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The car ride was far out, but I was so happy when we finally pulled up. A fire was blaring since it was dark, people laughing and teens drinking, weed flying through the air.

My grandma grinned as tabby came up to us, grinning. She looked just like my mom, a fat ass, short, long brown straight hair, and chubby cheeks. She kinda looked like she never aged, even at fourty.

"Hey girl, teens are over there, have fun!" My aunt says as I freeze, my nana running off with her towards their house and not the huge barn she owned. I didn't know what to do besides stare at people, that was until someone came up behind me, scaring me shitless.

"Oh!" I yelled as I jumped, a guy scaring me as he began busting out laughing. He was fairly attractive, he had brown curly hair, porcelain white teeth as well. Brown chocolate eyes to match.

 Brown chocolate eyes to match

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"Hey, I'm Lucas." He says grinning. I smile back, shaking his hands as his eyes Avert to my body, he sucks his bottom lip in.

"You're b-"

"He means he just wants to fuck." Another boy says as he comes up, the other boy looking at him as if he was annoying.

"Hi I'm the non-whore one, Sev

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"Hi I'm the non-whore one, Sev." I go to shake his hand as another girl walks up.

"Don't let these niggas fool you, their both hoes." A girl says shaking her head. She kinda looked like a squid, but a cute one. I shook Sev, and went to hers as she smiled at me, shaking my hand. "I'm Skyler, this is Lucas, and Sev."

They guided me through the warehouse/barn

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They guided me through the warehouse/barn. There was many sweaty girls grinding on boys and girls, it was kinda weird. I low key didn't wanna be here but I also didn't wanna seem lame.

I downed a couple bottles, of course trying to fit in but it was actually fun.

We never did this in New York, parties were civil, or at least on my side of town. People wore complete clothes, dresses, almost anything to show they were wealthy and their social status.

But tonight I felt a little free as I danced with Skyler, the only thoughts I had was if I was either high or drunk? I couldn't tell at this point.

I danced and pointed at people's cameras, laughing even though none of them had no clue who I was.

My alarm shook in my jean pocket as I went outside. Wait, I set an alarm?

I was tumbling and my head felt as if it was swimming, but also felt as if it was gonna fall off. I drunk Hennessy more and more as after a while it felt like water sliding down my throat.

I tumbled as I fell into someone's arms, looking up at Lucas as I smiled, he looked down at me smiling. He helped me up from his lean arms, saying 'woah' as I almost fell again.

"Sorry- I just-"

"You're fine, it happens."

I lost track of time, completely as my phone died, the alarm sound shutting off with my phone. "What's the time?"


"Fuck!" I yelled as I stumbled towards my aunts house. "You need help?" Lucas asked as I nodded. Before I could make it inside a loud screeching sound is created, I frown, Lucas' arm around my waist and shoulder.

My mouth parted as Jahseh jumped out of the car, looking around but stopping as his eyes landed on me. They averted to my outfit, he squinted his eyes as they saw Lucas' hand on my waist, his jaw clenched.

Lucases face dropped as Sev ran out. "Fuck the ops!" He yelled throwing up a sign as Jahseh grinned. He went back into the car, a minute later getting out with almost four niggas. Ski was one I noticed, a boy that looked Mexican with color braids and braces, a boy with black curly hair and many tattoos across his face. Another car pulled up, two more guys getting out.

The boy was black and tall, a scratch across his eye. I couldn't see or describe the last boy as he wore a blue hanker chief over his face.

Next thing I know Lucas lets go of me, and because he was my standing support due to me being very fucked up, I fell on my ankle causing me to wince and scrunch my face up in pain.

"Buss sum bitch ass niggas! I dare y'all! Bitch made ass niggas!" Lucas yelled as Sky came to my rescue, helping me up as I attempted not to cry from my now almost broken ankle. "Wrap." Ski yelled before all four of them came hurling at the two boys, two more boys jumping out of the crowed that surrounded them, wearing red hanker chiefs.

A entire brawl broke out as I gasped, Jahseh beating the fuck out of Sev as he struggled to fight back. Ski was attacking Lucas as they fought, fist flying everywhere.

I pushed Sky off of me, apologizing as I did so. "I'm sorry, fuck." I winced as I walked on my ankle, I tried to push Jahseh off of him, only causing my drunk ass to almost fall over.

He pounded at his face as I angrily pushed him off. "Stop!" I yelled as he looked at me angrily. He pushed past me, Sev unconscious as he kicked at his ribs, waking Sev up fast. I went to push him away again, but all I could remember was my head slapping the rocks so hard that I fell unconscious.

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