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"Jahseh! Gosh dammit!" I yelled as he knocked over my water as it spilt in the carpet.

He wanted to lay under me, and did so but knocked my water out of my hand in the process. I huffed, annoyed as I stood. Gasping as my ass was slapped harshly, Jahseh laughing as I turned around and slapped his shoulder.

I picked up my water cup, going down stairs as Jahseh got up to follow. "Stormi! Jahseh! Come here!" My grandpa yelled as my eyes widened. I told her this morning her came over to hangout, not mentioning he came last night, but they didn't need to know.

"Jahseh, I think it's best if you spent sometime with Grandpa, cause me and Stormi have to go to the airport to pick up her mother." My nana said as my eyes widened.

"No thanks, I'll stay here with him."

"But Stormi, I th-"

"Nana no, I can't- seriously." I say sadly as she frowns. "Okay, well you two don't do anything crazy." She says as I nod, Jahseh looking at me before hugging me from the side.

I laid in bed with him all day, just honestly doing nasty things with him. I finally man'd up and gave him head, returning the favor from this morning. And lord he went crazy, he couldn't even stop twitching and moaning, it was funny to think I could make him feel that way. Especially for my second time, I've never given anyone this good of head, ever.

"Damn, you can do just more then talk shit to me?" He asked as I rolled my eyes, slapping his arm.

We laid there for a while as I grew bored, that was until I heard my name getting called. I stood, as did Jahseh. I pushed his chest, shaking my head as I went alone. He got it.

"Stormi, I'm so-"

"Don't. Touch me." I said harshly as my mom looked back at me, distressed. From the look in her eye I could tell what no one else could, she was on meth. Again.

"Oh, so you're high? So your that much of a piece of shit to come around your daughter high!?" My nanas face dropped as she gasped.

"I-I'm not hi-high." She was woozy, and her pupils were elongated.

"What type of fucking mother are you!?" I yelled as I grew more upset. Her face glowed anger as she dropped her bags to the ground.

"The best fucking mother you have!" She screeched causing me to panic, but my anger was covering it.

"Be grateful you have a mother! You fucking brat-"

I couldn't control myself as I launched at her, tackling her as I began slapping her.

"Wake up! Where's my mom!" I began screaming as I slapped her, she fought against me but I had the advantage. My nanny yanked me off, tears flying down my face and hers.

I couldn't do this anymore, it seemed every single day I was going fucking insane. It was one thing, after another and my life has never felt so broken. Either I was gonna run or I was going to kill myself. So that's exactly what I did.

I stormed upstairs, pushing Jahseh out of my way as I slipped my shoes on. He frowned.


"Shut the fuck up! Leave me alone!" I yelled before running out of the room and straight out the front door. I never drove, but I did have my license and a car that was unused. I got inside of it, quickly speeding off and shutting my phone off.

I went to Lucas' house, even though it was pitch black. I needed a break.

"Lucas! Please! Open the door!" I yelled, tears running down my face as I banged on the door.

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