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S I X T E E N M O N T H S L A T E R..

Might sound off coming from me but, this was magical. Insane, and fucking crazy.

"Are you ready for this? I- man this is fucking crazy." Ski says as his eyes began to water. Gazzy walks in, his face twisting as he sees ski crying. "It is fucking crazy, come here bitch." Gazzy said as I grin, hugging both of them.

"Don't get soft on me pussies." I say as my eyes began to water.

Ski fixes my tie from my Gucci suit, making sure I look flashy. "Aight, picture!" He yelled as many men started filing in.

"Here's Salem- Jahseh you look amazing." Stormis' mom said as she entered the dressing room. "Or should I say- my son in law, you look amazing." She says as she grins. I grin back, grabbing Salem as he slept soundly.

Harry filed in, with april as they both grinned at me. "My fucking son!" He yelled as Rico walked in, grinning as well. Aiden came in, hugging my legs as he looked up at me smiling. Rico picked him up as ski brought out his phone, all of us grinning for the picture.

Everyone greeted each other before I walked out, everyone cheering as I walked up to my stance with ski and Gazzy next to me, WiFi showing up a minute later as he stood in his spot.

The music played as my head felt like it was floating, my anxiety rising.

She looked absolutely stunning, as she watched her feet cautiously. Her twenty four thousand dollar down squeezed her body in all the right places.

My eyes watered as she stepped up, staring at me.

I was going to be looking at these electric brown eyes, for the rest of my life.

The priest did his usual routine, as we both strongly said we do. Everyone was in tears, even Stormi. My lip quivered as I looked at just how beautiful the person was that I was going to be spending eternity with.

Saint carried out the rings as he grinned, happy but confused as he walked the wrong direction which caused all of us to laugh.

"Sorry dada! I here!" He said as he held the rings up. I slid hers up her small finger as she grinned, her eyes and cheeks glossy. Her shaky hands did the same for me, which caused my eyes to water.

The wedding was everything she and I ever dreamed of, and what was the most amazing was that everyone was okay and content with life.

Let's just say wedding night was the best night.

And let's clear some air.

Harry came back to apologize, and got me to perform without me having to leave Stormi. Stormi and her mom and extremely tight, as she is with her moms boyfriend as well.

Aiden was full custody of her nanny's, they were extremely tight as well. Saveena was on her feet now, always carrying a little purse and sunglasses. Aiden was three now and full of life and happiness.

Ski and Brianna has another baby, and Gazzy was still a turbo thot, but we loved him.

It's been a rough four years, but knowing Stormi the way I do now, I'd never take back for anything. She taught me more then I would ever know, or even think of. She taught me real deal love, loyalty, and how it's okay not to walk around being a dick.

I didn't expect my life to ever take this turned, and as I looked at Stormis naked body I understood. This was all an entire plan designed for me, god knew exactly what he was doing when he inputed her inside of my hell of a life.

I looked at my vowels,

I never would've thought, because how fucked up I was when you met me, I'd be right here. Making you Stormi Onfroy. A lot of people questioned why we were doing this so young. I'm 23, your 21, why waste our lives with one person? And the simple answer is your not just a person. Your Stormi, my wife. You bring me from the darkness to light every time, you taught me from wrong to right, how to care for children, and most importantly, how to be happy. I couldn't be Jahseh without Stormi, because I need you. Every single part of your beautiful mind and body. You brought me the most amazing soul food, you brought me happiness, you brought me loyalty, and most importantly, you brought me my heart. The one I claimed to never have. You brought it by sticking by my side, and providing me with god greatest gift. My children. I could write a damn book but you know what it is, I love you. Forever.

She broke down, not letting me go as she cried once I said that. And her speech made me cry even harder.

I honestly thought I'd never be here, especially- let me tell you! With as many bitches as you were fucking I had no chance! The crowd laughed. There were times I wanted to just give up on you, you were so hard to break and to get inside of that shell but I couldn't. No matter how much my mind desires to my heart was ten times strong, but I mean it does keep my body- anyways! You brought me confidence, love, sometimes loyalty, and my children. I couldn't thank you more Jahseh, and I'd never take back all the time we spent for absolutely nothing because you're the only man I ever wanna spend the rest of my life with. Ever, and only. I was so shy and innocent, I felt so ugly in my body, especially because no one ever cared enough about me. But you provided all of it! You took my hand and slowly helped me become the Stormi I am now, I'd be lost without you. I love you so much Jahseh, I definitely believe you are my soul mate.

As stressful, heartbreaking, and sad this relationship was. It was happy, filled with love and respect. When I wasn't being a whore, of course.

I couldn't imagine another life with anyone else.

I'm sorry but, it's come to an end.

Thank you for reading about three years of our relationship.

I'd make this longer but, I'm bout to fuck the shit out st- my wife. That felt nice to say.

Goodbye ❤️

MY HEART MY HEART !! IM SORRY IF THIS IS SHITTY BUT IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME, this was the best story I've ever written and there's definitely more to come so no fret! I will do updates so you guys now how their living! :) I love you all, be on the look out for my new book! 💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡💞❤️💖🧡💛💖💚💓💛💞🧡💜🖤💙💓💘💘🧡💗🧡💘❣️❣️💙💘💚💗💛💝💝🧡💖💘🧡💛💞💚💟💚💟💛💝💞🧡💘🧡
Here's all the love out of my body.. 😩

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