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Life was different.

It's been 730 days since I last spoke to Jahseh, or even heard his voice. I changed my number, I changed my life. Not for the better.

I now exotic dance, and go on dates with older men who are married in order to provide for my sweet angel baby.

He was born 9 months after I found out Jahseh was cheating on me, which was in July. So he came in april 8th, at 4:35 a.m.

I birthed him by myself, in the bathtub at my grandmas house. It was the most horrific, painful, but beautiful thing I've ever done in my life. My nanny was still alive, having beat cancer but my grandpa passed the day my angel baby was born.

I said goodbye to Florida, and moved back to New York with my nanny. Where I struggled, and refused to rely on anyone. I was in med school for nursing, all while shaking my ass on a pole so my son had food in his tummy and a roof over his head.

The apartment place was complete trash, but it was all I could do for myself, and I was proud. Jahseh became famous, I officially found out that sound cloud rapper was him. He made it big, I was so proud of him although he hurt me.

"Sparkle, you're on in ten." Rocky says as I nod, making sure my boots were laced.

" Rocky says as I nod, making sure my boots were laced

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My phone rung as I answered, uncle Ryan on the line. "He's doing good, I'm sure you were wondering. We just FaceTimed nanny." He says as I smile, as Ryan showed his little face as he cheesed.

"E- mommy? E it mommy?"

"Yes baby, I have to go though. Can he stay with you tonight?" I ask as my uncle nods. "Yes that's fine, say bye Saint!"

"Bye bye mama, I wove mama!"

"I wove you too saintie!" I said before hanging up, in a much better mood now since I saw my love. I kept my phone on my locked bag the picture of saint soon turning to a black screen, zipping it up before shoving it in my locker and going on stage.

My adrenaline shot through the roof as the crowed began to cheer me on, migos playing in the back as I climbed the pole, doing my usual routine that blew away the crowd. Money was thrown all over me, and I picked it all up once the song was over, at least making twenty thousand since it was a good night.

I danced on the smaller poles with the other strippers, still earning money, doing a couple lap dances here and there.

By midnight, my shift was over. I loaded the money in bands, paying my half for working at the club to Ricky who Greatly thanked me. I met him while in med school, he ran it and was pursing to be a surgeon while I was a nurse. We worked -'d studied together, he's the whole reason I started stripping. He was like my best friend.

He had black hair, and was British. A bunch of tattoos, he dated Jelena, a blonde hair good who was pursing to be a model. She worked for the strip club as a bartender and waitress, she was super sweet.
Zayn Malik and GiGi Hadid

I sighed as I hurriedly left, so ready to take a bath.

Once I stepped outside I was relieved, walking to my car which was a 2011 Dodge Charger. I threw the money in the trunk before slamming it shut, turning around to see three men walking towards me.

I gasped, hurriedly trying to find my keys as I began to freak out. Saint playing in my head.

"Hey pretty! Where ya goin'?!" Once of the black men said as they ran, I screamed as I was brutally kicked in the stomach, being drug up by the throat a minute later. It was going to happen, I was going to get raped, I knew it.

This was my lifestyle, I always knew it might happen, just prayed it didn't.

My robe was ripped open, as I was slapped for screaming and kicking. That was until a voice boomed through the lot.

"Aye fuck niggas, let her go!" A man rasped.

And to my rescue, cane Jah fucking seh.

They looked at him in fear as he pointed a gun at them, soon leaving me alone and running off as I dropped to the ground, finally being able to breath.
The lights from the outside of the strip club shown on his face, as he ran to my rescue. I was in a wig, hoping he wouldn't recognize me as I looked down, searching in my pockets for my keys.

"Stormi?" He said as we both looked up at eachother. I was silent as he looked over me, his finger coming up as I winced. He wiped the blood from my lip, still staring at me a minute later.

"Baby, what the f-" some white girl popped up behind Jahseh, tattoos all over her skin, her hair blue. Taylor white "Go away Taylor." Jahseh said annoyed as he turned around, pushing her arms off of him. "But-"

"Do as I say Taylor." He growls as she goes quiet. She looks at me before looking at him, letting out a petty laugh. "Fine. Have fun getting herpes. I'm riding with Gazzy." She says as he sighs, clearly annoyed.

"Who's that?" I ask, my voice weak as he looks up at me. "Just a groupie."

He was still in his old habits, nice to see some shit never changes.

It amazed me how much Saint looked like him, lightskin with the same lips and nose, just like his daddy. The thought of telling him came in my head but- I couldn't. And selfishly for my own personal reasons. I grew up with my parents always splitting, arguing, and ending up back together.

It made me mute and scared of the world, and that's the last thing I want for my son. He was my life, a living, breathing, piece of my heart and I'd kill to never see my baby boy hurt. Or silenced, like I was.

"Stormi, you look beautiful. Still, as always. So beautiful." He says as I send him a small smile. There was no hate in my heart for him ever, he provided me with saint, who changed my world around. I still had love for him, I just didn't know if it was the same.

"And you're still so, very handsome Jahseh." I say as he grins. "Someone get a little bolder while I was away?"

"Hm. Maybe so? But I have to go, thank you for saving me. Seriously." I say as I send him a smile, unlocking my car before opening the door.

"Can I at least get your number? Maybe re-"

"Nah, I think it's better this way. Have a good life, I'm proud of you." I say as his smile drops. I pull off a minute later.

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