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My dumb ass lmao this is their crib btw!

I smiled at jean, who Jahseh hired as my personal stylist

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I smiled at jean, who Jahseh hired as my personal stylist. We were in MY- which amazes me. My walk in outfit closet, where many outfits hang up.

"I was thinking something like this?" She says as she points to a baby blue dress, I shake my head. "Well since it's your first outing with a famous celebrity, you have to look nice. I'll leave you be though, it's all up to you. Just choose wisely. Also do you want to pick something out for Saint or do yo want Jahseh to?" She ask.

"Um Jahseh. Thank you so much by the way, for getting all these clothes." I say as she looks shocked, I hug her as she steps back. Awkwardly hugging me too. "Um- no problem." She said before scurrying away.

I looked down all the clothes before deciding on one outfit I thought was perfect.

I looked down all the clothes before deciding on one outfit I thought was perfect

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I was nervous, but excited. Today was my first interview scheduled with some company named GQ since today I was stepping out in public with Jahseh.

Saint was staying home with Rico, since he got sick. I was in the car, on my phone and swiping at pictures of Saint. He was so beautiful and precious, my angel baby.

Jahseh clutched my thigh, looking at me as I locked my phone looking at him.

"You look so-" he kissed at my neck as I smiled. I lifted my phone up, sticking my long tongue out as he stuck his out licking mine. I grinned at the picture once I looked at it, making to my lock screen.

He continued kissing at my neck, as I smiled, my pussy soaked. Yes I say pussy now, any other damn complaints since y'all hate that I say vagina!

"Baby, I'm fucking you good when we get home. Okay?" He says as I nod, nervous as we stepped out of the car. Thankfully no paparazzi was out or knew we were out, and my interview wasn't for another house so we decided to eat.

I got some avocado toast which was tasteless like this damn industry. The coffee almost made me throw up, so I just ended up getting a smoothie. How do famous people like these famous shitty ass cafés'?

I just wanted McDonald's.

"You ready baby?" He ask as I nod. We decided to take the back since the crowd got huge in the front of the café. I clutched his hand as we walked to the car, excited but so nervous for this damn interview, and to introduce myself as his baby mama and girlfriend.

Jahseh clutched my thigh the entire ride, and even more once we got our the car. Cameras surrounded us as fans screamed, my head ducked down as I strutted with Jahseh next to me, his left arm around my waist.

I took a breath in as we entered, trying not to cry as Jahseh helped me breath and calmed down. I was still recovering from the Neymar incident, I was horrified I had to stab him like that. I felt like a killer and I hated it.

Everyone claimed he deserved it, even the cops. But it still haunted me till this day. My anxiety was always high and my mind was constantly on alert.

Once I settled down I was sat down in front of a camera, no makeup on my face as I felt a little insecure. Jahseh gave me a thumbs up, watching me as the interview begun.

Q: Introduce yourself?
A: Hi I'm Stormi Brown from New York, I am XXXtentacions girlfriend and baby mama.

Q: tell us a bit about you and who you are?
A: well I have a huge heart, I'm super compassionate for other people, I've always been like this. I was born in New York, my mom was a RN while my dad- he owned um- a business. I'm the only child in my family, and I love my son Saint more then life.

Q: how did you meet XXXtentacion?
A: Um we were both 17, I had just moved down there- to Broward county, because my parents got divorced and I ended up babysitting his brother as punishment for punching his ex girlfriend in the face my third day of school. We ended up getting close, and he just- he was everything I've ever wanted honestly.

Q: what's one thing special that he's given to you?
A: Nothing can ever amount to my son. Saint Onfroy. He's my little sunshine, I just- I love him more then words could explain.

Q: How did you and him feel when you found out you were pregnant? And how long were you two together?
A: um we actually broke up when I found out, and I sadly hid Saint from him. It's nothing I'm proud of but I mean- I did it. It happened. We were together half a year when I found out.

Q: What's your favorite thing about him? What drew you to him?
A: what really drew me to him was the fact that he didn't want anything to do with me when he met me, nor did he try to have sex with me. He didn't like me and I'm a people pleaser sadly, so it bugged the hell out of me. He also is so kind and compassionate, even though he's an asshole it mixes well. *laughs*

Q: Where did the name Saint come from?
A: we got high one time and sat in McDonald's parking lot eating and we just got onto the topic of baby names and Jahseh said it's his favorite, because he wants his kid to be a Saint.

Q: How do you feel about him now since he's now famous?
A: it's amazing, I use to listen to him before I even knew he was the artist I was listening too. He has talent and I'm just so happy he gets to share it with the world now.

Q: are you in love with him?
A: Love? I- yes. I am definitely in love with him.
Q: how much?
A: I don't think no amount of words could explain.

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