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Today I was watching Aiden and I was dreading having a run in with Jahseh. So I came over while Jahseh was at school, making sure he didn't know I was there by staying in Aidens room. I played on my phone, laying in Aiden's huge king sized bed. He played on his game, laughing at his friends as they played fortnite.

"Hey Stormi?"


"Can you make me some food?"

"Yes." I say before getting up. I walk down stairs, seeing Jahseh and his friends from the other night, passing right by them. I grab two crustables, and two juice boxes. I gasp as I come in contact with Kylie.

"Stormi." She says looking at me as I stare back at her. My anxiety rises as I began to have the want to cry, she looks at me, eyes filled with remorse. "I'm so sorry I-"

I don't even hear her apology as I rush upstairs, ignoring whoever was saying my name. I entered his room, locking the door before handing him his juice box and crustable. I ended up falling asleep after eating mine, being woke up by Aiden to cuddle with him.

I did so before waking up around four A.M. a fat cramp in my leg as I winced. I felt sweaty and gross. I stood, getting up before gathering my clothes and lotion, hurrying to take a shower. Once I was done, I dried off and get dressed. Wearing joggers and a t-shirt, also socks, my hair wet as I stepped out of the bathroom. I see a figure In Jahseh's door, which I guess was him.

I walked towards Aidens room, throwing my bag in there before plugging in my phone. I set it on his table near his bed before walking to the living room, seeing Stokeley and Kylie laid together. "Fuck." I whisper to myself as I turn around, almost screaming as I see Jahseh stare at me, shirtless and sweaty. Gosh he was so fucking hot, he had a whole ass V line and six pack.

I clutch my chest, him scaring the shit outta me. We look at eachother before I walk away, I hear him behind me as I head towards Cleo's room, maybe I could get some-

"Her room is off limits." Jahseh said as I turned around, looking at him.

"Okay, I'll go to Aidens."

"He wets the bed."

"There's also a floor." I say shrugging. I attempt to open the door, Jahseh grabbing my wrist, stopping me. I snatch it back, I didn't even want him to look at me I was still so angry. "You can sleep with me, I'll take the floor." He said. "No." I said rudely before going towards the basement.

I went down the stairs, creeped out by it. There was a bar, a couch, T.V, and a pile of blankets. I get anxiety as I say fuck it, running up the stairs to sleep in Jahseh's room. I go up the stairs, by this point i was tired a shit from running up and down. I opened his door, him laying in the bed as he switched channels.

"You made up you mind?"

I ignored him, climbing into the bed before getting under the covers.


I ignore him.

"I know you ain't sleep, I have a question." He says as I finally lift my head up, looking at him. "What?"

"What did you and Skies actually do?" He ask looking at me as I looked back, his brown eyes encasing mine. "Why would I tell you? You might make a joke out of it." I say before laying my head down again, it facing towards the wall.

"Just tell me, id be the last person to tell anyone anything. And I'm sorry about that, Geneva is a bitch at points." I lift my head up, sighing and giving in.

"We just did stuff to eachother and he dropped me off right after." I say before laying my head down.

"Like what exactly did you two do?"

"He fingered me, I sucked his dick. I'm not proud and I don't ever wanna talk about it again, so please don't bring it up." I say laying my head down.'I lay there a while.

I fall asleep a short time later.

I woke up around eleven, Cleo opening the door. "Stormi girl, can you get up?" She ask sweetly as I pop my head up. Jahseh lay faced against the table next to him, me right near the wall. "Your mom said someone is at the house to see you?" She says as I nod, I stand climbing over Jahseh before yawning. She slides me a hundred as I thank her, grabbing my phone and bag out of Aidens room before leaving to go home.

I walk across the street, walking in my house to see my dad. He stands with a smile on his brown skin face, his veeners shining. I dropped my bag, staring at him. He had brown eyes like mine, curly hair, lots of tattoos, and huge muscles. We use to work out when I wanted to, when he was a good father.

"Hey Stormiloo." He says as I look away from him. I was so angry at him. His las words to me before we moved was 'you fucked everything up, this is all your fault' and 'I hate you' so I didn't really even wanna be around him. "I think we should talk." He says as I scoff, letting out a petty laugh.

"Well I think we shouldn't, mom why did you even let him in here?!" I yell as she walks into the room. She takes a deep breath, holding a red rag in her hand. I almost gasp as I see her ring back on her finger, she looked more poshed and done up, showing he spent some lucky money on her.

"I think we should move back with your dad, back to New York." She says as my face drops. "No- fuck- no! Are you nuts!? He fucked a KID!" I yelled as she gasped. "We can move past it Stormi, we can rebuild and become a family again, that's all I want." She claims beginning to cry.

She always did this, she was dumb enough to let him back in to play her. I just minded my buisness and went along with it. But I'm not a kid anymore, and I refuse to be near this sick fuck. "No! I'm not fucking going anywhere with you or him, both of you are fucking sick!" I yell as her face drops.

"Stormi! You are my daughter and you will do as I say!" My dad yells angrily pointing his finger at me. "Fuck you, don't you hate me!? I ruined everything right!? All because you wanted to fuck your shitty marriage up for some young pussy you sick ass!"

I blow is brought to my face as I drop to the floor, the pain vibrating across my face. The front door opens, Cleo standing there. Her mouth drops as she sees the site of my dad standing over me as I lay in the ground, tears falling out of hurt mentally and physically. "You get the hell away from her!" Cleo yells before coming near me.

She helps me stand to my feet as I grab my bag, my moms mouth open and dropped as she watches the site in front of her. "Stormi, go to my house, I'm calling the cops." She claims as she grabs my hand, us both leaving as I began to break down.

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