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"Oh my Stormi, Jahseh!" Cleo yells as I wake up. I stand, Jahseh coming down stairs as he stares at her emotionless. "Did you do this to her?" She ask. "What the fuck, why would I do that?" He ask offended. "You did it to Geneva-"

"I didn't fucking touch her mom-"

"No." I say somewhat loud. "Me and Aiden were running around the house and I fell and hit it on the counter. I promise." I say as she stares at him for a minute. "I swear, he was asleep the entire night. I didn't even know he was here." I say as she nods. "Okay, I believe you." She says as I nod.

"Do you think you could watch him for today while I'm at work?" She ask. "Yes that's fine." I say as she smiles at me.

"Well off I go, I love you." She says kissing Jahseh's cheek. "I'm sorry, I really am. I love you bear." She says as I cover my mouth, trying not laugh. I regret it, wincing at my lip. She walks out the door. He walks upstairs, annoyed. I follow him as he turns around, looking at me. "What?" I say moving past him. I walk into his room, grabbing my knife and bag.

He walks as I walk past him, him grabbing my arm as I wince. It was bruised somehow. "What did you just take?" He says as I shrug. "My stuff." I say as he nods. "Hey, Stormi," He says as I look at him. "I'm sorry about-"

"It's fine." I say rudely not wanting to be reminded, I walked into the bathroom, quickly starting the shower. I took a nice hot one, cleaning my body. I got out a second later, putting on leggings and a tight t-shirt. I also slipped on black socks. "Hey Stormi! Can you take me to get ice cream?" He ask as nod. "Sure." I say as he grins. "Jahseh, can you come?" He ask through the door as Jahseh yells no.

"Please!" He screams back as Jahseh flings open the door. "Where am I going to?" He ask Aiden annoyed. "Ice cream, please?" Aiden begs as he sighs, giving in. "Fine. Let me get dressed."

We wait outside for him, Aiden dressed in nice clothes. There was an ice cream parlor down the street, I was excited about getting hair. "We're driving." He says as I shrug. We enter his garage, a black sleek BMW shown a she gets in. He wears ripped black jeans, and a bomber black jacket.

I wasn't gonna lie, he was very attractive. His face and the tattoos he had make it better, he was fine over-all. The drive is quiet, I look out the window.

"So why are you in broward?" Aiden as over the music as I sigh. "Just- I kinda wanted to." I say smiling at him. "Oh, you look like Geneva. But your nice, she's a hooker." He says as I bust of laughing, Jahseh does too. "I'm serious, do you date my brother?"

"Fuck no." He says before I can say anything. Damn, I didn't think I was that ugly. "What? Why?"

"Your brothers too much of a dick, he doesn't deserve me." I say as Aiden giggles. Jahseh smirks. "Yea, that's it." He says as we pull up. We all get out, Aiden running towards the ice cream as we enter. "Damn ma, yo shit fat." A old ass Mexican man says as I make a face. "And you're fat so get the the fuck outta my face." I say as he frowns.

Jahseh bust out laughing. I do as well.

Aiden sits at his own table as Jahseh gets his ice cream, I sit alone in a booth. I open my phone finally, reading a text from kimetrius.

- hey wyd 2 day

- babysitting

- oh, who are u babysitting?

- This kid Aiden

- oh, you with jahseh?

- yes

- oh

- I don't wanna be controlling but I'd stay away from him, he's crazy, he use to beat his ex

- ok but those charges weren't confirmed, you should wait awhile before u judge someone?

- ok sorry damn, get off my dick I was tryna help you

- help yourself and leave me alone.

"Why'd you do that?" Jahseh says as I jump, dropping my phone on the table. He comes around, sitting at the table. "Do what?"

"You just took up for me in that text, for my mom, and Aiden. Why? I broke your phone and almost got you raped, I don't understand." He says as I shrug. "I don't know."

"You do."

"Well I know how it feels to be judged for something that might've never happened."

"You? Like what have you been judged over?"

"Something dumb."



"Like what?" He ask as I shrug.

"Just a dumb lie about me having sex with some boy I never had sex with." I say as he nods. "Oh."

"Why'd you actually move down here?" He ask as I sigh.

"Just needed a new start I guess." I say as he nods again. He finished up his ice cream, Aiden asleep in the car on the way home. "Do you wanna hangout?" He ask as I shrug. "Sure."

We enter his house, Jahseh scooping Aiden and laying him in his bed. I walk to his room, taking my slides off and sitting on the bed.

"What do you wanna do?" He ask as I shrug. "We could fuck?" He says as I slap his shoulder. "I'm fucking, I'm not serious." He says laughing. I smile at the floor, he actually seemed nice besides him breaking and shattering my phone. "You wanna just watch a movie?" He ask as I nod.

"Only if I can pick it. Also don't you have school? Fuck Aidens-"

"I already did it for him, and there was a threat so they canceled school." He says as I nod. I crawl up to the head board.

"Fuck." I hear him say as I lean my back against the headboard. "What?" I ask as he shakes his head. "Nothing, are you cold?" He as as I nod. "Will you get me my own blanket?" I ask as he looks at me. "What? You scared to me under the same cover as me?" He says as I shrug once again. I swear it's a habit, I shrug at almost every question without knowing it.

"No but I figured you didn't want to."

"I don't care."

"Okay." I say as he slides his tims off, coming towards the bed. He forces me next to the wall as he sat on the outside. Half the movie he was on his phone, I got sick of it as I paused the movie. Standing as he said my name, I looked back at him as I stepped on the floor.

"Where are you going?"

"Living room." I say opening the door.


"You weren't watching the movie."

"Fine, I'll watch it." He says as I nod, shutting his door before climbing back onto his bed. I snuggle into the covers, watching the movie. I struggled staying up, and finally I gave up.

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