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I was asleep in Jahseh's bed, waiting for him, but I couldn't sleep anymore because my phone kept going off.

Finally I unlocked it.

12 missed FaceTimes from Skyler.

I slid over, calling her. The third ring she finally answered, she looked distressed. Her face was red, she was crying and her hair was everywhere.

"What- Skyler what's wrong?"

"What the fuck! This is all your fault, how could you do this Stormi!? Sev and Lucas could've been killed!"

She shocked me as she yelled, I was so confused, what was she talking about?

"Woah, Skyler clam down, okay? I have no clue what happened I swear, please tell me what it is that happened for you to think this."

"Jahseh and his fucking three friends jumped them over you! I'm on my way to your house, it's your ass!!"

"What? Are you serious? Skyler I seriously-"

I was cut off as she hung up.

I waited twenty minutes, texting Jahseh and asking what is going on.

- do not leave the fucking house Stormi, I'm five minutes away

- Jahseh wtf is going on!!

- come outside bitch I want my fucking rounds

- come out or I'm coming in!

Fuck it, I refused to sit here and get bitched like this when I did absolutely nothing wrong. I was more mad at Skyler then Jahseh, I had absolutely nothing to do with this and it seemed as if I had to show her.

I came down the stairs, my hair braided back.

I opened the door, Skyler and two other females seated on a car. She noticed me, her face read in distress.

"Skyler! Go home! I didn't do anything!" I yelled as her face turned red.

"You almost killed Sev!" She stomped up the stairs before pushing me hard against the door.

Adrenaline rushed through my body as I became more and more angry.

"Skyler this is stupid, you know I would never do that! I like Lucas, we just talked about a date, please tell me why I would ever do that to you!?" I yelled as her face turned even more red.

She was about to speak but Jahseh pulled up, his car skidding loudly as he quickly parked and hopped out. She looked over as did I.

He looked pissed as he raced up the steps, getting right in between us.

"I advise you to get back Skyler, she ain't have shit to do with this at all." He spit as she gasped. "Your wasting your fucking time, you not putting your hands on her."

"I'll beat that bitch up!"

"Bitch I'll beat you the fuck up! Again!" I heard a girl yell as I peeked from behind Jahseh, seeing Kylie walk up the steps.

"Huh!? Bitch fight me! Leave her the fuck alone!" She yelled as she pushed Skyler harshly.

Skyler stared at her in anger before looking at me.

Lord, when she hurled spit at me, it was fucking over with.

Anger flooded through me as I reached passed Jahseh, grabbing her before slamming her. I quickly got on top of her, punching her face from left to right.

Jahseh yanked me off of her, I kicked her head and her nose as she yelped.

"Jahseh, let me go!" I yelled as I attempted to jump at her again, his hands tightened around my waist as I frowned.

"Get your friend and y'all off my fucking property!" Jahseh yelled as Kylie busted out laughing at Skyler, her wobbling and standing before her friends helped her down the steps and into the car, which they sped off.

My anger was now turned towards Jahseh as he shoved me inside of the house. I angrily pushed him off of me before stomping up stairs.

I locked myself in Aidens room, and cried, and cried some more. I was so upset I just did that because I'm such a nice ass girl who tolerates so much bullshit but people turn me into this mean, evil bitch I don't wanna be and it sucks because I'm not like this.

I grew frustrated as Jahseh banged on the door, pleading me to open it for him. I stood, wiping my face before opening the door. He looked at me, opening his arms but I pushed him back.

"What? I' didn't-"

"What the fuck didn't you do! Why did you even beat him up!? Look what the fuck you've done! I just lost the only friend I had!" I screamed at him as his face turned angry, his eye brows creasing.

He slammed the door shut, locking it before flicking the light switch on.

"He wasn't good for you, why would you even wanna be friends with people like them any fucking ways!?" He yelled as I frowned.

"The same reason I wanna be friends with your fuck ass! Because I see differently in them then anyone else!" I yelled as his face dropped.

"Y- what do you mean?" He said as I grew angrier, I began to cry, my face scrunching up.

"Because they are damaged people, just like you!" I point at his chest harshly, his face softened.

"And I don't judge people because of their fucking trauma or I wouldn't even be friends with you! I let you do shit, and have shit that no ones ever fucking had because you're different! Your damaged just like me, and I see and under stand that, and-"

I was cut off by a sob, Jahseh grabbing me up before placing my face in his chest as I cried, hard.

And that night I left, wondering if I ever wanted to see Jahseh again.

I woke up around eleven, getting up with a pounding headache. My phone was buzzing but I didn't care, I shut it off.

I took a shower, bugging to just be alone.

I sat on the floor, re-thinking my life, and how I want it all to play out.

For one, I was so damn angry at Jahseh. I wanted to kill him, but the more I thought about him the more my heart softened.

I couldn't believe what he had done, but clearly he must like me if he's beating up a guy that I don't even like.

Don't get me wrong Lucas is very attractive, but nothing compares to Jahseh, at all. And he's who I want, who I strive to be with, in my head.

It was all fuzzy, but I definitely needed some time apart from Jahseh.

Man I wanted to beat the fuck out of Skyler, but she was the least of my concerns. There's a lot going on continually, it leaves me drained, I swear.

I get out after a while, starting to cry again.

Life was hitting me like a bus, and I so far, was not enjoying it just like anyone who got hit by a bus would.

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