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"Fuck, Geneva." I groaned as I pushed my hips forward, the ecstasy making the feeling even more pleasurable. My dick lodged down her throat as she made sounds, taking all eight inches of it.

My knees weakened as I nutted in her mouth, Geneva quickly swallowing as I collapsed. My sweaty body on her bed.

We fucked almost eight times, and at this point I felt like megaNUT. "Damn, you ready to go?" She asked as I nodded.

"Fuck- yea. Hand me that," I said pointing towards my boxers as she handed them to me.

I stood weakly, the drug becoming numb as the pleasure stopped.

"See you. I love you." I said to Geneva as her big eyes looked up at me, she was so beautiful. But not enough.

"I love you too."

I left shortly after, headed straight towards Stormi's house. I couldn't sleep, like I usually do. Most nights I'd lay awake, pretending the pillow was her, but it never worked.

She was mad at me, and for six days she wouldn't communicate with me. I know I fucked up but didn't give a damn, it was what he deserved. But I couldn't sleep without her, it was weird.

She was so short, and small. I loved just wrapping her in my arms, and feeling her sweet smelling body on top of mine. She connected with me on a level no one else could, and I know now that I am most definitely attached to her. But she won't know that.

I drove slowly, thinking about her as I did so.

Did I wanna be loyal for her?

Was I even ready to leave bitches alone for her?

Is this too early?

There was so many questions, none of them answered either. But Stormi was just, herself. A anxiety ridden, cry baby, with a huge heart that helped everyone but herself.

It's weird though because I was so mean to her, and she was the exact opposite to me. She'd defend me even if I'd speak down on her, her loyalty must run deep and it shows.

I pulled up to her Grandma's house, turning the car off as I looked at the huge mansion.

I remember like it was yesterday, saving her at the damn walk. Then picking on her in school. But in reality I thought she was so fine, and she looked so pure and sweet. To which she is.

I sparked a blunt up as I sighed, thinking about that damn girl. Who knew she, out of all people, would be in bed moaning my name while my face sat between her legs? Didn't see that shit coming. But I also did.

I got high as I sat there, not realizing it's been thirty minutes. But once I did, I set out the blunt and get out the car. Trudging towards the door as I opened my phone, trying my hardest to look distressed.



I grew annoyed as I woke up, clicking over as I answered the phone.

"Stormi." I heard Jahsehs' raspy voice say as I whine.

Stormi - XXXTENTACION FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now