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Mmmmm sorry for the mistakes, I'm tired tho! I love y'all so much 🥺🤰🏽

"Stormi! Stormi!"

I looked over, while still balancing the girl grinding on me. Shock flew through me as I looked through the crowd, instantly letting go of her hips and running towards the scene.

I ran through the crowd, pushing people as they grunted. She lay on the ground as I run towards her, her eyes shut and body stiff as she lay unconscious.

"Stormi!" I yelled as I shook her, Gigi on the phone with the ambulance as Briana sits beside me, her hands on her head as she feels for a pulse.

I couldn't- she can't die. No she-

I stared at her as she stopped my thoughts, her eyes clicked open as she stared into my eyes. "God!" I yelled as I lifted her up hugging her tightly, not letting go as everyone is ushered off by an EMT.

"Your blood pressure just changed too quickly for your body to cope." The slim, white doctor said as he shut his book. "And the OBGYN said she's completely fine. You lost no oxygen but did put a little stress on her. Just-"

"Why are we talking about how the doctor feels? How's the baby?" I say irritated. Like they know she's pregnant- this is just all weird.

"Um- it's fine. The baby is fine. Just get some rest and chill for a while, okay?" The doctor said as he touched her shoulder as she nodded. He walked out a minute later.

"Jahseh you bout the dumbest-" Skies said but busted out laughing.

Everyone busted out laughing, even Stormi as I stare confused at Skies, Gazzy, Ski, Brianna, Ricky, and Gigi laughing hard as their faces scrunched up. I frowned. "Babe-"

"Baby I'm having a girl, she's a girl." Stormi whispered as everyone kept laughing. After a few minutes they finally got quiet, as we waiting on the discharge papers.

"Y'all this so crazy." Skies says as everyone looks at him.

"What's weird?" Stormi ask as he sighs.

"We're all grown. And life just- it did a three-sixty. We're all famous now, have babies on the way. Shit not me cause fuck them kids but-" I couldn't help but to bust out laughing as everyone else did at his high ass.

"Nah forreal doe, vro. We all don't even talk a lot anymore, we got our own lil thing happening." Ski says as he looks over at Brianna, she stares at her shoes. "I just- I see what you saying. Life's changing, we're getting older and opportunities and choices are getting thrown on more with this life. And sometimes- they fuck us up or they are the best things that ever happened to us." He says as the mood changes.

He looks down at his band, Brianna didn't have her ring on anymore. They hit a deep hole when Ski was cheating, a couple days after Brianna had Selena. I felt bad, cause I did the same to Stormi but- Brianna was smart. She wouldn't even let Ski in anymore, it was sad cause it affected him. Just like Stormi affects me. We were in love with them, and it showed.

"Yea, sometimes it will be the worst or best mistake of our life's." I say as I tap my foot.

"Yea but dis shit goes on." Gazzy says as everyone stares, at the ground or somewhere. "Damn y'all niggas gone in y'all feelings and shit. Like, can we just smoke a wood-"

"And be happy." We all said unison. "We fucking know nigga." Skies says as he rolls his eyes, we crack up a minute later.

We were back home, I was chilling on the bed as Stormi was in the bathroom, probably showering. I had just gotten out, since things were tense between the two of us, I used Saints. Fuck I missed my son.

I looked away from the T.V. watching as Stormi walked in. She wore a pair of my boxers and a Calvin Klein black bra, her stomach protruding as our creation was growing.

She slid in the bed, looking at me as I looked at her. "What?" She says as I look away, somewhat embarrassed. "Nothing." I say as I click on a Chanel, Friends. "Jahseh?" She said as I got under the blanket, looking at her a minute later.

"Yea?" I ask as I lay my head in the soft headboard. "I- I passed out because I was thinking of you with someone else." She said as eyes widened. "I just- I don't ever wanna lose you. And I'm sorry for playing mind games, but you-"

"No I get it. I've- ive hurt you the entire time we've been together, from the time I met you to now. It's- one of the things I just- I regret now. You deserve so much more then me, you give me your all as I just fuck it all up. Not thinking. I-" I froze as she looked at me. I was completely opening up to her, it scared the shit out of me.

She clutched my hand, urging me to go on as she looked at me with her wide eyes.

"I love you. And I won't hurt you anymore. And even though I've said it- I'll show you. It's just us, we've been in this game forever. I know what happens behind the scenes and as do you. You're my soul mate Stormi. I refuse to lose you because of me being a fuck up. I just realized, there's no one out here like you. I don't wanna be with or open up to anyone else, but you." I said she she grinned.

"I promise. And to show you-" I say as remember what I got her. I spent a fuck load on three weeks ago getting this ring made for her. To promise her I'll be completely loyal, and true to her. It was the craziest decision, I never would see myself doing this for any female after Geneva and Cynthia.

I walked to my closet in the other room, grabbing the cartier box. The carried it to the room, hanging it to her as she looked in shock. She took it slowly, watching me the entire time as I walked around the bed to get under the covers. "Did you-"

"Open it."


"Stormi- just open it." I say as she frowns. She slowly opens it, gasping at her expensive and lavish surprise. Three Cartier rings, and a ring from Sidu, my Chinese jeweler. It had a fat diamond, and cost me fifty thousand. The cartiers cost me about five thousand since I got three, super expensive diamonds custom ones. She grinned going towards the big diamond.

She slid it up her finger, putting the other three on her other hand. I was thrown back as she tackled me, kissing my face and thanking me a thousand times, right before taking a picture of our hands, and bawling her eyes out right after.

 I was thrown back as she tackled me, kissing my face and thanking me a thousand times, right before taking a picture of our hands, and bawling her eyes out right after

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Stormilooo 🔗 forever

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