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:( don't be hateful and irrational or I'll block you! Nor slut shame either! I don't tolerate that shit towards my characters even if their just made up or not

"Wake up Santie." I whispered as he whined but doing so. I had a few errands to run, and bills to pay. I was struggling paying off my car, for saint, and all of my bills and I was convinced the lights were gonna hey shut off because it was an overdue bill I hadn't payed.

Everyone thinks you get to take every penny home for stripping but their wrong, you have to give half to the person who runs it. Atleast at my club you do. So I only had ten thousand, and five thousand goes towards the car, I was also paying my own student loans off which was an even bigger pain in the ass.

"Mama! The water won't turn on!"

Shit, I forgot I didn't pay that either. "Okay baby, just go eat- im taking you to nana's today." I said as I got dressed, gratefully I showered last night.

I heard his little feet run across the floor board as I pulled up my leggings, throwing on a sweatshirt since it was fall and freezing some days. "Mama." Saint said as he entered the room, a frown on his face.

"Yes baby?" I said as I slipped on my socks and slides, looking at him. "There no food. I hungry." He said as I began to break down.

I've been on my own, doing everything for myself because I felt being hand fed I'd never learn. And although it was my fault, I couldn't stop the tears and nor did I wanna cry in front of saint. So I covered my face with my hands, but Saint knew.

"Mama, ou cry?" He asked as he began to worry. I lifted my face up, tears clearly on them as I shook my head, smiling for my heart. "No, it's happy tears." I say as he frowns. His bottom lip coming out.

"Mama it ok. I here for you Mama." He said as I began to cry harder as he pushed his arms up, wanting to be held. I did so, clutching him to my chest as we both bawled our eyes out.

"It ok mama, I luv ou! I never leave!" He cried as I cried too, both of our clothes soaked. "We get through mama, we get through it." He said as I began to cry even harder at the fact that he knew I was struggling.

I dropped him off with Jahseh instead of my nana, Jahseh looking at me worriedly as he saw both of our eyes were red and swollen. Saint was asleep on my chest as I handed him to Jahseh, Saint whining but clutching him tight.

We met at his nice ass studio, which was like my entire apartment plus some other rooms.

"What? Y'all smoke together now? Without me?" He asked as I let out a fake laugh that seemed real. "Shut up, just a long morning. Feed him, please." I say as I look into Jahseh's eyes as he did mine.

Just like he use to he was attempting to read me, but I looked down. "Oh and he loves anime and documentaries on plants. I couldn't tell you why." I say quickly before kissing Saint, and attempting to leave but Jahseh had other plans as he grabbed my wrist.

"Aye rico, go lay him in my bed." He said as he stared at me. The big man grabbed Saint and his bag, smiling at him before walking towards the room.

"Stormi, what is it?" He said as I shook my head. "Nothing." I said before hugging him so he would avert from grilling me. He smelt so much like home, weed and cologne. "You use to tell me everything." He whispered as I sighed.

I gave him a small smile before leaving, heading towards the hotel.

The ride there was quiet as I debated on what the fuck I was doing with my life and why I was doing it, but it all tyed in. I had a son, who I had to provide for more then myself, I could no longer be selfish. I pulled up, getting out of the car as I walked inside of the motel room.

I did what I had to do, I had no choice.

"Hello my princess." Neymar purred as I grinned, shutting the door with my foot. I hated this.

For five hours he fucked me, for five hours I played my orgasms out, for five hours I thought about Saint. You might judge me but it's what had to be done, life isn't fucking fair anymore. It'll never be fair, and that's something I learned to accept.

And no it's not, go get money from my family. They hold everything over my head besides my nana, and I was sick of begging people for money.

I left, getting inside my car and instantly having a mental break down as I cried, and cried, to the point where I almost passed out. Screaming, painful crying as I held my knees against my chest and my head in my knees.

I felt dirty, used, like a fucking slut I was. I held it all in, not letting anyone know this was how all my bills got paid.

I met Neymar after I had Saint, maybe six months after. I learned he was successful and became a huge millionaire soccer player. He swore he'd help me out if I gave him pussy, and of course I was disgusted and said no, but that was until me and Saint almost got put out when he was nine months.

He was the reason I did it all so he would have food, he would be dressed nicely, he would have all he's ever wanted.

I stopped fucking him when he turned two, but recently my struggle got worse since the club went out for construction. I lost so much money so I called him up, and we meet three times a week in the same motel.

Every trip Saint has been on like, Barcelona, Bora Bora, Turks, and Italy were all because of Neymar. But I'd fuck him all over again just to see my precious baby have as much fun as he did.

And the worse part I can't live down was the fact that he was married and had two kids. Him and his wife were both in an open relationship and didn't even live with eachother, they only married for the sex and so she could get her green card.

I was still utterly disgusted with myself but.. it was all for Saints smile. I'd do anything for him, always.

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