interview so I didn't see it till now." Jahseh said worriedly as I smiled, I loved his home with Saint. "Yes he's asleep." I say as I lift myself up on my stomach, playing with his curls as he slept soundly, sucking his small thumb.

"Do you think I can pick him up once I leave here? I miss him. And you." He said as I frowned, my heart hurting. "I miss you too-"

"Then come home. I promise this will never happened again, I don't wanna sleep alone again." He said as I sighed. "Jahseh I need space, just leave me be for a few days. I'll be home before you know it."

He let out a petty breath. "Aight. I'll be to get him in a second." He said before hanging up, not even saying I love you so I know he was shitty. I sighed before waking Saint up, to which he threw a fit screaming and crying.

He was upset, and threw a fit even more when I forced him to get dressed.

"Shut that shit up!" I yelled as he stopped yelling, crying hard in his hands as he weeped. "Now come on." I said annoyed and sad I had to act this way. "No! No! No!" He screamed as he ripped his shirt in half. Oh yea, he wanted crazy mama didn't he?

I grabbed his arm, laying him angrily on my lap as I spanked him four times over his clothes as he screamed. "Top! Mama ow!" He cried as I did it once more. "What the hell I tell you!?" I yell as I angrily, stand him up as he cries hard.

"Go put a fucking shirt on before I beat your fucking ass again! You hear me?!" I yell as he nods, crying heavily as he shuts his eyes. Slobber, tears, and snot all over his body.

I was pissed as hell, I hated the terrible twos. He was so spoiled and bratty sometimes. He cried even more when he found out he had to take a bath, the entire time crying and wailing.

He stood in the hall as I started the bath, crying as he dropped to the floor throwing a tantrum as he screamed and cried. He flared his arms and legs, screaming as I rolled my eyes. This damn boy was going to be the death of me.

I whooped his ass three more times, before doing to another five times since he tried to hit me back. I grabbed his face after standing him up, him still crying. "You wanna get another one?! Don't ever do that to mama!! You hear me?! You don't like mama?!" I yelled angrily as he cried harder.

He shook his head, finally letting me undress him as he got in the bath, still crying the entire time. Once he was out he was done crying, wrapped in my arms in a towel. I set him on the bed, as his swollen eyes looked around.

I got him a sweat shirt out, apart of Jahseh's mercy which said revenge on it. A pair of black sweat pants, black socks, and little Gucci slides Jahseh bought for him.

After applying lotion, I got him dressed. I got pissed off as Jahseh claimed he couldn't come get him and he will tomorrow, and once I told Saint he began crying again.

He sat on my lap, bawling his eyes out out as I rocked him, cooing him. "I wanna see dada!" He screamed in my shirt. "I know baby, I know." I said as I shook him, bouncing up and down.

I set him down, crouching down once I got off the bed. "How about we go out and spend sometime together? Just Saint and mama?!" I said as he wiped his eyes, nodding as he gave me a huge hug.

"I love ou mama." He said as I smiled, his small hands squeezing around my neck. "I love you more Saintie."

After our little moment I got dressed, loving how cute I looked as I looked in the mirror. You could notice my little belly a bit, I thought it was cute how little it was but she was getting there. But I've been constantly eating, and I prayed the stress from this entire situation didn't hurt her.

 But I've been constantly eating, and I prayed the stress from this entire situation didn't hurt her

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I smiled as I scooped Saint up. Throwing my purse over my shoulder as we walked out of the hotel, talking to Rico who came to stay with us. "Stormi-"

"Nope. I don't wanna talk about it. Just come on, I wanna go to the mall, and some more places." I said as he nodded his head, shutting his mouth. The crowd was huge out side of the expensive hotel as fans and people screamed. They must've thought Jahseh was with me.

I stepped out as I held Saint to my chest, strutting towards the car as the flashes blinded me. I looked down at the ground, Rico holding my arm as he guided me inside of the car. I didn't want the world to see what Saint looked like, nor that I as pregnant so I hid his face as we drive off.

"Mama, why dey do vat? Who does people?" He asked as I smiled at him. "Your daddy is a big big star, and they make money by taking pictures of him and me. Don't ask why, cause I don't even know baby." I said as he dramatically sighed, laying down in the car as we drove towards the mall.

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