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I was exhuasted as I woke up, it was six a.m. and my body was sore as hell. Jahseh tore me up for hours since it's been officially two months since I had Saveena, which meant we could finally have sex.

I yawned, wrapping the blanket across my chest as I looked at Jahseh. I rubbed his cheek, watching his chest rise up and down as he slept soundly. I put that ass straight to sleep after then four rounds back to back, but It seriously feels like I re-lost my virginity I was so sore.

"Mama!" Saint yelled excited as he entered the room, I shushed him, putting my finger up to my lip. He walked towards me, hopping on the bed as he nodded. "We get sissy? I want sissy." He whispered as he pouted. Their bond was amazing, she was like saints little doll. He loved playing with her and spending every hour with her.

"Yes, but you need a bath first." I whispered as I yawned again, messing with his nappy curls. He had on just a t-shirt and some black cotton shorts, and his signature one sock on and one sock off.

I ushered him out with a blanket around me, before shutting the door and waking Jahseh up. "Hey." I said as I hopped on top of him, he instantly woke up, wincing as I sat in his wood. Yea, I made that bitch sore.

"Get uppp." I whined as I poked at him, lightly slapping his face as he yawned, attempting to get comfortable with his eyes shut as he put one hand behind his head.

He grabbed my hair, yanking my my head towards his dick as I laughed, slapping his chest. "Suck it-" he whined as I laughed, shaking my head.

I stood, forcing him up by agreeing to give him head in the shower. Which I did, then after I washed my body while he lay limp on the shower floor. Catching his breath.

Once we're both finished in the shower, I got out wrapping a towel around me and pushing Jahseh away as he tried to bend me over the counter. "Thop" I said as I brushed my tongue, as he sighed, going towards his tooth brush.

Once we were both finished getting ready, I got my hair done by Tokyo and makeup down by Smith. My new hair and makeup designers since I didn't fuck with the last ones. "So I'm thinking natural? Or full glam?" Smith says as I wince, a wig being thrown on my head tightly.

"Lets just do natural, I have to go shopping with the kids and Jahseh, but I have an interview right after. I don't wanna wear anything to crazy until the interview so let's just do a touch up till later." I say as he nods, applying a small bit of foundation.

He did foundation, concealer, lip gloss, and lashes. I sat there quietly posting a photo from a while ago since I haven't uploaded in over months, besides old ad pictures.

 I sat there quietly posting a photo from a while ago since I haven't uploaded in over months, besides old ad pictures

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Stormilooo Got sprayed in the eye with perfume as I attempted to take this picture, thanks Saint 😘

Posted one second ago...

I smiled at the memory, Saint trying to help me out but ended up spraying it and breaking the entire bottle as Jahseh took the picture and threw up on me right after because the perfumes smell. Great day.

I sighed as Saveena began crying, Saint and Rico walking in the room as my makeup finished. "Mama! I see sissy?! Pweaaaase?" He asked as I smiled, nodding. "Hah, not if I see her first! Race you there!" Rico yelled as Saint gasped, running a minute later.

I laughed as did Smith and Tokyo, standing as my hair and face were finished. "Thanks guys! See you later smith." I said as he nodded, smiling back. I walked towards Saveenas room, wondering what Jahseh was up to since he just left to go to the studio.

I walked inside her room as her crying got louder, the boys standing around since we had the 'do not get her out of the crib unless your an adult' rule we harshly had to enforce because Saint loved to mess with her in the mornings.

I scooped her up, lightly patting her back as I went towards her changing station. "Saintie you need a bath, go-"

"But mama-"

"Boy, I ain't gone tell you again." I said as I looked at him with my hand on my hip. He frowned, Rico smiling at him before grabbing his small hand and directing him to his bathroom.

I changed Saveenas diaper, shit everywhere but after a while you get use to it. She was two months now, the sweetest, happiest, ray of sunshine you'll ever meet. She only cried when she was hungry or needed to be changed, besides that she was a calm baby.

Her and Jahseh had a bond like no other, she loved him so damn much. Anytime we spent family time together she wanted to cling to him, and only to me when she was tired. But I can't complain cause Saint is a mommas boy too.

He bought her a small bracelet that said her name in gold, but it was around her tiny ankle. I smiled at her as she flared her arms around, making cooing sounds. "Hi mama, hi." I say as I coo her, touching her little feet as she kicked them everywhere. I kissed her feet, ticking her a minute later as she giggled loudly, slobber across her mouth.

Once I was done messing around with her I scooped her up, taking her inside her closet and getting her ready for the day.

I put her in a yellow onesie, with white biker shorts. Saint running in naked as he screamed. Saveena began crying as I sighed, rocking her side to side on my chest as she calmed down. "Go get dressed Saint." I say as he shakes his head.

"I want wit me." He said as he pouted, I smiled. Holding Saveena to my chest with one hand while the other grabbed Saints hand. "Come on." I said as he drug me too his room. I set Saveena on his bed as she occupied herself by flaring her arms and making sounds.

"Mama, I wear dis?'or wear dis?" He asked as he stood naked in his closet, picking out a Nike track suit. "Saint, it's the same thing." I said as I sighed, grabbing him some underwear and socks as I put them on him, putting on his suit and slides a minute.

"Mama, you seepy? You bag under eye." He said as he frowned.

He noticed everything, I loved him so damn much. He was so observant like his dad, he reminded me everyday why I should continue in this life although I truly didn't want to. Post partum was horrible.

Saint kissed my cheeks as I smiled, laughing.

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